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JPS conference proceedings 27
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsPD18 : preface PD18 : committee PD18 : program PD18 : list of articles Recent development of MPPC at Hamamatsu for photon counting applications High-density silicon photomultipliers with epitaxial quenching resistors at Novel Device Laboratory Characterization of SiPM optical crosstalk and its dependence on the protection-window thickness Upgrade of the Cesium Iodide calorimeter for the KOTO experiment Plastic scintillator detector with the readout based on an array of large-area SiPMs for the ND280/T2K upgrade and SHiP experiments Application of MPPC for T2K near detector upgrade Development of TPC trigger hodoscope for J-PARC E42/E45 hadron experiment Operation of multi-MPPC system for cylindrical scintillation fiber tracker Development of a UV-transparent lens array for enlarging the effective area of multichannel SiPMs Results of the parallel operation of large-size SiPM detector modules and PMTs in IACTs Baby MIND readout electronics architecture for accelerator neutrino particle physics detectors employing silicon photomultipliers Development of the front-end electronics for the new optical module "D-Egg" for IceCube-Gen2 Performances of the Hyper-Kamiokande 20" PMT Mass production of MCP-PMT for JUNO and development of 20-inch MCP-PMT with TTS improved Fast charged particle detector with high dynamic range at Horizon-10T cosmic rays detector system STRAW-Strings for Absorption Length in Water pathfinder for a potential new neutrino telescope site in the Pacific Ocean Multi-PMT modules for Hyper-Kamiokande Large area photo-detection system using 3-inch PMTs for the Hyper-Kamiokande Outer Detector Performance estimation of the Belle II Aerogel RICH counter in the first beam collision Performance of the MCP-PMTs of the TOP counter in the first beam operation of the Belle II experiment R&D on the extension of the MCP-PMT lifetime Development of a bleeder circuit of 50 cm diameter photomultiplier tubes for Hyper-Kamiokande The calibration and evaluation of 50 cm Box and Line photomultiplier tubes designed for Hyper-Kamiokande Measurements of low-energy X-rays with a detector using a plastic scintillator and an MPPC MaPMT relative efficiency measurements for the LHCb RICH upgrade Characterization of cryogenic SiPM down to 6.5 K Impact of proton irradiation on SiPM dark current for high-energy space instruments A study to reduce backgrounds of the Hyper-Kamiokande photodetector MCP – based detectors, calibration, acceptance tests, and first photon radiation measurements Scintillator hodoscope with a few millimeter position resolution for cosmic-ray test stand Fast calorimeter on the pure CsI crystals for the modern e+ e- super factories A comparative study on various methods for SiPM gain calibration Front-end electronicss for MPPCs for the KOTO CsI calorimeter upgrade Performance test of new-type MPPC Performance test of the optical interface for Super-FGD in the T2K experiment Study on granularity optimization for ILD hadron calorimeter Performance evaluation of the HAPD in the Belle II Aerogel RICH counter Proposal of Silicon on Insulator Reach Through APDs for soft X-ray imaging optimized by TCAD simulation SiPM-based neutron monitors for CMS experiment Design and performance of MPPC-array readout system for the WAGASCI neutrino detector Fast APD detector with a short tail in the timing response for an experiment using synchrotron radiation X-ray beam
JPS conference proceedings 26
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsQNP2018 : preface QNP2018 : welcome QNP2018 : organization committee QNP2018 : program QNP2018 : participants QNP2018 : photo QNP2018 : list of articles The golden era of neutron stars : from hadrons to quarks Dense baryonic matter and strangeness in neutron stars Strangeness nuclear physics Baryon interactions from lattice QCD Exotics with heavy quarks N* physics with CLAS at Jefferson Lab Hadron tomography by three-dimensional structure functions Nucleon structure studies by lepton deep inelastic scattering Nucleon structure physics by proton–proton collisions Nucleon structure from lattice QCD calculations Experiments on high-energy heavy-ion physics Theory on hadrons in nuclear medium Experiments on hadrons in finite density medium Short range correlation in nuclei Experiments on heavy flavour spectroscopy and exotic states Belle II project Jefferson Lab 12 GeV program Hadron physics at J-PARC Conference summary of QNP2018 EMC effect and color fluctuations in nucleons Kaon multiplicities of semi-inclusive DIS and the fragmentation functions Operator relations for gravitational form factors Hadron tomography for pion and its gravitational form factors Deuteron helicity flip generalized parton distributions in a convolution model Gluon Wigner distributions at small x with sub-nucleonic fluctuations Generalized parton distributions of the photon in light-cone quark model Interpretation of transverse momentum and rapidity dependence on angular distributions of Z-boson production at LHC Single hadron multiplicities in SIDIS @ COMPASS Transverse Spin Asymmetries in the Drell-Yan process from COMPASS