ISBN9783428150359 Duncker & Humblot paperback
9783861132615 Max-Planck-Institut paperback
Note (General)Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Freiburg, 2015.
Note (Content)The Korean electronic monitoring scheme does not aim to reduce costs of incarceration or relieve prison overcrowding but rather seeks to reduce recidivism, promote rehabilitation, and protect the public. Tied to political interests, the use of electronic monitoring has rapidly grown over a short period of time and has become the most prominent program for sex offenders in Korea. Due to its unusual development process and unique characteristics, Korean electronic monitoring practice constitutes a new phase in the development of electronic monitoring.0This study seeks to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of electronic monitoring on recidivism among Korean sex offenders. The findings provide a critical evaluation of the ?belief± in the effectiveness of electronic monitoring as a means to reduce recidivism (which is often used to justify its application) and, overall, refute the conclusion of some previous electronic monitoring studies that postulated a fixed effect of electronic monitoring, in which electronic monitoring was described as a ?treatment± that may have a deterrent effect across all types of offenders and crimes.
Note (Bibliography)Includes bibliographical references (pages 187-210).