Title Transcriptionデンシ ザイリョウ シンポジウム アブストラクトシュウ
Year and volume of publication1st (Mar. 16/17, 1982)-27th (July 9/11, 2008)
Alternative TitleElectronic Materials Symposium extended abstracts Electronic Materials Symposium extended abstracts
Electronic Materials Symposium extended abstracts
Record of Ⅲ-Ⅴ Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics Seminar
Symposium record of Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics
Symposium on Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics
Symposium on Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics symposium record
Electronic Materials Symposium advance program
Record of the Electronic Materials Symposium
Extended abstracts of the Electronic Materials Symposium
混晶エレクトロニクスシンポジウム論文集 コンショウ エレクトロニクス シンポジウム ロンブンシュウ
Note (Original Version)原資料の本タイトル: Record of Ⅲ-Ⅴ Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics Seminar (1st-4th), Symposium record of Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics (5th-11th), Symposium on Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics (12th), Symposium on Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics symposium record (13th), Electronic Materials Symposium advance program (14th), Record of the Electronic Materials Symposium (15th-16th), Extended abstracts of the Electronic Materials Symposium (17th-27th)
原資料の出版事項: 京都 : Ⅲ-Ⅴ Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics Seminar, 1982-
原資料の出版者: The Organizing Committee of Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics (5th-14th), The Organizing Committee of Electronic Materials Symposium (15th-27th)
Related Material原資料 : Record of Ⅲ-Ⅴ Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics Seminar
原資料 : Symposium record of Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics
原資料 : Record of the Electronic Materials Symposium (ISSN:1343-0343)
原資料 : Electronic Materials Symposium
関連資料 : 電子材料シンポジウムアブストラクト集 [電子資料]
Cataloging RuleNippon Cataloguing Rules 1987 Revised Edition