Alternative TitleInterstate commerce reports
Note (General)Irregular
Dates of publication and/or sequential designation: Vol. 1 (Apr. 5th 1887 to Apr. 5th 1888) -v. 367 (Sept. 1979-Feb. 1984) ; 2nd ser., v. 1 (Feb. 1984 to May 1986) -
Subtitle varies
"Unofficial" v. 1-5, published by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company of Rochester, N.Y., have title: Interstate commerce reports
Published: New York : L.K. Strouse, 1888-1893; Rochester, N.Y. : Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co., 1896-1906; Washington : G.P.O., 1906-
For sale by the Supt. of Docs., <1987->
"From Apr. 1887 to Sept. 1894, two firms printed the decisions, the L.K. Strouse Company of New York City and the Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company of Rochester, N.Y. After each firm had printed 5 v. of decisions, the latter firm bought out the former firm. The set which is considered by the Interstate Commerce Commission as being official is as follows: v. 1-5, L.K. Strouse Company, cited as 'I.C.C. rep.' v. 6-11, Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, cited as 'I.C.C. rep.' v. 12-17 and later volumes Government Printing Office cited as 'I.C.C. rep.'" - U.S. Superintendent of Documents Checklist. 3d ed. 1911
Some vols. beginning with v. 65, include Finance reports; with v. 250, Water carrier and freight forwarder reports
Previously classed: IC 1.6
Shipping list no.: 96-0036-S
Issue: 2nd ser., v. 9, Sept. 1992-Dec. 1993
Report coverage irregular; some vols. overlap
Physical description for original version: v. : 24 cm
Note (Original Version)原資料の出版事項: New York ; Washington, DC : L.K. Strouse : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., 1888-
ISSN: 00831530
SUPTDOC番号: IC 1.6/10: 9
GPO管理番号: 0677