
Panama and the canal to-day : an historical account of the canal project from the earliest times with special reference to the enterprises of the French company and the United States, with a detailed description of the waterway as it will be ultimately constructed: together with a brief history of the country and the first comprehensive account of its physical features and natural resources / by Forbes Lindsay, with fifty-three illustrations from recent photographs, and five maps. New ed., rev.

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Panama and the canal to-day : an historical account of the canal project from the earliest times with special reference to the enterprises of the French company and the United States, with a detailed description of the waterway as it will be ultimately constructed: together with a brief history of the country and the first comprehensive account of its physical features and natural resources / by Forbes Lindsay, with fifty-three illustrations from recent photographs, and five maps.

New ed., rev.

Call No. (NDL)
Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
Material type
Forbes-Lindsay, Charles Harcourt Ainslie, 1860-
Sampson, Law, Marston & Co.
Publication date
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xiii, 474 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
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