
Documents on United States policy toward Japan. 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10

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compiled by Osamu Ishii, Naoki Ono
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10 v. ; 31 cm
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Fascimile reprint of original typescriptVol. 10: "解題" in Japanese

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v. 1. Visits of Japanese officials to the United States, 1957. 1-6v. 2. Visits of Japanese officials to the United States, 1957. 7-12v. 3. U.S.-Japane...

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Documents on United States policy toward Japan 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10 v. 10
National Diet Library
Table of Contents第10巻 目次 解題/ 3 本資料集の概要と利用法/ 19 略語表/ 23 参考文献/ 29 総目次/索引 凡例/ 33 全巻構成/ 37 総目次/ 39 日付順文書索引/ 101 文書番号順文書索引/ 163 人名別文書索引/ 195 機関名別文書索引/ 319 未公開文書リスト/ 421
Documents on United States policy toward Japan 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10 v. 9
National Diet Library
Table of Contents第9巻 目次 ハーター国務次官極東訪問会議録日本関係文書 Herter-Richards Far Eastern Trip, August-September 1957, Tokyo [CF899A] Herter-Richards Far Eastern Trip, August-September 1957, Briefing Book, Tokyo7 [CF901] Herter-Richards Far Eastern Trip, August-September 1957, Administration File, Tokyo41 [CF902] Herter-Richards Far Eastern Trip, August-September 1957, Memoranda of Conversation, Tokyo53 [CF905] Herter-Richards Far Eastern Trip, August-September 1957, Chronology, Tokyo93 [CF905A] Herter-Richards Far Eastern Trip, August-September 1957, Cables(Embassy Series), Tokyo121 極東アジア課日本関係文書 Japan Subject Files, maintained by the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs in the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs[Lot64 D68] [22-3] Japanese Socialist Party Mission to the U.S.A./ 133 [22-7] Kishi's Southeast Asia Visit/ 159 [22-8] Fujiyama Visit 1957/ 173 [22-9] Kono, Ichiro Visit(Oct. 1957)/ 213 [22-17] Ichimada, Hisato Visit 1957-58/ 235 [22A] Kishi Visit General/ 243 [22A-1] Reaction in Japan to Kishi's Visit/ 315 [22A-4] Members of Kishi Party-Schedules-Itineraries/ 319 [22A-5] Things Accomplished by Kishi Visit/ 361 [22A-6] Agenda for Kishi Talks/ 371 [22A-8] U.S. Position on Kishi Talks/ 419 国務長官会議録文書 Secretary's Memoranda of Conversation, maintained by the Executive Secretariat[Lot64 DI99]/ 439 ハーター国務次官極東訪問会議録日本関係文書 タブリスト一覧 Conference File 901, Herter-Richards Far Eastern Trip August-Setember 1957, Administration File, Tokyo 1 Tokyo 340, 8/7; To Tokyo 386, 8/15-Control Officer, Draft Schedule; Schedule Approval/ 44 2 Tokyo 363, 8/8-Subjects Likely to be Raised in Discussions/ 47 3 Tokyo 426, 8/14-Embassy Has Declined Invitations for Herter/Richards to Speak at America-Japan Society Luncheon/ 52 Conference File 902, Herter-Richards Far Eastern Trip August-Setember 1957, Memoranda of Conversation Tokyo 38 9/18 Impact of Redeployment of US Forces: Briefing by General Smith The Under Secretary Lt. Gen. Frederick H. Smith, Jr., COMUS Japan/ 62 39 9/18 MAAG and Japanese Military Forces The Under Secretary Rear Admiral John M. Higgins, Chief, MAAG/ 69 40 9/18 Background Briefing by the Under Secretary The Under Secretary American Correspondents/ 72 41 9/18 Disarmament <br>Japan's Security