Alternative TitleGeneral Index to Non-Chinese Arrivals (R.1-21)
Index to Arrivals from the Philippines, Honolulu and Insular Possessions (R.22-27)
Arrivals from the East Indies (R28)
Note (General)The Immigration and Naturalization Service destroyed the original records after microfilming
Title from label on container
Note (Ownership and Custodial History)資料の来歴: Immigration and Naturalization Service旧蔵, 米国国立公文書館 (RG 85) 原蔵. 1954-55年に移民帰化局が海軍省のマイクロ複写サービスを通じてマイクロフィルムの原版を作成後, NARAに移管, RG85の資料として整理された. 資料原本は移民帰化局により廃棄された. NARA Microfilm Publication Number: M1389 として販売され, 2001年度に購入
Related Material関連資料 : Passenger lists of vessels arriving at San Francisco, 1893-1953 [microform]
関連資料 : Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at San Francisco, 1954-1957 [microform]
関連資料 : Passenger lists of vessels arriving at San Francisco From Honolulu, 1902-1907 [microform]
関連資料 : Passenger lists of vessels arriving at San Francisco from insular possessions, 1907-1911 [microform]
関連資料 : Customs passenger lists of vessels arriving at San Francisco, 1903-1918 [microform]
関連資料 : Lists of U.S. citizens arriving at San Francisco, June 27, 1930 - January 19, 1949 [microform]
関連資料 : Indexes to vessels arriving to San Francisco, 1882-1957 [microform]
関連資料 : Passenger and crew lists of vessels arriving at Seattle, Washington, 1890-1957