
Learning disabilities sourcebook : basic consumer health information about dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, speech and communication disorders, auditory and visual processing disorders, and other conditions that make learning difficult, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, down syndrome and other chromosomal disorders, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, hearing and visual impairment, autism and other pervasive developmental disorders, and traumatic brain injury : along with facts about diagnosing learning disabilities, early intervention, the special education process, legal protections, assistive technology, and accommodations, and guidelines for life-stage transitions, suggestions for coping with daily challenges, a glossary of related terms, and a directory of additional resources. Fifth edition. (Health reference series)

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Learning disabilities sourcebook : basic consumer health information about dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, speech and communication disorders, auditory and visual processing disorders, and other conditions that make learning difficult, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, down syndrome and other chromosomal disorders, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, hearing and visual impairment, autism and other pervasive developmental disorders, and traumatic brain injury : along with facts about diagnosing learning disabilities, early intervention, the special education process, legal protections, assistive technology, and accommodations, and guidelines for life-stage transitions, suggestions for coping with daily challenges, a glossary of related terms, and a directory of additional resources.

Fifth edition.

(Health reference series)

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Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
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Omnigraphics, Inc.
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xvii, 544 pages ; 24 cm.
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"Provides basic consumer health information about the signs, symptoms, and diagnosis of various learning disabilities and other conditions that impact...

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Material Type
9780780815209 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN (error code)
9780780815216 (ebook)
Fifth edition.
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