ISBN9783110657876 (hardcover)
9783110660982 (pdf)
9783110657999 (epub)
Note (General)Papers presented at the conference "Ancient Scholarship: Scholastic Culture in the Hellenistic and Roman Eras", held at the University of Glasgow on April 27-28, 2017
Note (Content)"The purpose of this volume is to investigate scholastic culture in the Hellenistic and Roman eras, with a particular focus on ancient book and material culture as well as scholarship beyond Greek authors and the Greek language. Accordingly, one of the major contributions of this work is the inclusion of multiple perspectives and its contributors engage not only with elements of Greek scholastic culture, but also bring Greek ideas into conversation with developing Latin scholarship (see chapters by Dickey, Nicholls, Marshall) and the perspective of a minority culture (i.e., Jewish authors) (see chapters by Hezser, Adams). This multicultural perspective is an important next step in the discussion of ancient scholarship and this volume provides a starting point for future inquiries."--
"The volume makes three important contributions. First, book culture and materiality are central to the practice of scholarship in antiquity. Second, there is a clear link between scholarship and educational practices. Third, scholastic influence is not unidirectional. Although Greek practices influenced the scholarly habits and literary approaches of newly-conquered peoples, they in turn were also influenced by thos whom they conquered."--
Note (Bibliography)Includes bibliographical references and index