
Sustainable production systems of aquatic animals in brackish mangrove areas : proceedings of the 2nd workshop of the JIRCAS international collaborative research: "Studies on sustainable production systems of aquatic animals in brackish mangrove areas", December 2-3, 2002, Penang, Malaysia (JIRCAS working report ; no. 35)

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Sustainable production systems of aquatic animals in brackish mangrove areas : proceedings of the 2nd workshop of the JIRCAS international collaborative research: "Studies on sustainable production systems of aquatic animals in brackish mangrove areas", December 2-3, 2002, Penang, Malaysia

(JIRCAS working report ; no. 35)

Call No. (NDL)
Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
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edited by Y. Ogawa [et al.]
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
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120 p. ; 30 cm
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Table of Contents

  • Contents

  • Migration, growth and feeding habit of John's snapper Lutjanus johnii and Duskytail grouper Epinephelus bleekeri in Merbok mangrove brackish river/ 1

    Yasuki Ogawa, JIRCAS Japan

  • Actual conditions of marine capture fisheries and aquaculture of Snappers and Groupers in Malaysia/ 11

    Saifulhak Haji Yahya, FRI Malaysia||Yasuki Ogawa, JIRCAS Japan

  • Preliminary study of the stomach contents of Snappers and Groupers of Pulau Sembilan Coral Reefs/ 19

    Mohamed.Pauzi Abdullah, FRI Malaysia||Che Zulkifli Ismail,FRI Malaysia

  • Mangrove zooplankton of Matang mangrove estuaries : Preliminary assessment of Spatio-Temporal Abundance in relation to environmental parameters/ 21

    Chong Ving Ching, UM Malaysia||Ooi Ai Lin, UM Malaysia||Chew Li Lee, UM Malaysia||Yasuki Ogawa, JIRCAS Japan

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Material Type
ISSN (series)
edited by Y. Ogawa [et al.]
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小川, 泰樹 オガワ, ヤスキ ( 00961642 )Authorities
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
120 p.