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Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers.3rd ed.

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Meyers, Robert A. (Robert Allen) , 1936-
Academic Press
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18 v. : ill. ; 29 cm.
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Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers. v. 18 (Reference) 3rd ed.
National Diet Library
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers. v. 17 3rd ed.
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsContents Foreword/ ix Preface/ xiii Guide to the Encyclopedia/ xv T Transformers, Electrical/ 1 Transition Probabilities and Atomic Lifetimes/ 21 Translation of RNA to Protein/ 31 Transmission Electron Microscopy/ 53 Transport and Fate of Chemicals in the Environment/ 89 Transportation Applications for Fuel Cells/ 107 Tribology/ 127 Tropospheric Chemistry/ 153 Tsunamis/ 175 Turbine Generators/ 193 U Ultrafast Spectroscopy and its Applications/ 217 Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks/ 227 Ultra Large-Scale Integration Design/ 245 Ultrasonics and Acoustics/ 269 Ultraviolet Space Astronomy/ 289 Underwater Acoustics/ 317 Unified Field Theories/ 339 Uranium/ 351 V Vacuum Arcs/ 359 Vacuum Switches/ 371 Vacuum Technology/ 385 Valence Bond Theory/ 411 Variational Calculus/ 421 Ventilation, Industrial/ 435 Vibration, Mechanical/ 455 Vision Sensors for Robots/ 475 Visual Inspection, Automatic (Robotics)/ 489 Vitamins and Coenzymes/ 509 Voiceband Data Communications/ 529 Volcanic Hazards/ 559 Volcanology/ 579 VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) Satellite Earth Station/ 607 V/STOL Airplanes/ 621 W Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Systems/ 631 Wastewater Treatment and Water Reclamation/ 639 Water Conditioning, Industrial/ 671 Water Pollution/ 699 Water Resources/ 721 Wavelets, Advanced/ 753 Wavelets, Introduction/ 773 Wave Phenomena/ 789 Weather Prediction, Numerical/ 805 Wind Power Systems/ 837 Wireless Communications/ 851 WWW (World Wide Web)/ 875 X X-Ray Analysis/ 887 X-Ray Astronomy/ 903 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy/ 921 X-Ray Small-Angle Scattering/ 939 X-Ray, Synchrotron Radiation, and Neutron Diffraction/ 989 Z z-Transform/ 1025
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers. v. 16 3rd ed.
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsContents Foreword/ ix Preface/ xiii Guide to the Encyclopedia/ xv S Steam Tables/ 1 Stefan Problems/ 9 Stellar Spectroscopy/ 15 Stellar Structure and Evolution/ 45 Stereochemistry/ 79 Stochastic Description of Flow in Porous Media/ 95 Stochastic Processes/ 105 Strategic Materials/ 117 Stratigraphy/ 123 Streamflow/ 129 Stress in the Earth's Lithosphere/ 143 Structural Analysis, Aerospace/ 155 Superacids/ 175 Supercomputers/ 189 Superconducting Cables/ 199 Superconducting Devices/ 219 Superconductivity/ 235 Superconductivity Mechanisms/ 251 Superconductors, High Temperature/ 291 Superlattices/ 325 Supernovae/ 335 Superstring Theory/ 351 Surface Chemistry/ 373 Surfactants, Industrial Applications/ 423 Surveying/ 439 Synthetic Aperture Radar/ 451 Synthetic Fuels/ 467 System Theory/ 481 T Tectonophysics/ 499 Telecommunications/ 513 Telephone Signaling Systems, Touch-Tone/ 535 Telescopes, Optical/ 545 Terrestrial Atmospheric Electricity/ 565 Textile Engineering/ 577 Thermal Analysis/ 591 Thermal Cracking/ 613 Thermionic Energy Conversion/ 627 Thermodynamics/ 639 Thermoeconomics/ 659 Thermoelectricity/ 681 Thermoluminescence Dating/ 699 Thermometry/ 705 Thin-Film Transistors/ 723 Thunderstorms, Severe/ 735 Tidal Power Systems/ 751 Tilings/ 763 Time and Frequency/ 783 Tin and Tin Alloys/ 803 Tissue Engineering/ 817 Tomography/ 843 Topology, General/ 879 Toxicology in Forensic Science/ 905
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers. v. 15 3rd ed.
