Additional Title2013 transducers and Eurosensors 27: the 17th international conference on solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems : Barcelona, Spain : 16-20 June 2013.
Note (General)Program and papers.
1: pages 1-708; 2: pages 709-1423; 3: pages 1424-2144; 4: pages 2145-2822.
"The Transducers Conference series began in Boston in 1981, and the subsequent series of biennial Conferences were held (...)" -- 1, welcome.
"When the Transducers Conferences are held in Europe, it is jointly sponsored with the EUROSENSORS Conference, an annual European conference series on sensors." -- 1, welcome.
Described as "The Technical Program covers four days of presentations, (...)" -- 1, welcome.
Note (Bibliography)Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
SourceIEEE Xplore
Full text available from IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) Proceedings By Volume (Connect to full text.)
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