Measurement of light-antiquark flavor asymmetry by Drell–Yan experiment SeaQuest at Fermilab Inclusive isolated photon in pp collisions up to the next leading order with CGC Associated quarkonium hadroproduction at high-energy colliders Total hadronic cross sections via the holographic Pomeron exchange A test of gauge invariant canonical angular momentum in Landau level problem Twist-3 gluon fragmentation contribution to the polarized hyperon production in unpolarized proton-proton collision Experimental challenge of PHENIX in disentangling proton spin puzzle SPD : the spin physics project with polarized proton and deuteron beams at the NICA collider Transition magnetic moments of JP = 3+/2 decuplet to JP = 1+/2 octet baryons Initial results from the RHICf experiment Charged lepton flavor violation searches by lepton-nucleus scattering, µN(eN) → τX Threshold J/ψ photoproduction with GlueX at Jefferson Lab Pion polarizability review Baryon timelike from factors at BESIII Electromagnetic transition form factors of light mesons The GlueX experiment : recent results and future plans b1 meson decay in perspective of chiral symmetry breaking in tensor bilinear representation Resonance effects in bound state interaction kernels Light meson spectroscopy using AdS/QCD soft wall model with extra UV cutoff The spectra and decay widths of hybrid quarkonia in a hyperspherical-coordinate framework Model-independent study on the structure of Λ(1405) K¯ N Feshbach resonance in the Skyrme model Λ(1405) spectroscopy via the in-flight d(K-, n) reaction at the J-PARC K1.8BR Ξ(1690)- resonance production via K- p → K+ K- Λ Electromagnetic form factors of the baryon decuplet Multipoles model for KΣ photoproduction Coherent ϕ-meson photoproduction from helium-4 near threshold with linearly polarized photons Non-strange dibaryon resonances observed in coherent double neutral-pion photoproduction on the deuteron Structure and width of the d∗ (2380) dibaryon The properties of d* (2380) in a hexaquark scenario Recent results on heavy quark spectroscopy in experiments XYZ states at BESIII Structure of the hidden-charm exotic vector mesons Zc states in a chiral quark model Regge-like mass relation of singly heavy hadrons From hadrons at unphysical quark masses to coupled-channel reaction dynamics in the laboratory Beam-spin asymmetries (Σ) in charged pion photo-production from polarized neutrons at Jefferson Lab Ωc excited states : a molecular approach with heavy-quark spin symmetry Structure of heavy baryons in a pion mean-field approach Doubly heavy baryons expanded in 1/mQ Radiative transitions of singly and doubly charmed baryons in lattice QCD Spectrum of the charmed baryons in 2+1-flavor lattice QCD Experimental study of di-quark correlation by charmed baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC high-momentum secondary beam line Strange and charmed baryon productions with an instanton interaction A systematic study of charmed baryon decays η photoproduction off the deuteron and low-energy η-nucleon interaction The search for the η' -mesic nuclei in the LEPS2/BGOegg experiment Effects of attractive KK¯ and repulsive KK interactions in KKK¯ three-body resonance Production spectra of 3He(π, K) reactions with continuum discretized coupled channels Search for excited state of 4 Σ He hypernucleus in the J-PARC E13 experiment Status of the J-PARC E07, systematic study of double strangeness nuclei with the hybrid emulsion method Decay pion spectroscopy of double-Λ hypernuclei at J-PARC Results of K-NN search via the (K-, n) reaction at J-PARC Further theoretical analysis on the K- 3He → Λpn reaction for the K-NN bound-state search in the J-PARC E15 experiment Fully coupled-channel sdtudy of K- pp resonance Low-energy K- hadronic interactions with light nuclei by AMADEUS Probing strong interaction with SIDDHARTA-2 Kaonic atom experiments at J-PARC Study of Y* in nuclei through C(K- , π+ )X spectrum at 1.8 GeV/c in the J-PARC E05 experiment First γ-ray spectroscopy of an sd-shell hypernucleus, 19 Λ F Hypernuclear photoproduction spectra calculated with multi-configuration wave functsions Status of Λn interaction study via the final state interaction effect in γd→K+ Λn production Hyperon forces from QCD and their applications Tribaryon configurations and three nucleon repulsions at short distance Three-baryon forces in a quark model Study of the NN force with SRC measurements Short-range and tensor correlations in light nuclei studied with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics Spin studies of the short-range correlations with polarized beams at JINR-Nuclotron A Σp scattering experiment at J-PARC and the analysis status Charmed mesons in nuclear matter based on chiral effective models Mass modifications of light mesons in nuclear matter with the three flavor extended Linear Sigma Model Observation of charmonium mass modification in proton induced reactions Measuring space-time properties of the 𝚫(1232) via Bose-Einstein correlations Measurement of vector meson mass in nuclear matter at J-PARC Development and production of high rate MRPC for CBM TOF Studying the QCD phase diagram in RHIC-BES at STAR Propagation of QCD color through strongly interacting systems Importance of the