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsContents Foreword/ ix Preface/ xiii Guide to the Encyclopedia/ xv S Software Engineering/ 1 Software Maintenance and Evolution/ 15 Software Reliability/ 25 Software Testing/ 41 Soil and Groundwater Pollution/ 49 Soil Mechanics/ 63 Soil Physics/ 77 Solar Chimneys/ 99 Solar Energy in Buildings/ 111 Solar Physics/ 127 Solar Ponds/ 149 Solar System, General/ 167 Solar System, Magnetic and Electric Fields/ 189 Solar Terrestrial Physics/ 211 Solar Thermal Power Systems/ 223 Solar Thermochemical Process Technology/ 237 Sol-Gel Processing/ 257 Solid Propellants/ 277 Solid-State Chemistry/ 295 Solid-State Electrochemistry/ 301 Solid-State Imaging Devices/ 317 Solitons/ 329 Solvent Extraction/ 341 Sonoluminescence and Sonochemistry/ 363 Source Coding, Theory and Applications/ 377 Space AI and Robotics-Robotic Colonies/ 397 Spacecraft Chemical Propulsion/ 403 Spacecraft Dynamics/ 431 Spacecraft Structures/ 449 Spacecraft Systems Design and Engineering/ 463 Spacecraft Thermal Control/ 485 Spaceflight Mechanics/ 507 Spaceflight Physiology/ 521 Space Nuclear Power/ 537 Space Nuclear Propulsion/ 555 Space Plasma Physics/ 577 Space Transportation Systems, Advanced/ 593 Spatial Objective Analysis/ 623 Speckle Interferometry/ 629 Spectroscopy in Forensic Science/ 637 Speech Synthesis Based on Linear Prediction/ 645 Sphere Packing/ 657 Spread-Spectrum Systems/ 667 Stable Isotopes as Tracers of Global Cycles/ 695 Star Clusters/ 715 Stars, Massive/ 727 Stars, Variable/ 737 Statistical Mechanics/ 749 Statistical Robustness/ 821 Statistics, Bayesian/ 835 Statistics, Foundations/ 843 Statistics, Multivariate/ 851 Statistics, Nonparametric/ 891
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers. v. 14 3rd ed.
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsContents Foreword/ ix Preface/ xiii Guide to the Encyclopedia/ xv R Rare Earth Elements and Materials/ 1 Reactors in Process Engineering/ 23 Real-Time Systems/ 45 Reduction of Dimensionality/ 55 Relativistic Ion Physics/ 75 Relativity, General/ 93 Relativity, Special/ 117 Reliability Theory/ 143 Remote Sensing from Satellites/ 161 Renewable Energy from Biomass/ 203 Requirements Engineering/ 229 Rheology of Polymeric Liquids/ 237 Ribozymes/ 253 Robotic Locomotion Systems, Unconventional/ 263 Robotics, Computer Simulations for/ 275 Robotics Hybrid Systems for/ 283 Robotic Systems, Modular Reconfigurable/ 293 Rocket Motors, Hybrid/ 303 Rocket Motors, Liquid/ 323 Rocket Motors, Solid/ 347 Rock Mechanics/ 357 Rubber, Natural/ 381 Rubber, Synthetic/ 395 S Sandwich Composites/ 407 Satellite Communications/ 413 Satellite RF Communications and Onboard Processing/ 439 Scanning Electron Microscopy/ 457 Scanning Probe Microscopy/ 469 Scattering and Recoiling Spectrometry/ 485 Sedimentary Petrology/ 495 Seismology, Engineering/ 531 Seismology, Observational/ 547 Seismology, Theoretical/ 575 Self-Organizing Systems/ 589 Semiconductor Alloys/ 599 Sensors for Control/ 609 Separation and Purification of Biochemicals/ 651 Set Theory/ 675 Signal Processing, Acoustic/ 687 Signal Processing, Analog/ 711 Signal Processing, Digital/ 737 Signal Processing, General/ 761 Silicon, Hydrogenated Amorphous/ 781 Silicone (Siloxane) Surfactants/ 793 SIMOX (Separation by Implantation of Oxygen)/ 805 Simulation and Modeling/ 815 Simulation, Realistic (Engineering)/ 837 Sintering/ 865 Smart Pixels/ 879
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers. v. 13 3rd ed.
