Alternative TitleStudy for the Possibility of Earthquake Prediction by High density Geoelectric Potential Observations and its Theoratical Approach.
Periodical title平成8(1996)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 研究成果報告書概要 = 1996 Fiscal Year Final Research Report Summary
Note (General)出版タイプ: AM
Whether the geoelectric potential field exhibits anomalous changes before earthquakes is a matter of long-standing debate. Recently many positive results have been reported for Greek earthquakes by the VAN group. To check their method, similar observations have been carried out in the Central Japan area. We established geoelectric potential monitoring stations at Komatsu, Suzu (Ishikawa Pref.), Toyama (Toyama Pref.), Hamaoka and Shimizu (Shizuoka Pref.), Outaki (Nagano Pref.), Kitafuji (Yamanashi Pref.), and Tsukuba and Hitachi-ohmiya (Ibaragi Pref.) during the Grant period.It is generally claimed that Japan is a electrically noisy country, therefore this type of study is impossible. To overcome this opinion, we intensively installed both short and long dipoles in a same station. For example, at the Tsukuba station, we observed over thousand of anomalies for only one-pair of short dipole during nine months, however, to apply two-pairs of dipoles, the anomalies decreased only 50. Furthermore, to install 2km-long dipole, the anomaly decreased only one. It means appropriate dipole configuration works even in Japan.During our observation period, on March 6,1996, we had an M5.8 earthquake at the eastern margin of the Yamanashi Prefecture. Our Kitafuji Station locates 20km apart from the epicenter. At the Kitafuji station, we observed only one anomalous change on January 29,1996. At that moment we had not yet installed a long dipole, therefore artificial noise rejection was not well. However this observation gives us a lot of useful information.On August 1996, the head investigator visited Athen University to summarize our program and discussed a future research plan.
研究課題/領域番号:06452412, 研究期間(年度):1994 – 1996
出典:研究課題「自然電位高密度観測による地震予知可能性の探究とその理論的メカニズムの解明」課題番号06452412(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (を加工して作成
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