Council Candidacy <br>International Red Cross Meeting The Under Secretary Administrative Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Katsumi Ohno Ambassador MacArthur/ 75 42 9/18 Japanese Political Situation <br>Visit to Japan by Maxwell Rabb and General Swing <br>Position of Japanese Socialists The Under Secretary Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Takizo Matsumoto Ambassador MacArthur/ 77 43 9/19 Japanese Domestic Political Situation <br>US-Japanese Trade <br>Southeast Asian Development <br>Bonin Islands <br>Japanese-Korean Relations The Under Secretary Prime Minister KishiAdministrative Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Katsumi Ohno Ambassador Richards Ambassador MacArthur/ 80 44 9/19 Japanese Trade with Communist China <br>Atomic Energy Development <br>The Cooley Amendment to PL 480 Roads in Japan Mr. Dearborn The Under Secretary Ambassador Richards Ambassador MacArthur <br>Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan/ 86 45 9/19 Atomic Power Development in Japan The Under Secretary Ambassador Richards Mr. Gilbert Strauser Mr. Yoshinaga Seki/ 90 46 9/20 Japanese Regulations of Automobile Imports The Under Secretary Ambassador MacArthur Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Frank Matsumoto/ 91 Conference File 905, Herter-Richards Far Eastern Trip Agust-September 1957, Chronology, Tokyo ■Wednesday, September 18, 1957 12:15 p.m. Arrived Tokyo A Summary of Arrival Statement/ 97 B Text of Arrival Statement/ 98 C Tokyo Schedule/ 99 1:15 p.m. Luncheon at Ambassador's Residence 2:30 p.m. Embassy Briefing at Chancery D Talking Paper for Lt. Gen. Frederick H.Smith, Jr., COMUS Japan/ 102*〔→(9)62-68〕 E Talking Paper for Rear Admiral John M. Higgins, Chief, MAAG/ 102*〔→(9)69-71〕 3:35 p.m. Greet Embassy Staff in Garden of Chancery 3:50 p.m. Ambassador Richards Arrived Tokyo(See Tab A) 4:00 p.m. Call on Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Takizo Matsumoto F Memorandum of Conversation/ 102*〔→(9)77-79〕 4:30 p.m. Call on Administrative Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Katsumi Ohno G Memorandum of Conversation/ 102*〔→(9)75-76〕 5:00 p.m. Background Meeting with American Correspondents H Summary of Meeting/ 102*〔→(9)72-74〕 7:30 p.m. Dinner at Ambassador's Residence ■Thursday, September 19, 1957 10:15 a.m. Meeting with Board of Governors, American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, Ambassador's Residence I Suggested Remarks for Under Secretary/ 103 J Memorandum of Discussion/ 106*〔→(9)86-89〕 11:00 a.m. Meeting with Mr. Gilbert Strauser of Westinghouse Electric and Two Japanese Industrialists K Memorandum of Conversation/ 107 11:30 a.m. Call on Prime Minister Kishi L Memorandum of Conversation/ 109 M Cable Summary of Conversation/ 111 12:30 p.m. Luncheon Given by Acting Foreign Minister Kishi at Tokyo Kaikan 2:15 p.m. Attend Kabuki Theater as Guests of Vice Minister and Mrs. Ohno 7:45 p.m. Dinner at Ambassador's Residence N Memorandum of Conversation with Takizo(Frank)Matsumoto, Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs/ 117 ■Friday, September 20, 1957 12:00 noon Luncheon at Embassy Residence 2:15 p.m. Depart for Midway O Summary of Departure Statement/ 118 P Text of Departure Statement/ 119 PAGE欄に*があるものは文書がなく,タブだけのページ。 <br>非公開のものもあるが,重複のため編集過程で省略したものについては,同一文書の該当ページを記した。
