
Povest' o Kulikovskoĭ bitve : tekst i miniati͡ury lit͡sevogo svoda XVI veka / [nauchnyĭ redaktor D.S. Likhachev ; avtory stateĭ D.S. Likhachev, L.A. Dmitriev ; sostavitel' M.V. Kukushkina ; podgotovka teksta i perevod s drevnerusskogo O.P. Likhachevoĭ ; perevod na angliĭskiĭ L.I͡A. Sorokinoĭ, K. Kuk ; khudozhnik I͡U.V. Kirillin] = The tale of the battle on the Kulikovo Field : included in a sixteenth-century Russian illuminated codex / [edited by D. Likhachov ; texts by D. Likhachov and L. Dmitriev ; compiled by M. Kukushkina ; prepared and translated from the Old Russian into Modern Russian by O. Likhachova ; translated into English by L. Sorokina and C. Cooke ; designed by Yu. Kirillin].

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Povest' o Kulikovskoĭ bitve : tekst i miniati͡ury lit͡sevogo svoda XVI veka / [nauchnyĭ redaktor D.S. Likhachev ; avtory stateĭ D.S. Likhachev, L.A. Dmitriev ; sostavitel' M.V. Kukushkina ; podgotovka teksta i perevod s drevnerusskogo O.P. Likhachevoĭ ; perevod na angliĭskiĭ L.I͡A. Sorokinoĭ, K. Kuk ; khudozhnik I͡U.V. Kirillin] = The tale of the battle on the Kulikovo Field : included in a sixteenth-century Russian illuminated codex / [edited by D. Likhachov ; texts by D. Likhachov and L. Dmitriev ; compiled by M. Kukushkina ; prepared and translated from the Old Russian into Modern Russian by O. Likhachova ; translated into English by L. Sorokina and C. Cooke ; designed by Yu. Kirillin].

Call No. (NDL)
Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
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Likhachev, Dmitriĭ Sergeevich, 1906-1999ほか
Izd-vo "Avrora"
Publication date
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248, [138] p. : col. ill. ; 36 cm.
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Text of manuscript facsimile in Old Russian with accompanying Russian and English translations."'Povest' o Kulikovskoĭ bitve' izdana po rukopisi XVI v...

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Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
248, [138] p. : col. ill. ; 36 cm.
Alternative Title
Tale of the battle on the Kulikovo Field.
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