Volume Fluctuation Correction on higher order cumulants Holographic bottom - up approach to hadron properties in nuclear medium Path optimization for the sign problem in field theories using neural network Exploring the finite density QCD based on the complex Langevin method Hot dense matter and random fluctuation walk Measurement of electrons from charm and beauty hadron decays in p-Pb collisions at √ sNN = 8.16 TeV with ALICE Hydrodynamic collectivity and bulk properties of QCD matter in high-energy heavy-ion collisions Dynamically integrated transport approach for high-energy nuclear collisions at high baryon density Strangeness production in jets and underlying events in pp collisions at √ s = 13 TeV with ALICE Quarkonium production in pp, pA, and AA collisions Effects of universal three-body repulsion on kaon condensation in hyperonic matter Spontaneous spin polarization due to tensor selfenergies in quark matter in NJL model Equation of state for neutron stars in the quark-meson coupling model with the cloudy bag Effects of strong magnetic fields on neutron 3P2 superfluidity with spin-orbit interactions Exact vector channel sum rules at finite temperature Quark mass effects in the thermodynamical properties of an extended (P)NJL Model Recent heavy flavor result from PHENIX Non-static analysis of the anomalous chiral conductivities Measurement of jet modification through jet-hadron correlation in Pb–Pb collisions at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV Effect of magnetic field on QGP equation of state Chiral symmetry breaking by monopole condensation Quark-hadron crossover with vortices Effects of medium modifications of nucleon form factors on neutrino scattering in dense matter In-medium properties of the low-lying bottom baryons in the quark-meson coupling model ϕ and J/ψ mesons in cold nuclear matter Structure of deuteron by polarized proton-deuteron Drell-Yan process Structure functions of the nucleon in a soliton model Expected statistical uncertainties of π-induced Drell-Yan cross sections with tungsten target at COMPASS Angular distributions of pion-induced Drell–Yan production Effects of charge symmetry breaking on form factors of the pion and kaon Heavy K* (4307) meson with hidden charm in the KDD¯* system Mass of a1 meson from lattice QCD with the truncated overlap fermions Sensitivity study of X(3872) total width at the Belle II experiment A new isobar model for KΣ photoproduction Expanding the kaon photoproduction amplitude at threshold Nucleon iso-vector couplings from lattice QCD using 2+1 flavor domain wall fermions Pion angular distributions in pion production off nucleons induced by neutrinos and electrons K0 Λ photoproduction with nucleon resonances Λ + c → ηπ+Λ decay and the possible Σ ∗ 1/2- (1380) Lattice QCD study of the nucleon-charmonium interaction The Ξ- atom X-ray spectroscopy at J-PARC Operation steps for data analysis on double hypernuclei in E07 experiment Status of a lifetime measurement of light hypernuclei using high intensity tagged photon beam at ELPH Results of the high-rate beam test of HypTPC at HIMAC Anomaly-induced effects of rotating dense matter Strangeness enhancement in p+p, p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions at LHC energies Rapidity decorrelation from hydrodynamic fluctuations and initial fluctuations Spin polarization phases in quark matter : interplay between axial-vector and tensor mean-fields Cluster variational method for hyperonic nuclear matter with coupled channels Chirality imbalance and fermion pair production under the strong electromagnetic field Critical dynamics of massless QCD with the chiral magnetic effect Magnetic properties of quark matter by using of NJL model with pseudovector interaction Analysis of small systems at RHIC based on 3+1D relativistic viscous hydrodynamic model Hydrodynamic expansion and the collectivity in small systems Performance evaluation of the Forward Calorimeter prototype for ALICE Pion structure in a nuclear medium Unified analyses of multiplicity distributions and Bose–Einstein correlations at the LHC using double-stochastic distributions Nuclear electric dipole moment as a good probe of CP violation
JPS conference proceedings 25
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsISQBSS2018: preface ISQBSS2018: organization ISQBSS2018: program ISQBSS2018: list of participants ISQBSS2018: photo ISQBSS2018: list of articles Characterization of a bicontinuous microemulsion flowing along a planar surface Protein crystallography at the spallation neutron source Protein perdeuteration for neutron crystallography A variety of small-angle neutron scattering instruments available in Tokyo area, Japan : complimentary use of accelerator and reactor Current status and future prospects of single crystal neutron diffractometer iBIX Computational modelling study on the pseudoazurin type1 Cu site Evaluation of N-terminus in peptidylarginine deiminase type1 Opportunities for life science by use of muon spin spectroscopy : with a view to monitoring protein functions Battery materials research with muon beam Chemical environmental effect on muon capture processes for iron compounds Possible radioactive wastes removal by muon capture method : muon ADS A