Alternative TitleEvaluation of disease model traits in cultured cells derived from carnitine deficient JVS mice
Periodical title平成9(1997)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 研究成果報告書概要 = 1997 Fiscal Year Final Research Report Summary
Note (General)金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系
JVS mice which are homozygous for recessive mutant gene jvs exhibit various pathological syndromes, such as fatty liver, htperanmonemia, cardiac hypertrophy, reduced fertility in males, and abnormal ; expression of genes related to urea cycle enzymes. In this project we attempt to assess the basis of these syndromes in primary cultured cells or establisjed cell lined from the JVS embryos.Although we have newly made following findings, it is concluded that various specific syndromes in the JVS mice are difficult to predict from cultured cells from the JVS embryos or new born pups. It seems that further elaborated methods for cell or tissue culture are neede to assess the syndrome in vivo.1. In enlarged heart muscle some muscle cells have an enlarged nucleus and the increased mitochondoria.2. As seen in sliced kidney, primary cultured embryonic cells and established fibloblastic cells are less active in uptake of free carnitine. The carnitine uptake in in vitro is depend on gene dose of mutant gene jvs.3. Although spermatogenesis in JVS is apparently morphologically normal, it seems that the maturation process in epydidimus is impaired, and it resulted in partial sterility in JVS male mice.4. Cold-Induced thermogenesis in JVS was blunted even in the most general condition of laboratory animal room and that the blunted thermogenesis was partially improved with L-carnitine supplement.5. Volume distribution of free carnitine after ^3H-labeled carnitine administration (oral or iv) was significantly reduced and the concentration of free carnitin various organs except brain relative to that of plasma is also lower compared normal controls and bioavailability of free carnitine after oral administration of carnitine in JVS was about 50% of normal control value.
研究課題/領域番号:08458274, 研究期間(年度):1996-1997
出典:研究課題「疾患モデル,カルニチン欠損マウスの培養細胞系での評価検討」課題番号08458274(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (を加工して作成
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