ISBN (set)9781467380270 print-on-demand set
Note (General)Program, abstracts and papers.
1: pages 1-853; 2: pages 854-1878; 3: pages 1879-2888; 4: pages 2889-3812; 5: pages 3813-4798; 6: pages 4799-5787.
"A new feature of the conference are 6 half-day invited tutorials ..."--1, welcome.
Described as "The conference format during the three days foresees ... The technical program includes an Industrial Forum and Governmental Forum. Two days are dedicated to workshops and tutorials."--1, welcome.
IEEE catalog number CFP16RAA-POD.
Note (Content)The scope of the IEEE ICRA is to promote research and development in the area of robotics and automation It is an annual conference with ca 200 attendees The conference is reflecting the growing spectrum and recent developments in robotics and automation around the world The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation is one of the best conferences in the area of robotics and automation all over the world It has been held once a year since the first ICRA at Atlanta, Georgia, USA in 1984 The ICRA attracts best researchers from many countries to present their original results every year The conference will provide a unique opportunity for the academic and industrial communities to address new challenges, share solutions, and discuss research directions for the future Technical topics of the conference include all areas of robotics and automation.
Note (Bibliography)Includes bibliographical references and author index.