first-principles study of muonium in histidine Muon and muonium in cytochrome c : DFT calculations on histidine and methionine New procedure for expression, purification and crystallization of human S100A3 protein without affinity tag Necessity and effectiveness of a biological diffractometer for installation in second target station as a new neutron pulsed source in Japan Material development of Kondo insulator Yb1-xCaxB12 by high-pressure synthesis Magnetic and electrical transport properties of TmxR1-xB6 (R = Ca and Yb) produced by using High-pressure synthesis Neutron reflectometry study of penetration of protective coating material by deuterated sodium pyruvate Micellar structure of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid in water investigated by combination of SAXS and SANS Electronic ordering states in strongly correlated electron system studied by resonant X-ray scattering Quantum beats on triplet-positronium reactions in water Reaction between spin-correlated triplet positronium and OH radical in water Structure of nitride layer formed on titanium alloy surface by N2-gas exposure at high temperatures Development of compact high field pulsed magnet system for new sample environment equipment at MLF in J-PARC High intensity proton/muon beam for μ-e conversion search at J-PARC Magnetic design of a superconducting magnet for muon g-2/EDM precise measurements in a cylindrical volume with homogeneous magnetic field Development of a muon linac for the g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC Commissioning of the diagnostic beam line for the muon RF acceleration with H- ion beam derived from the ultraviolet light Three-dimensional spiral injection scheme test experiment Development of RFQs at J-PARC A precise physics experiment with J-PARC muon beam
JPS conference proceedings 24
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsISRD2018: preface ISRD2018: poster ISRD2018: organizers and committees ISRD2018: program ISRD2018: photo ISRD2018: list of articles Pulse shape analysis of avalanche counters Eletroluminescence in gas detectors : concepts and applications Dual-stage gas proportional scintillation counter : concept and experimental results Development of length-compensated proportional counter at KRISS Evaluation of applicability of monte-carlo simulation to equipment design of radioactive noble gas monitor Measurement of scintillation and ionization in helium mixed with xenon Spectrum measurement down to 1 MeV/u particles with hydrogen-identification using bragg curve counter Some properties of plastic scintillators to construct a LET spectrometer Readout test of plastic scintillator with MPPC for the development of gamma-ray burst polarimeter A feaibility study of 3D cosmic-ray muon tomography with a portable muography detector Dark matter search by means of highly radiopure NaI(Tl) scintillator Development of dual time-over-threshold method for estimation of scintillation decay time and energy Testing of criticality accident alarm system detectors to pulsed radiation at TRACY Development of a detector system for measurement of zenith angular differential spectra of low-energy terrestrial cosmic-ray muon Development of CdTe pixel detectors for energy-resolved x-ray diffractions 4π compton gamma imaging toward determination of radioactivity Fabrication of small-volume thallium bromide gamma-ray detectors for high-intensity radiation fields Identification and quantification of nuclear nuclides using a pulsed neutron imaging technique Outline of the development of nondestructive methods adopted for integrity test of next generation nuclear fuels (N-DeMAIN) Determination of emission rates and spectra of neutrons from 241Am-Li sources Cross comparison on neutron spectra obtained by time-of-flight and unfolding methods with liquid organic scintillator High-definition pulsed neutron imaging with high-frame-rate camera using center-of-gravity and super-resolution processing for bright spots from image intensifier Fast neutron imaging telescope using statistical reconstruction in nuclear emulsion Background noise reduction in mid-infrared cavity ring-down spectroscopy for radiocarbon analysis Three-dimensional dose verification of High-Dose-Rate (HDR) Flattening Filter Free (FFF) radiation therapy by using NIPAM gel dosimetry Evaluation of biological effect in neutron field generated by an accelerator using PHITS code with microdosimetric kinetic model Metal artifact reduction by energy-resolved CT using two-dimensional “transXend” detector Simplified computed tomography by two-direction transmission imaging using a flat-type “transXend” detector Evaluation of dose reduction in patients and operators during fluoroscopy guided cardiology procedures Feasibility study on an application of scintillation fiber imager to realtime range monitoring system for carbon ion therapy Development of radioisotopes production method by accelerator-based Neutron : activity at Kyushu University Development of bandpass filtered external cavity diode laser system for RIMS of radioactive strontium isotopes Determination of accelerator-based neutron energy distribution by means of multiple-foil activation method using GRAVEL, MAXED, and RooUnfold High dose