
The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East; translated and edited with notes, by Colonel Sir Henry Yule. 3d ed., revised throughout in the light of recent discoveries by Henri Cordier ... with a memoir of Henry Yule by his daughter, Amy Frances Yule.

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The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East; translated and edited with notes, by Colonel Sir Henry Yule.

3d ed., revised throughout in the light of recent discoveries by Henri Cordier ... with a memoir of Henry Yule by his daughter, Amy Frances Yule.

Call No. (NDL)
Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
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Polo, Marco, 1254-1323?ほか
J. Murray
Publication date
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2 v. fronts., illus. (incl. coats of arms) plates (part col., part fold.) ports., maps (part fold.) plans, facsims. (part fold.) 24 cm.
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Note (General):

"Third edition (reprinted) September 1929."Translated from Pauthier's text, Paris, 1865. All items of real value found in the Geographic text publishe...

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I. Memoir of Sir Henry Yule by Amy Frances Yule. A bibliography of Sir Henry Yule's writings (p. lxxv-lxxxii). Introductory notices. The book of Marco...

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3d ed., revised throughout in the light of recent discoveries by Henri Cordier ... with a memoir of Henry Yule by his daughter, Amy Frances Yule.
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東方見聞録 トウホウ ケンブンロク ( 00946266 )Authorities
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2 v. fronts., illus. (incl. coats of arms) plates (part col., part fold.) ports., maps (part fold.) plans, facsims. (part fold.) 24 cm.
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