Note (General)"Prepared by the International Scanning Study Team and American Trade Initiatives, Inc., & Avalon Integrated Services, Inc. for the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (Panel 20-36) of the Transportation Research Board."
"August 2002."
Shipping list no.: 2003-0131-M
"Publication no. FHWA-PL-02-013"--P. [4] of cover
"HPIP/8-02 (5M) EW"--P. [4] of cover
Physical description for original version: xvi, 61 p. : 28 cm
Note (Original Version)原資料の出版事項: Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, International Technology Exchange Program, [2002]
SUPTDOC番号: TD 2.30/5: 02-013
テクニカルリポート番号: FHWA-PL-02-013
テクニカルリポート番号: HPIP/8-02 (5M) EW
GPO管理番号: 0982-G-21 (MF)
GPO管理番号: 0982-G-21 (online)