
Special marriage act, XLIII of 1954; an exhaustive commentary with various useful appendices, e. g., Special marriage (diplomatic and consular officers) rules; a list of Indian marriage officers in foreign countries; Andhra Pradesh special marriage validation act; Special marriage rules of Andhra, Bihar, Madras, U. P., and Jammu & Kashmir states; text of the Divorce act; Hindu marriage act; Parsi marriage and divorce act; Indian and colonial divorce jurisdiction act; English marriage act; Law reform (misc. provisions) act, 1950; Matrimonial causes act & rules; and extracts from the Code of criminal procedure, by Mantha Ramamurti.

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Special marriage act, XLIII of 1954; an exhaustive commentary with various useful appendices, e. g., Special marriage (diplomatic and consular officers) rules; a list of Indian marriage officers in foreign countries; Andhra Pradesh special marriage validation act; Special marriage rules of Andhra, Bihar, Madras, U. P., and Jammu & Kashmir states; text of the Divorce act; Hindu marriage act; Parsi marriage and divorce act; Indian and colonial divorce jurisdiction act; English marriage act; Law reform (misc. provisions) act, 1950; Matrimonial causes act & rules; and extracts from the Code of criminal procedure, by Mantha Ramamurti.

Call No. (NDL)
Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
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India (Republic) .ほか
Law Book Co.
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xvii, 506 p. 25 cm.
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