measurement using low density aluminum oxide element Evaluation of dose response characteristics of a small type optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter irradiated with more than 10 Gy Evaluation on thermoluminescence kinetic parameters of Ge-doped cylindrical fibre dosimeter by computerised glow curve deconvolution technique Preliminary study on determination of surface contamination density on soil in heavily contaminated areas using a CeBr3 scintillation detector coupled with lead shielding Development of remote sensing technique using radiation resistant optical fibers under high-radiation environment Laser cooling and spectroscopy of trapped sr ions Quantitative comparison between a gamma-ray visualization analyzer and a dose rate survey meter Neutron distribution measurement by the self-activation of a CsI plate with CCD camera using a decaying self-activation imaging technique Development of the analog-based circuit for safety-related radiation monitor
JPS conference proceedings 23
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsPerspectives of the physics of nuclear structure: preface Organization Program List of participants List of articles 20 years ago, 20 years later Perspectives on nuclear structure and scattering with the Ab Initio no-core shell model Relativistic brueckner-hartree-fock calculations in finite nuclei as a tool for a microscopic derivation of covariant density functionals In-beam spectroscopy of low-lying energy levels at extreme isospin at the RIBF Linked diagram theorem for effective interaction Effects of tensor force in the relativistic scheme : a case study of neutron drops News on the nuclear structure of neutron-rich nuclei at and beyond N = 28 Experimental approach to three-nucleon forces via three- and four-nucleon scattering Thoughts on the relation between nuclear science and society Advances in the monte carlo shell model for understanding nuclear structure Beyond the neutron-drip line : two-neutron decay of unbound nuclei Isoscalar spin matrix elements in s-d shell nuclei Designer effective interactions for no-core shell model calculations Two-particle transfer reactions as a tool for the study of phase transitions in nuclei Structure of exotic nuclei based on nuclear force Shape coexistence and islands of inversion monopole vs multipole Catching shape isomerism in Ni nuclei with experiment and theory Coexistence of quadrupole shapes Importance of tensor forces in ground state of 16O through high-momentum nucleons Clustering probed by nuclear responses Exotic clustering and competition with the shell structure in light neutron-rich nuclei Tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics for light nuclei with bare interactions Pairing in nuclei : exact solutions Quartet condensation in fermi-systems. The hoyle state in the 12C nucleus Nuclear reaction path and requantization of TDDFT Shell model description of heavy nuclei and its monopole channel Recent nuclear structure study through large scale shell model, from light to heavy nuclei Models with spatially favoured and unfavoured bosons Roles of nuclear forces on the shell evolutions toward driplines Clustering in nuclear bound and continuum states Properties of low-energy super gamow-teller state E1 strength function in the monte carlo shell model Cross-shell states in 17,19C populated via one-neutron knockout reactions Nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers Nuclear schiff moments in medium and heavy nuclei Nuclear structure correction to superallowed 0+ → 0+ β-decay revisited Towards reliable nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless ββ decay Estimation for synthesis of superheavy elements Shell model study of nuclei around mass 100 Quark star in a strong magnetic field Fine structure of β-decay strength function Structure of β-decay strength function Sβ(E) in halo nuclei. borromean halo, tango halo, and mixed halo No-core monte carlo shell model calculations for light nuclei Nuclear ab initio calculations with the unitary-model-operator approach Ab initio calculations for Li isotopes with Daejeon16 The pairing effect on the wobbling motion in odd-a nuclei Inverse scattering problem and transformations among potentials Shapes of medium and heavy nuclei studied by monte carlo shell model calculations Multipole modes for triaxially deformed superfluid nuclei Status of the theoretical calculation of nuclear electric dipole moment Shell-model hamiltonians from chiral forces
JPS conference proceedings 22
