Extentxi, 225 p. illus., maps. 23 cm.
Note (General)Meteorology and plant physiology in potato blight forecasting, by J. Grainger. The use of upper air data in relation to plant disease, by W. H. Hogg. Climatic factors and liver fluke disease, by C. B. Ollerenshaw.--Productivity: Economic and ecological productivity under British conditions: an introduction, by J. A. Taylor. Grass growing days, by G. W. Hurst and L. P. Smith. Climatic factors in the development of local grass conservation techniques, by I. B. Warboys. Prehistoric climate and agriculture: a review of recent paleo-ecological investigations, by B. Seddon. Problems of agro-climatic relationships in Wales in the eighteenth century, by J. Oliver.
Climate and cropping in the early nineteenth century in Wales, by D. Thomas. Marling experiments to measure the modification of soil temperature régimes and relative productivity of Lancashire mosslands, by J. A. Taylor.