Note (General)"This is the first of two volumes dedicated to the canonical Paul."--Page xi
Note (Content)"In this methodological tour de force, Luke Timothy Johnson offers an articulate, clear, and thought-provoking portrait of the life and thinking of the apostle Paul. Informed by the best historical-critical scholarship, Johnson helps contemporary readers responsibly study the thirteen canonical letters of Paul and the Acts of the Apostles. Constructing Paul provides a framework for engaging with Paul's letters and demonstrates that creative work can be done across the canonical collection without sacrificing literary or historical integrity. By extrapolating Paul's theology from the fragments offered by ancient sources, Johnson shows the possibilities for further and better inquiry into the life and thought of Paul. In addition, Johnson addresses pertinent questions about Paul's canonical letters, ultimately using them to make a case for why Paul's voice ought to be heard today as liberating rather than oppressive."--
Note (Bibliography)Includes bibliographical references and indexes