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsNOP2017: preface NOP2017: committee NOP2017: scientific program NOP2017: poster presentation list NOP2017: photo NOP2017: list of articles Development of cold (Bi-spectral) neutron moderators for the IBR-2 reactor. : current status and plans Design of beam shaping assembly for an accelerator-driven BNCT system in Nagoya University Improved design of the exit of a beam shaping assembly for an accelerator-driven BNCT system in Nagoya University Toward the first ultracold-neutron production at TRIUMF The chopper of a new type and its use in a neutron experiment Validation of the radiological shielding for the EMU neutron spectrometer at the OPAL reactor Modern status of searches for nEDM, using neutron optics and diffraction in noncentrosymmetric crystals Magnified neutron imaging with modulating permanent magnet sextupole lens Development of new neutron mirrors for measuring the neutron electric dipole moment Precision mechanical design of 900 mm long ellipsoidal neutron-focusing supermirror for VIN ROSE at J-PARC/MLF Effect of the interface roughness correlation on the reflectivity in a neutron multilayer mirror Large area HOPG monochromators with low mosaic A focusing test of a multiple segmented ellipsoidal neutron-focusing mirror for a compact-focusing SANS instrument Study of neutron phase diffraction grating at very high resolution SANS diffractometer KWS3 Development of dynamic nuclear polarization system for spin-contrast-variation neutron reflectometry High performance frequency-sweep adiabatic fast passage NMR for polarized 3He gas Development of 3He neutron spin filter for polarized neutron spectrometer POLANO at J-PARC Development of a neutron spin filter for a T violation search in compound nuclei Recent developments SoNDe high-flux detector project Development of one-dimensional position-sensitive neutron detector using TRUST Eu:LiCAF scintillator Development of high-counting-rate neutron detector for CP-violation search in neutron-induced reactions Development of energy-resolved neutron imaging detectors at RADEN Development of high spatial resolution cold/ultra-cold neutron detector using nano imaging tracker Construction of the 2nd beamline of Nagoya University Accelerator-driven Neutron Source (NUANS) Workhorse scattering instruments for low power compact accelerator driven neutron sources The design of a versatile TOF neutron diffractometer providing the complementary use of neutron and X-ray scattering from a biomacromolecular single-crystal with large unit cells Evaluation of high-frame-rate camera with digital accumulation system combined with neutron color image intensifier for energy resolved neutron imaging Spatial resolution test targets made of gadolinium and gold for conventional and resonance neutron imaging Observation of 400-kHz TOF-MIEZE signals Development of a polarization analysis method for visualization of the magnetic field distribution in a small electric transformer using pulsed polarized neutron imaging Single channel waveguide with roughness Monte carlo simulations for the optimization and data analysis of experiments with ultracold neutrons Fundamental physics activities with pulsed neutron at J-PARC(BL05) Fundamental physics using high-performance optics Measurement of (n,γ) reaction of 117Sn for T-violation search by using compound nucleus Precise neutron lifetime measurement with a solenoidal coil Measurement of pendellosung fringes of a single silicon crystal using the pulsed neutron source for neutron EDM search Ultracold neutron time focusing experiment with an improved UCN rebuncher at J-PRAC/MLF A search for possible deviations from newtonian gravity at the nm length scale using neutron-noble gas scattering Search for neutron EDM by using crystal diffraction method Measurement of angular distributions in 139La(n,γ) reaction for T violation search
JPS conference proceedings 21
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Table of ContentsmuSR2017: preface muSR2017: committees muSR2017: list of articles Developments in μSR and β NMR : beyond a muon lifetime Probing quantum critical spin liquids with μSR Search for d0-Magnetism in amorphous MB6 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) thin films Deviation of internal magnetic field in the CrSe2 triangular lattice with Li intercalation μ+SR study on layered chromium perovskites : Srn+1CrnO3n+1 (n = 1–3) μ+SR study of K2Cr8O16 under hydrostatic pressure Magnetic properties of one-dimensional quantum spin system Rb2Cu2Mo3O12 studied by muon spin relaxation Ground state of quasi-one dimensional competing spin chain Cs2Cu2Mo3O12 at zero and finite fields A-site ordered chromium perovskites, ACu3Cr4O12 with A = trivalent ions μ+SR investigation of the shastry-sutherland compound SrCu2(BO3)2 Magnetic spin correlations in the one-dimensional frustrated spin-chain system Ca3Co2O6 Internal magnetic field on the two-dimensional triangular lattice formed by Mo3O8 trimers Static and fluctuating magnetic moments in the ferroelectric metal LiOsO3 Possible detection scheme for sliding dynamics of chiral soliton lattice by using μSR Li-diffusion in spinel Li[Ni1/2Mn3/2]O4 powder and film studied with μ+SR μ+SR study on Li ionic conductors Observation of Li diffusion in cathode sheets of Li-ion battery by μ+SR Na diffusion in quasi one-dimensional ion conductor NaMn2O4 observed by μ+SR Investigation of the magnetic properties of Na0.7CoO2 prepared by electrochemical reaction The spin relaxation of 8Li+ in gold at low magnetic field Challenge for detecting the interface between electrode and electrolyte with β-NMR Exploring the dynamics of glasses using beta detected NMR Beta detected NMR of LaAlO3 Beta-detected NMR of LSAT and YSZ LE-μ+ SR study of superconductivity in the thin film battery material LiTi2O4 μSR study of magnetism in the as-prepared and non-superconducting T-La0.9Eu0.9Sr0.2CuO4 Reduction effects on the Cu-spin