Note (General)Description based on v.3, pt. 1-2
"Sandia National Laboratories."
"NTS/Structural Mechanics Associates"--Vol. 7
Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche
Shipping list no.: 92-2244-M, 92-2307-M (v. 2) , 92-2748-M (v. 3, pt. 1-2) , 92-2745-M (v. 4) , 93-0801-M (v. 5) , 93-0865-M (v. 9) , 92-2748-M (v. 10)
"Date published: July 1992."
"Date published: August 1992"--Vols. 3, pt. 1-2
"Date published: October 1992"--Vols. 4, 10
"Date published: March 1993"--Vols. 5, 9
"Date published: November 1993"--Vol. 8
"UCID-21245"--Vol. 8
Physical description for original version: v. : 28 cm
Note (Bibliography)Includes bibliographical references
Note (Original Version)原資料の出版事項: Washington, DC : Division of Safety Issue Resolution, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. [distributor], 1992-
SUPTDOC番号: Y 3.N 88: 25/4832/V.7
テクニカルリポート番号: NUREG/CR-4832
テクニカルリポート番号: SAND 92-0537
テクニカルリポート番号: UCID-21245
GPO管理番号: 1051-H-11 (MF)