Documents on United States policy toward Japan 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10 v. 8
National Diet Library
Table of Contents第8巻 目次 岸訪米会議録 Kishi Visit, June 1957[Lot62 D181]〔続き〕 [CF889B] Kishi Visit, June 1957, Chronology Folder1/ 9 [CF889B] Kishi Visit, June 1957, Chronology Folder2/ 125 岸訪米会議録 タブリスト一覧(2) Conference File 889B. Kishi Visit, June 1957, Chronology Folder 1; Preliminary Actions A April 3 Authorization to Extend Invitation to Kishi (To Tokyo 2127)/ 15 B April 4 Kishi's Acceptance of Invitation and Suggestion for Preliminary Talks with Ambassador MacArthur in Tokyo (Tokyo 2203, 2205)/ 16 C April 29 Designation of Coordinator for Visit/ 20 D May 14 Memorandum from Mr. Howe to Mr. Robertson: "Preparations for Kishi Visit"; Follow-up Memorandum May 29, 1957; Memo from Mr. Robertson to Mr. Howe, May 30, 1957/ 21 E May 25 Letter to Secretary from Amb. MacArthur on Objectives of Kishi Visit/ 26 F June 8 Memo from Gen. Cutler to Secretary Wilson: "Reduction of US Military Stationed in Japan"/ 32 G June 11 Letter from Secretary to Vice President Nixon re Latter's Participation in Visit/ 33 H June 12 Briefing Memo from FE to Secretary/ 35*〔→(1)281-282〕 I June 12 Secretary's Briefing memo for the President/ 36*〔→(1)275-278〕 J June 13 Program for Visit (PR 360)/ 37 K June 13 State Textile Laws: Memorandum of Conversation between the Secretary and the Attorney General/ 44 L June 13 Temporary Agricultural Laborers: Memorandum of Conversation between the Attorney General and Ambassador MacArthur/ 45 M June 15 Status of Forces: Letter to Secretary from Secretary Wilson Suggesting Discussion of Confidential Agreement; Secretary's Reply dated June 19/ 46 * N June 17 Suggested Greeting for Use by the President (Memo from Mr. Greene to Gen. Goodpaster)/ 47 O June 17 Memo from FE to Secretary-Agenda and List of Participants/ 49 P June 17 Nuclear Tests: Memo from S/AE to Secretary with Recommendation for Reference to Testing in Communique: Meeting with Stassen June 13/ 56 Q June 17 War Criminals: Memo from Secretary for the President with Recommendations for US position/ 60 R June 18 Oral Briefing for the President: Outline and Talking Paper/ 64 S June 18 Oral Briefing for the President: Summary of Conclusions Reached (Memo by Amb. MacArthur)/ 73 T June 18 War Criminals: Formula for Placing Responsibility for Review with Japan (Memo from FE to Secretary)/ 75 U June 18 Repatriation of Bonin Islanders: Memo from Secretary for the President/ 76 V June 18 Gifts: Memo from U/PR to the Secretary/ 77 W June 18 Briefing Memo for the Under Secretary/ 78 X June 18 MiscellaneousU/PR Fact Sheets: Members of Japanese, Party etc./ 80 Conference File 889B, Kishi Visit. June 1957, Chronology Folder 2 ■(1)Wednesday, June 19, 1957 A Administrative Arrangements for Kishi's Arrival (U/PR Scenario)/ 90 B 10:00 a.m. The President's News Conference Remarks <br>10:00 a.m. Kishi's Arrival at MATS Terminal/ 98 C Remarks by the Vice President and Response by Kishi (PR 375)/ 100 D Schedule of Substantive Meetings (KIV Memo 5) <br>11:00 a.m. Meeting at the President's Guest House <br>Participants: Amb. MacArthur, Mr. Robertson/ 101 E KIV/MC-la: Arrangements for Kishi Visit/ 106 F KIV/MC-2a: Girard Case/ 108 G Summary Telegram (To Tokyo 