
A briefe and true relation of the discouerie of the north part of Virginia; being a most pleasant, fruitfull and commodious soile: made this present yeere 1602, by Captaine Bartholomew Gosnold, Captaine Bartholomew Gilbert, and diuers other gentlemen their associats ... Written by M. Iohn Brereton ... Whereunto is annexed a treatise, of M. Edward H[ayes] conteining important inducements for the planting in those parts, and finding a passage that way to the South Sea, and China. With diuers instructions of speciall moment newly added in this second impression. Londoni, Impensis G. Bishop, 1602. (The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile, no. 499)

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A briefe and true relation of the discouerie of the north part of Virginia; being a most pleasant, fruitfull and commodious soile: made this present yeere 1602, by Captaine Bartholomew Gosnold, Captaine Bartholomew Gilbert, and diuers other gentlemen their associats ... Written by M. Iohn Brereton ... Whereunto is annexed a treatise, of M. Edward H[ayes] conteining important inducements for the planting in those parts, and finding a passage that way to the South Sea, and China. With diuers instructions of speciall moment newly added in this second impression. Londoni, Impensis G. Bishop, 1602.

(The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile, no. 499)

Call No. (NDL)
Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
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Brereton, John, 1572-ca. 1619.ほか
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum
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24 p. 20 cm.
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On cover: The discoverie of the north part of Virginia."S.T.C. no. 3610."

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Publication Date (W3CDTF)
24 p. 20 cm.
Alternative Title
Discoverie of the north part of Virginia.