Title Transcriptionmahrugin ohra jaghmlu maghha.
Alternative TitleOrdinanzi mahrugin ma' tul is-sena ... imxandrin mill-Gvern ta' Malta u l-gzejjer li jaghmlu maghha.
Note (General)Text in English and Maltese.
At head of title: Malta.
Binder's title: Malta, ordinances.
Vol. 74-80 has title: Ordinances enacted during the year ... published by the Government of Malta and its dependencies = Ordinanzi maћruġin ma' tul is-sena ... imxandrin mill-Gvern ta' Malta u l-gżejjer li jagћmlu magћha.
Continues: Ordinances enacted by the Governor, laws made by the Legislature and other official acts published by the Government of Malta and its dependencies.
Continued by: Ordinances enacted by the Governer and laws made by Legislature during the year ... published by the Government of Malta and its dependencies.
Vol. 72-76 (1939-1943) with: Ordinances enacted by the Governor, laws made by the Legislature and other official acts published by the Government of Malta and its dependencies, v. 71.
Vol. 77-80 with: Ordinances enacted by the Governer and laws made by Legislature during the year ... published by the Governemnt of Malta and its dependencies, v. 81-86.
Cataloging RuleAnglo-American Cataloging Rules