2863, 6/20/57) <br>11:30 a.m. Kishi's Call on the President/ 110 H List of Officials Calling on the President (for Brief Introduction) <br>11:30 a.m. Meeting at the White House <br>Participants: The President, the Secretary, Amb. MacArthur. Mr. Robertson/ 113 I KIV/MC-3a: Kishi Call on President <br>Japanese Political Situation <br>Security and Defense <br>Territorial Problems <br>War Criminals <br>Economic Problems/ 115 J Summary Telegram (To Tokyo 2865, 6/20/57) <br>12:30 p.m. Luncheon at the White House <br>Participants: The President, the Secretary/ 121*〔→(2)48-50〕 K IV/MC-4a: Japan's Candidacy for the Security Council <br>1:30 p.m. Golf Game - The President and P.M. Kishi (No Documentation Available)/ 122 ■(2)Thursday, June 20, 1957 9:00 a.m. Meeting in Department Conference Room <br>Participants: The Secretary, Amb. MacArthur, Mr. Robertson, Adm. Radford, Mr. Sprague, et al. A KIV/MC-5a: Security and Defense <br>Briefing by Admiral Radford <br>Secretary's Supplementary Remarks <br>Japanese Defense Plans <br>Territorial Problems <br>Revision of Security Treaty/ 130 B Summary Telegram (To Tokyo 2878, 6/21/57) <br>11:00 a.m. Meeting in Secretary's Office <br>Participants: The Secretary, Amb. MacArthur, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Becker and Mr. Parsons/ 141*〔→(1)344-349〕 C KIV/MC-6a: Conversation between Prime Minister Kishi and Secretary Dulles <br>Disposition of US Forces in Japan <br>Revision of Security Treaty <br>Establishment of Joint Committee <br>Reduction of US Forces in Japan <br>Mutuality of US-Japanese Interests/ 142 D Summary Telegram (To Tokyo 2875, 6/20/57)/ 149*〔→(1)319-322〕 E 12:30 p.m. Kishi's Remarks before the Senate <br>1:15 p.m. Vice President's Luncheon (Hosted at Last Minute by Senator Saltonstall)/ 150 F Suggested Toast/ 152 G 2:30 p.m. Kishi's Remarks before the House of Representatives <br>3:00 p.m. Meeting in Secretary's Office <br>Participants: The Secretary, Amb. MacArthur, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Becker and Mr. Parsons/ 153 H KIV/MC-7a: Conversation between Prime Minister Kishi and the Secretary <br>War Criminals <br>Bonin Islanders <br>Nuclear Tests/ 154 I Summary Telegram (To Tokyo 2876, 6/21/57) <br>4:00 p.m. Meeting in Department Conference Room <br>Participants: The Secretary, Mr. Humphrey, Mr. Weeks, Mr. Randall, Mr.Butz, Mr. Waugh, Mr. Dillon, Mr. Robertson et al./ 159*〔→335-337〕 J KIV/MC-8a: Economic Matters <br>Recent Economic Developments in Japan <br>State Textile Laws <br>Trade with Communist China <br>Southeast Asian Economic Development <br>Loans and Assistance <br>Agricultural Labor <br>Vested Assets/ 160 K Summary Telegram (To Tokyo 2877, 6/21/57) <br>5:30 p.m. Discussion in Department Conference Room <br>Participants: Amb. MacArthur and Mr. Chiba/ 168*〔→(1)338-343〕 L KIV/MC-9: Asian Economic Development Fund <br>Text of Japanese Paper/ 169 M 8:00 p.m. The Secretary's Dinner for Kishi - Pan American Union <br>Outline for Toast/ 179 ■(3)Friday, June 21, 1957 A 8:30a.m. Memorandum of Conversation - Admiral Radford and Ambassador MacArthur: Reduction of US Forces in Japan During the Next 12 Months <br>9:00 a.m. Meeting in Secretary's Office <br>Participants: The Secretary, Mr. Robertson, Amb. MacArthur, Mr. Berding, Mr. Becker, et al./ 182 B KIV/MC-10a: Approval of Joint Communique on Kishi Visit <br>Functions of Intergovernmental Committee <br>Consultation on Defense Matters <br>Strategic Trade Controls <br>Territorial Matters-"Residual Sovereignty" <br>11:35 a.m. Meeting at the White House <br>Participants: The President. the Secretary, Gen. Goodpaster, Amb. MacArthur, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Berding/ 183 C KIV/MC-11a: Final Communique for Kishi Visit <br>Territorial Matters-"Residual Sovereignty" <br>Withdrawal of US force <br>Secretary's Remarks on Significance of Visit <br>Bonin Islanders/ 190 D 1:00 p.m. Kishi's Address at the National Press Club <br>2:15 p.m. Meeting in Secretary's Office <br>Participants: The Secretary, Mr. Robertson, Amb. MacArthur, Mr. Berding, Mr. Becker, et al./ 193 E KIV/MC-12a: Joint Communique on Kishi Visit <br>Territorial Matters-sovereignty <br>Bonin Islanders-study to be Undertaken by US <br>Functions of Intergovernmental Committee Consultation on Defense Matters/ 200 F 5:30 p.m. Letter from Secretary to Kishi Enclosing a Transcript of Remarks on Consultation on Defense Matters (Requested by Kishi during 2:15 Meeting; Delivered to Mr. Chiba at President's Guest House)/ 204 G - Joint Communique(White House Press Release)/ 206 H 8:00 p.m. Kishi's Dinner for the Secretary, Hotel Mayflower-Suggested Response to Kishi's Toast/ 209 I - Memorandum of Conversation, Mr. Robertson and Ambassador Asakai-Japan's Candidacy for the Security Council/ 210 J - Memorandum of Conversation, Mr. Robertson and Ambassador Asakai (June 20 and 21) - Declassification of Japanese Jurisdictional Arrangements/ 211* ■(4)Kishi Visit, June 1957; Chronology of Subsequent Actions A Jun 22 Administrative Arrangements for Kishi's Departure (U/PR Scenario)/ 213 B Jun 22 Suggested Departure Statement for the Secretary (No Press Release)/ 220 C Jun 25 Secretary's News Conference Remarks on Kishi Visit (PR 388) <br>Appraisal of visit <br>Intergovernmental Committee to study Security Treaty <br>Troop Reductions <br>State Textile Laws/ 221 D Jun 26 Disignation of Mr. Reinhardt as Coordinator of Follow-up Actions/ 232 E Jun 27 Memorandum from the Secretary to Mr. Robertson re above/ 233 F July 1 Text of Kishi's Statement upon Arrival at Tokyo Airport/ 234*〔→(2)20-21〕 G July 8 Check List for Follow-up Actions/ 235 H July 2, 19 Exchange of Letters between Kishi and the Secretary/ 246 I July 2, 22 Exchange of Letters between Kishi and the President/ 248 PAGE柵に*があるものは文書がなく,タブだけのページ。 <br>非公開のものもあるが,重複のため編集過程で省略したものについては,同一文書の該当ページを記した。
Documents on United States policy toward Japan 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10 v. 7
National Diet Library
Table of Contents第7巻 目次 岸訪米会議録 Kishi Visit, June 1957[Lot62 D181] [CF889] Kishi Visit, June 1957, Briefing Book/ 7 [CF889A] Kishi Visit, June 1957, Position Papers/ 107 岸訪米会議録 タブリスト一覧(1) Conference File 889, Kishi Visit June 1957, Briefing Book A Briefing Memorandum for the President, June 12, 1957/ 16*〔→(1)275-278〕 ■AGENDA ITEMS 1. SECURITY AND DEFENSE B Security and Defense/ 17 C Suggested Opening Remarks for the President/ 21 D Japanese Talking Paper on Security and Defense (Handed to Ambassador MacArthur by Mr. Kishi April 13, 1957-Tokyo 2305)/ 27* 2. TERRITORIAL QUESTIONS E The Ryukyu Islands/ 28 F The Bonin Islands/ 30 G Japanese Talking Paper on Territorial Problems (Handed to Ambassador MacArthur by Mr. Kishi April 13, 1957-Tokyo2306)/ 34* H Japanese Talking Paper on Repatriation of Bonin Islanders (Handed to Ambassador MacArthur by Mr. Kishi, May 1, 1957)/ 35 3. NUCEAR TESTS AND DISARMAMENT I General U.S. Position on Nuclear Testing; Memorandum from S/AE dated June 15, 1957/ 36 4. WAR CRIMINALS J War Criminals/ 40 K Memorandum for the President on War Criminals/ 42 5. U.S.