
On the trail of ancient man; a narrative of the field work of the Central Asiatic expeditions, by Roy Chapman Andrews, SC. D., leader of the Central Asiatic expedition of the American museum of natural history in coöperation with "Asia magazine"; with an introduction and a chapter by Henry Fairfield Osborn...illustrated with photographs by J. B. Shackelford.

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On the trail of ancient man; a narrative of the field work of the Central Asiatic expeditions, by Roy Chapman Andrews, SC. D., leader of the Central Asiatic expedition of the American museum of natural history in coöperation with "Asia magazine"; with an introduction and a chapter by Henry Fairfield Osborn...illustrated with photographs by J. B. Shackelford.

Call No. (NDL)
Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
Material type
Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960ほか
Garden City publishing company, inc.
Publication date
Material Format
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xviii, 375 p. illus. 22 cm.
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