correlation in the electron-doped T'-cuprate Pr1.3-xLa0.7CexCuO4+δ (x = 0.10) Superconducting properties of Cu intercalated Bi2Se3 studied by muon spin spectroscopy Origin of the multi-peak muon frequency spectrum in the heavy fermion compound UBe13 Muon spin relaxation of an Al-3.4%Zn-1.9%Mg alloy μSR study on hydrogen behavior in palladium Dynamics of anisotropic muonium on silica surfaces explained by monte carlo simulation of the muon depolarization Investigation of hydrogen-like muonium states in Nb-doped SnO2 films Understanding the double quantum muonium RF resonance Hyperfine constants and formation dynamics of the cyclohexadienyl radical in solution Exploring the temperature dependent solid-state ALC spectrum of the C6H6Mu radical with ab-initio simulation techniques Visualization of proton and electron transfer processes of a biochemical reaction by μSR Theoretical calculations of charge states and stopping sites of muons in glycine and triglycine Supercritical water experimental setup for µSR Piezoelectric-driven uniaxial stress apparatus for muon spin rotation Detection of Li in Li-ion battery electrode materials by muonic X-ray Element specific imaging using muonic X-rays Isotope identification of lead by muon induced X-ray and gamma-ray measurements Imaging of muonic X-ray of light elements with a CdTe double-sided strip detector Possibility of new precise measurements of muonic helium atom HFS at J-PARC MUSE Development of muonic atom beam extraction system and first evaluation by intense negative muon beam of J-PARC MUSE On the use of 31Mg for β-detected NMR studies of solids Comparison of 8Li and 9Li spin relaxation in SrTiO3 and Pt : a means to distinguish magnetic and electric quadrupolar sources of relaxation BnmrOffice : a free software for β-nmr data analysis New capabilities at pulsed muon facilities with pulsed radio-frequency techniques Musrfit-real time parameter fitting using GPUs Introduction and a quick look at MUESR, the magnetic structure and muon embedding site refinement suite Reverse monte carlo algorithm and maximum entropy principle for the analysis of positive muon spin rotation and relaxation spectra J-PARC muon facility, MUSE Developing the muon facilities at ISIS TRIUMF MuSR and βNMR research facilities Muon beamline commissioning and feasibility study for μSR at a new DC muon beamline, MuSIC-RCNP, Osaka University Perspective of muon production target at J-PARC MLF MUSE Renovation of a scraper unit of a muon production target at J-PARC Transportation of ultra slow muon on U-line, MLF, J-PARC Status of the new surface muon beamline at J-PARC MUSE Development of general purpose μSR spectrometer ARTEMIS at S1 experimental area, MLF J-PARC Intense negative muon facility with MERIT ring for nuclear transmutation Online learning for muon science Presenting muon thermalization with Feynman QED Your muonium is μ-drogen
JPS conference proceedings 20
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Table of ContentsQCS2017: preface QCS2017: opening QCS2017: program QCS2017: organizers and local organizing committee QCS2017: poster QCS2017: photos QCS2017: list of articles Thermal evolution of neutron stars : current status Strangeness in neutron star cooling Cooling of compact stars with nucleon superfluidity and quark superconductivity Cooling process of magnetars with vv-pair and axion emissions in relativistic quantum approach Understanding recent magnetar observations from the magnetospheric point of view On the possibility of a FFLO neutron superfluid in the magnetar crust Net reaction rate and neutrino cooling rate for the Urca process in departure from chemical equilibrium in the crust of fast-accreting neutron stars Inhomogeneous chiral phase in quark matter Strongly interacting matter in magnetic field Nuclear matter, quarkyonic matter, and phase transitions in hybrid stars Kondo effect in dense matter Stable non-Abelian semi-superfluid vortices in dense QCD Topological nature of deconfinement transition in QCD Effect of partial chiral symmetry restoration in nuclear matter to charmed meson masses based on a chiral partner structure The change of spectral function for excited D meson with partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear matter Light-front quark model analysis of the (π0, n,n') →γγ transition form factors Ginzburg-Landau phase diagram under magnetic field Spin polarization and color superconductivity in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model Effects of fluctuations on inhomogeneous chiral transitions From supernovae to neutron stars New table of supernova equation of state using a variational method and its application to astrophysical Quark matter and quark stars From chirality of neutrinos to supernovae Neutrino and gravitational-wave signatures of quark stars Internal plateau in short GRBs and quark stars Strangeon stars Strange quark star and hybrid star Impact of rotation on quark-hadron hybrid stars The effects of admixed dark matter on accretion induced collapse Neutrino observation of core collapse supernovae Hybrid stars as a third family of compact objects Strangeon matter in a liquid drop model Finite-size effects on equation of state for supernovae and neutron stars