Extent38, 20, 34 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Note (General)Photoreprint ed.
Includes original t.p.: A trve relation of the vnivst, crvell, and barbarovs proceedings against the English at Amboyna in the East-Indies, by the Netherlandish governovr and covncel there. Also the copie of a pamphlet, set forth first in Dutch and then in English, by some Neatherlander, falsly entituled, A Trve declaration of the newes that came out of the East-Indies, with the pinace called the Hare, which arriued at Texel in Iune, 1624. Together with an answer to the same pamphlet. By the English East-India Companie ... London, Printed by H. Lownes for Nathanael Newberry. 1624.
"A Trve declaration" and "The answer vnto the Dutch pamphlet" have special title pages. The pamphlet was originally published under title: Waerachtich verhael vande itjdinghen gecomen wt de Oost-Indien ...
"S.T.C. no. 7451."