-JAPANESE TRADE RELATIONS L State Textile Laws/ 43 M GARIOA Settlement/ 48 N Temporary Japanese Agricultural Labor/ 51 O U.S.-Japanese Trade Problems/ 54 P Problems of U.S. Business in Japan/ 57 Q Public Law 480/ 59 R Tables Showing Japan's Trade by Geographic Areas and Japan's Principal Exports and Imports/ 61 6. ECONOMIC DEVLOPMENT IN SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST ASIA S Economic Cooperation in Southeast Asia/ 63 T Asian Development Fund/ 69 7. TRADE WITH COMMUNIST CHINA U Trade with Communist China/ 73 V The President's Conversation with Ambassador Asakai, June 4, 1957/ 82 ■DRAFT COMMUNIQUE A Japanese Draft(Handed to Ambassador MacArthur by Mr. Kishi, June 6,1957)/ 86 B United States Drart/ 93 ■PROGRAM FOR VISIT/ 101 ■BIOGRAPHIC MATERSAL/ * Conference File 889A, Kishi Visit June 1957. Position Papers ■1. U.S. POLICY(General) 1/1 U.S. Global Policy toward Communism U.S. S/P-Mr. Farvey Issued/ 114 1/2 U.S. Policy in the Far East U.S. NA-Mr. Martin Issued/ 119 1/3 U.S. Policy in the Middle East U.S. NE-Mr. Bergus Issued/ 124 ■2. CHINA 2/1 U.S. Policy toward Communist China and the Government of Republic China U.S. CA-Mr. Osborn Issued/ 131 2/2 Intelligence Estimate of Sino-Soviet Relations U.S. R/DRF-Mr. Jacobson Issued/ 137 2/3 Trade with Communist China Japan NA-Mr. Ford Issued/ 142 ■3. SECURITY AND DEFENSE ARRANGEMENTS 3/1 Security and Defense U.S. NA-Mr. Martin Issued/ 152 3/2 Requirement for Availability of Nuclear Weapons in Japan U.S. Defense Issued/ 157 ■4. TERRITORIAL PROBLEMS 4/1 U.S. Cornpensation for Ryukyuan Land Utilization Japan Defense Issued/ 158 4/2 The Bonin Islands: Repatriation and Reversion Japan NA-Mr. Pletcher Issued/ 162 4/3 The Ryukyu Islands Japan NA-Mr. Pletcher Issued/ 165 4/4 Bonin Islands: Compensation of Former Inhabitants Japan NA-Mr. Pletcher Issued/ 168 ■5. ECONOMIC RELATIONSHIPS 5/1 Temporary Japanese Agricultural Labor Japan FE-Mr. Sullivan Issued/ 171 5/2 U.S.-Japanese Trade Problems Japan NA-Mr. Weintraub Issued/ 174 5/3 Problems of U.S. Business in Japan U.S. NA-Mr. Little Issued/ 178 5/4 State Textile Laws Japan NA-Miss Vettel Issued/ 181 5/5 European Common Market Treaty Japan TAD-Mr. Ryse Issued/ 185 5/6 Economic Cooperation in Southeast Asia Japan NA-Mr. Ford Issued/ 188 5/7 Japanese Reparations Japan NA-Mr. Little Issued/ 192 5/8 GARIOA Settlement U.S. NA-Mr. Little Issued/ 195 5/9 Loans an Assistance Japan NA-Mr. Weintraub Issued/ 198 5/10 Pu 480(Sale of Agricultural Surpluses) Japan NA-Mr. Weintraub Issued/ 202 5/11 Return of German and Japanese Vested Assets Japan NA-Mr. Little Issued/ 205 5/12 Asian Development Fund and Other Regional Institutions Japan NA-Mr. Ford Issued/ 207 ■6. ATOMIC ENERGY AND TESTING 6/1 Compensation for 1956 Nuclear Tests Japan L/FE-Mr. Kearney Issued/ 212 6/2 General U.S. Position on Nuclear Testing