Note (General)Title of [v. 2]: Dialogue second dv Reveille matin des François, et de levrs voisins ...
First dialogue pub. previously under title: Dialogue auquel sont traitées plusieurs choses advenues aux Luthériens et Huguenots de la France; ensemble certains points et avis nécessaires d'estre sceuz et suiviz. Basle, 1573 (possibly a translation of the Latin edition with imprint Oragniæ, 1573) The present work with its addition of the 2d dialogue is a translation of the Latin edition: Dialogi ab Eusebio Philadelphio, cosmopolita, in Gallorum et cæterarum nationum gratiam compositi; quorum primus ab ipso authore recognitus et auctus; alter vero in lucem nunc primùm editus fuit. Edimburgi, J. Jamaeus, 1574. cf. Brunet & Haag, La France protestante.
Authorship attributed also to Théodore de Bèze and to François Hotman.
Reprint of 1574 edition published by I. Iames, Edimbourg.
Place of publication of the 1574 edition is fictitious; some authorities give Geneva, others Basel.
N. D. L. copy no. 17.