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsContents Foreword/ ix Preface/ xiii Guide to the Encyclopedia/ xv P Positron Microscopy/ 1 Potential Energy Surfaces/ 9 Power Electronics/ 19 Power Transmission, High-Voltage/ 35 Precipitation Reactions/ 57 Primitive Solar System Objects: Asteroids and Comets/ 73 Probability/ 87 Process Control Systems/ 111 Production Control SyStems/ 127 Project Management Software/ 139 Prolog Programming Language/ 155 Protein Folding/ 179 Protein Structure/ 191 Protein Synthesis/ 219 Proton Decay/ 241 Pulp and Paper/ 249 Pulsars/ 267 Pulsed Power Systems/ 277 Q Qualitative Simulation/ 287 Quantum Chemistry/ 301 Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD)/ 319 Quantum Hall Effect/ 345 Quantum Mechanics/ 359 Quantum Optics/ 409 Quantum Theory/ 441 Quasars/ 465 Queueing Theory/ 481 R Radar/ 497 Radiation, Atmospheric/ 511 Radiation Effects in Electronic Materials and Devices/ 523 Radiation Physics/ 561 Radiation Shielding and Protection/ 581 Radiation Sources/ 613 Radioactive Waste Disposal (Geology)/ 633 Radioactive Wastes/ 643 Radioactivity/ 661 Radio-Astronomy Interferometry/ 675 Radio Astronomy, Planetary/ 687 Radiocarbon Dating/ 713 Radiometric Dating/ 721 Radiometry and Photometry/ 731 Radionuclide Imaging Techniques, Clinical/ 759 Radio Propagation/ 769 Radio Spectrum Utilization/ 793 Railway Engineering/ 807 Raman Spectroscopy/ 845 Ramjets and Scramjets/ 867
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers. v. 12 3rd ed.
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsContents Foreword/ ix Preface/ xiii Guide to the Encyclopedia/ xv P Photoacoustic Spectroscopy/ 1 Photochemistry by VUV Photons/ 15 Photochemistry, Molecular/ 29 Photochromic Glasses/ 49 Photoelectron Spectroscopy/ 57 Photographic Processes and Materials/ 91 Photonic Bandgap Materials/ 133 Photovoltaic System Design/ 147 Physical Chemistry/ 159 Physical Oceanography, Oceanic Adjustment/ 177 Physical Oceanography, Thermal Structure and General Circulation/ 189 Physical Organic Chemistry/ 211 Planetary Atmospheres/ 245 Planetary Geology/ 275 Planetary Radar Astronomy/ 295 Planetary Satellites, Natural/ 329 Planetary Waves (Atmospheric Dynamics)/ 357 Plasma Confinement/ 373 Plasma Diagnostic Techniques/ 391 Plasma Science and Engineering/ 401 Plasticity (Engineering)/ 425 Plasticizers/ 441 Plastics Engineering/ 457 Plate Tectonics/ 475 Plutonic Geology/ 491 Pneumatic Transport/ 509 Polarization and Polarimetry/ 521 Pollution, Air/ 539 Pollution Control/ 557 Pollution, Environmental/ 573 Pollution Prevention from Chemical Processes/ 593 Polymer Processing/ 611 Polymers, Electronic Properties/ 645 Polymers, Ferroelectric/ 659 Polymers, Inorganic and Organometallic/ 675 Polymers, Mechanical Behavior/ 697 Polymers, Photoresponsive (in Electronic Applications)/ 723 Polymers, Recycling/ 745 Polymers, Synthesis/ 751 Polymers, Thermally Stable/ 775
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers. v. 11 3rd ed.
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsContents Foreword/ ix Preface/ xiii Guide to the Encyclopedia/ xv N Number Theory Algebraic and Analytic/ 1 Number Theory, Elementary/ 15 Numerical Analysis/ 39 O Ocean-Atmospheric Exchange/ 71 Oceanic Crust/ 91 Oceanography, Chemical/ 99 Ocean Surface Processes/ 117 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion(OTEC)/ 123 Offshore Structures(Marine Engineering)/ 161 Operating Systems/ 169 Operations Research/ 193 Optical Amplifiers(Semiconductor)/ 219 Optical Detectors/ 237 Optical Diffraction/ 255 Optical Fiber Communications/ 271 Optical Fibers, Fabrication and Applications/ 295 Optical Fiber Techniques for Medical Applications/ 315 Optical Information Processing/ 335 Optical Interferometry/ 371 Optical Isolators, Circulators/ 381 Optical Waveguides (Planar) and Waveguide Devices/ 395 Ore Petrology/ 411 Organic Chemical Systems, Theory/ 435 Organic Chemistry, Compound Detection/ 459 Organic Chemistry, Synthesis/ 497 Organic Macrocycles/ 517 Organometallic Chemistry/ 529 Ozone Measurements and Trends (Troposphere)/ 539 P Palynology/ 563 Parallel Computing/ 579 Partially Coherent Processing/ 593 Particle Physics, Elementary/ 617 Particle Size Analysis/ 649 Percolation/ 655 Periodic Table (Chemistry)/ 671 Permittivity of Liquids/ 697 Perovskites/ 707 Perturbation Theory/ 715 Petroleum Geology/ 729 Petroleum Refining/ 741 Pharmaceuticals/ 763 Pharmaceuticals, Controlled Release of/ 791 Pharmacokinetics/ 805 Phase Transformations, Crystallographic Aspects/ 821 Phosphors/ 855
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers. v. 10 3rd ed.
