Note (General)Abstracts and papers.
1: pages 1-660; 2: pages 661-1332.
Described as "IEEE 27th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium : Proceedings : 20-24 May 2013 : Boston, Massachusetts" -- added t.p.
"(...) has assembled a wide ranging set of 22 mini-conferences within the conference." -- message from the general co-chairs.
"(...) IPDPS includes a PhD forum (...)" -- message from the general co-chairs.
"The International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium has established itself as a premier annual forum (...)" -- message from the program chair.
"The conference has 22 workshops held on Monday and Friday." -- message from the program chair.
IEEE cat no CFP13023-POD.
Note (Bibliography)Includes bibliographic references and author index.
Cataloging RuleAnglo-American Cataloging Rules