ScaleScale 1:500,000. 1 cm. equals 5 km. 1 in. equals approx. 8 miles
Map ProjectionLambert conformal conic proj. based on standard parallels 330「ウ」「?」and 450「ウ」「?」
Longitude and Latitude(W 1030「ウ」--W 950「ウ」/N 370「ウ」--N 340「ウ」)
Note (General)Relief shown by contours and spot heights
Includes bibliography and 5 ancillary maps: Figure 1, Major sources of ground water in Oklahoma -- Figure 2, Schematic diagram illustrating possible development of a low-temperature geothermal resource using abandoned oil and (or) gas wells -- Figure 3, Geothermal-gradient map of Oklahoma --Figure 4, Major geologic and tectonic provinces of Oklahoma -- Figure 5, Generalized map showing total thickness of sedimentary rocks in Oklahoma
Physical description for original version: 1 map : 97 x 133 cm
Note (Original Version)原資料の出版事項: [Washington, D.C.] ; Norman, Okla. : The Division : Available from Oklahoma Geological Survey, 1984
SUPTDOC番号: C 55.22/2: Ok 4
GPO管理番号: 250-F