Japan IO-Mr. Marcus Issued/ 216 6/3 Cooperation of U.S. and Japan in Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Japan S/AE-Mr. Speigel Issued/ 222 ■7. OTHER SUBJECTS 7/1 Japanese-Korean Relations Japan NA-Mr. Pletcher Issued/ 225 7/2 War Criminals Japan NA-Mr. Pletcher Issued/ 229 7/3 Cooperation of Japan and U.S. in the UN U.S. FE-Miss Bacon Issued/ 232 ■8. BACKGROUND PAPERS 8/1 Japanese Political Situation NA-Mr. Martin Issued/ 239 8/2 Japanese Economic Situation NA-Mr. Weintraub Issued/ 242 8/3 Japanese Military Situation NA-Mr. Pfeiffer Issued/ 249 8/4 U.S. Far East Defense System and New Command Structure NA-Mr. Pfeiffer Issued/ 254 8/5 Pacific Fisheries(Salmon) U/FW-Mr. Herrington Issued/ 257 8/6 Pacific Fisheries(Fur Seals) U/FW-Mr. Looney Issued/ 260 8/7 Japanese Relations with Southeast Asia NA-Mr. Ford Issued/ 263 8/8 Deterioration of Japan's Balance of Payments Position NA-Miss Vettel Issued/ 267 ■9. DRAFT COMMUMQUE NA-Mr. Martin June 5/ 271 V Memo 3e 6/17/57/ 296 PAGE欄に*があるものは文書がなく, タブだけのページ。 <br>非公開の物もあるが, 重複のため編集過程で省略したものについては, 同一文書の該当ページを記した。
Documents on United States policy toward Japan 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10 v. 6
National Diet Library
Table of Contents第6巻 目次 日本の軍事・防衛問題関係 Japanese Military and Defence Affairs[文書分類番号794.5][続き] 1957年8月/ 5 1957年9月/ 106 1957年10月/ 184 1957年11月/ 203 1957年12月/ 226
Documents on United States policy toward Japan 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10 v. 5
National Diet Library
Table of Contents第5巻 目次 日本の軍事・防衛問題関係 Japanese Military and Defence Affairs[文書分類番号794.5] 1957年1月/ 5 1957年2月/ 37 1957年3月/ 94 1957年4月/ 100 1957年5月/ 147 1957年6月/ 170 1957年7月/ 207
Documents on United States policy toward Japan 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10 v. 4
National Diet Library
Table of Contents第4巻 目次 日米関係 U.S.-Japanese Relations[文書分類番号611.94][続き] 1957年7月/ 5 1957年8月/ 69 1957年9月/ 87 1957年10月/ 105 1957年11月/ 146 1957年12月/ 241 日本の国際関係 Japanese International Relations[文書分類番号694.00] 1957年/ 317
Documents on United States policy toward Japan 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10 v. 3
National Diet Library
Table of Contents第3巻 目次 日米関係 U.S.-Japanese Relations[文書分類番号611.94] 1957年1月/ 5 1957年2月/ 32 1957年3月/ 44 1957年4月/ 118 1957年5月/ 220 1957年6月/ 316
Documents on United States policy toward Japan 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10 v. 2
National Diet Library
Table of Contents第2巻 目次 日米高官会議関係 Visits of Japanese Officials to the United States <br>[文書分類番号033.9411][続き] 1957年7月/ 5 1957年8月/ 68 1957年9月/ 84 1957年10月/ 232 1957年11月/ 276 1957年12月/ 310
Documents on United States policy toward Japan 4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10 v. 1
National Diet Library
Table of Contents第1巻 目次 日米高官会議関係 Visits of Japanese Officials to the United States <br>[文書分類番号033.9411] 1957年1月/ 7 1957年2月/ 29 1957年3月/ 34 1957年4月/ 63 1957年5月/ 156 1957年6月/ 229

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4760116354 (set)
4 (documents related to diplomatic and military matters, 1957) v. 1-10
compiled by Osamu Ishii, Naoki Ono
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石井, 修, 1936- イシイ, オサム, 1936- ( 00111044 )Authorities
小野, 直樹, 1952- オノ, ナオキ, 1952- ( 00882428 )Authorities
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10 v.