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsContents Foreword/ ix Preface/ xiii Guide to the Encyclopedia/ xv M Mineralogy and Instrumentation/ 1 Mineral Processing/ 29 Minicomputers/ 59 Mining Engineering/ 65 Modulation/ 97 Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Semiconductors/ 113 Molecular Electronics/ 123 Molecular Hydrodynamics/ 141 Moon (Astronomy)/ 161 Mossbauer Spectroscopy/ 173 Multiobjective Analysis of Large-Scale Systems/ 189 Multiphoton Spectroscopy/ 199 Multiplexing/ 231 Musical Acoustics/ 241 N Nanocomposites and Intercalation Compounds/ 269 Nanoelectronics/ 285 Nanosized Inorganic Clusters/ 303 Nanostructured Materials, Chemistry of/ 319 Natural Antioxidants In Foods/ 335 Naval Architecture/ 343 Networks for Data Communication/ 361 Neutrino Astronomy/ 381 Neutrinos/ 395 Neutron Stars/ 419 Nitrogen Cycle, Atmospheric/ 431 Nitrogen Cycle, Biological/ 441 Noble-Gas Chemistry/ 449 Noble Metals (Chemistry)/ 463 Nondestructive Testing/ 493 Nonimaging Concentrators (Optics)/ 507 Nonlinear Dynamics/ 523 Nonlinear Optical Processes/ 537 Nonlinear Programming/ 583 Nuclear Chemistry/ 597 Nuclear Energy, Risk Analysis/ 617 Nuclear Facilities Emergency Planning/ 639 Nuclear Fuel Cycles/ 655 Nuclear Fusion Power/ 671 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)/ 701 Nuclear Physics/ 721 Nuclear Power Reactors/ 739 Nuclear Radiation Detection Devices/ 763 Nuclear Reactor Materials and Fuels/ 775 Nuclear Reactor Theory/ 817 Nuclear Safeguards/ 837 Nucleic Acid Synthesis/ 853
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / editor-in-chief, Robert A. Meyers. v. 9 3rd ed.
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsContents Foreword/ ix Preface/ xiii Guide to the Encyclopedia/ xv M Main Group Elements/ 1 Mammalian Cell Culture/ 31 Manifold Geometry/ 49 Mantle Convection and Plumes/ 77 Manufacturing Processes Technology/ 95 Marine Engines/ 121 Masonry/ 133 Mass Spectrometry/ 145 Mass Spectrometry in Forensic Science/ 159 Mass Transfer and Diffusion/ 171 Materials Chemistry/ 181 Mathematical Logic/ 197 Mathematical Modeling/ 219 Measure and Integration/ 231 Mechanics, Classical/ 251 Mechanics of Structures/ 259 Membranes, Synthetic, Applications/ 279 Membranes, Synthetic (Chemistry)/ 345 Membrane Structure/ 355 Mesoporous Materials, Synthesis and Properties/ 369 Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling/ 383 Metabolic Engineering/ 391 Metal Cluster Chemistry/ 407 Metal Forming/ 411 Metal Hydrides/ 441 Metallogeny/ 459 Metallurgy, Mechanical/ 467 Metal Matrix Composites/ 485 Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD)/ 495 Metal Particles and Cluster Compounds/ 513 Metamorphic Rock Systems/ 551 Meteorites/ 559 Meteorites, Cosmic Ray Record/ 575 Meteorology, Dynamic (Stratosphere)/ 603 Meteorology, Dynamic (Troposphere)/ 629 Micelles/ 661 Microanalyical Assays/ 679 Microcomputer Buses and Links/ 695 Microcomputer Design/ 707 Micromechanical Devices/ 719 Microoptics/ 735 Microporous Materials: Zeolites, Clays, and Aluminophosphates/ 755 Microscopy/ 765 Microwave Communications/ 777 Microwave Molecular Spectroscopy/ 799 Millimeter Astronomy/ 853

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0122274105 (set : acid-free paper)
3rd ed.
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18 v. : ill. ; 29 cm.
Alternative Title
Physical science and technology