
Light metals 2003 metaux legers : proceedings of the international symposium on light metals 2003 metaux legers : the conference of metallurgists COM2003 Vancouver : 42nd annual conference of metallurgists of CIM : in conjunction with the 33rd annual hydrometallurgical meeting of the Metallurgical Society of CIM, 2003 TMS fall extraction and processing metallurgy meeting, 2003 international symposium on hydrometallurgy : August 24-27, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. : Aug 2003, Vancouver, Canada.

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Light metals 2003 metaux legers : proceedings of the international symposium on light metals 2003 metaux legers : the conference of metallurgists COM2003 Vancouver : 42nd annual conference of metallurgists of CIM : in conjunction with the 33rd annual hydrometallurgical meeting of the Metallurgical Society of CIM, 2003 TMS fall extraction and processing metallurgy meeting, 2003 international symposium on hydrometallurgy : August 24-27, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. : Aug 2003, Vancouver, Canada.

Call No. (NDL)
Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
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Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. Metallurgical Society. Light Metals Section.
Publication date
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xii, 594 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
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