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7. R. Matsui, H. Tobushi, Y. Furuichi, H. Horikawa: Tensile Deformation and Rotating-Bending Fatigue Properties of a Highelastic Thin Wire, a Superelastic Thin Wire, and a Superelastic Thin Tube of NiTi Alloys, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (Transactions of the ASME), 126 (2004), 384-391.
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11. R. Matsui, Y. Makino, H. Tobushi, Y. Furuichi, F. Yoshida: Influence of Strain Ratio on Bending Fatigue Life and Fatigue Crack Growth in TiNi Shape-Memory Alloy Thin Wires, Materials Transactions, 47-3 (2006), 759-765.
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