Hyperon mixing and two serious problems in neutron stars High density EOS : heavy-ion collisions, compact stars and strangeness Dense matter physics with rare isotopes Density functional approach to superfluid phonon in inner crust of neutron stars Equation of state with kaon condensation and hyperons in dense matter Properties of asymmetric nuclear matter Dependence of pulsar death line on the equation of state KIDS nuclear energy density functional : 1st application in nuclei Hyperons and neutron star in relativistic mean field model Kaon condensation and hyperon mixture in inhomogeneous neutron star matter The influence of short-range correlation on the EoS of compact stars Exploring physics of neutron star matter by gravitational waves X-ray observations of neutron stars Protoneutron star properties via gravitational wave asteroseismology Prospects of constraining the nuclear equation of state with gravitational-wave signals in the advanced detector era and beyond Gravitational wave signatures of crystalline color superconductors Hydrostatic equilibria of rotating stars with realistic equation of state Studies of the QCD phase diagram with heavy-ion collisions at J-PARC Phenomenological model of hyper-massive neutron star phase gravitational wave of binary neutron star Gravitational-wave and neutrino signals from core-collapse supernovae with QCD phase transition QCS2017: list of participants
JPS conference proceedings 19
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsUHECR2016: editors, committees, supporters, participants list, and statistics Authors list of KASCADE-Grande collaboration Authors list of the JEM-EUSO collaboration Authors list of the LHCf collaboration Authors list of the Pierre Auger collaboration Authors list of the Telescope Array collaboration Authors list of the Lomonosov-UHECR/TLE collaboration UHECR2016: list of articles James W. Cronin : raising the profile of physics worldwide In memory of Professor Nagano The energy spectrum of cosmic rays at the highest energies On ultra-high rigidity cosmic rays Cosmic ray physics with the KASCADE-Grande observatory Estimation of the invisible energy in extensive air showers with the data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory Summary of cosmic ray spectrum and composition below 1018 eV The physics of UHECRs : spectra, composition and the transition galactic-extragalactic Anisotropy search in energy distribution in the northern hemisphere using the Telescope Array surface detector data Uncorrelated far Active Galactic Nuclei flaring with their delayed ultra high energy cosmic rays events Measurements of the mass composition of UHECRs with the Pierre Auger Observatory Composition measurements via depth of airshower maximum at the Telescope Array Report of the working group on the mass composition of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays Studies of hadronic interactions at the Pierre Auger Observatory <Xmax> uncertainty from extrapolation of cosmic ray air shower parameters Review of accelerator experiments relevant to air shower development The resent results from the LHCf experiment Review of model predictions for extensive air showers TA anisotropy summary Arrival directions of cosmic rays at ultra-high energies A novel study connecting ultra-high energy cosmic rays, neutrinos, and gamma-rays Extragalactic sources and propagation of UHECRs High-energy particle showers observed at ground level in coincidence with downward lightning leaders at the Telescope Array observatory Elves, forbush decreases and solar activity studies at the Pierre Auger Observatory The TA×4 experiment Telescope Array Low energy Extension : TALE Status of the Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy (TAIGA) The JEM-EUSO program to study UHECR from space Early results from TUS, the first orbital detector of extreme energy cosmic rays Prospects of silicon photomultipliers for ground-based cosmic ray experiments Radio detection of cosmic rays : achievements and future potential Air shower development and hadron production at very forward region Auger at the Telescope Array : recent progress toward a direct cross-calibration of surface-detector stations Calibration of photo-multiplier tubes in fluorescence detectors of the Telescope Array Composition studies with the Telescope Array surface detector Development of a UAV-mounted light source for fluorescence detector calibration of the Telescope Array experiment Development of the Cosmic Ray Air Fluorescence Fresnel lens Telescope for a next generation UHECR observatory Development of the new DAQ system for the SD array of TA×4 and TALE Energy dependence of the very-forward particle production in p-p collisions by the LHCf experiment Mini-EUSO : a precursor mission on the international space station for the observation of atmosphere and Monte Carlo study of diffraction in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13TeV with the very forward detector NICHE : Non-Imaging Cherenkov light observation at the TA site Night sky weather monitoring system using Fish-eye CCD Phenomenology of the invisible energy : revisiting the Heitler-Matthews cascade model Studies of muons in extensive air showers from ultra-high energy cosmic rays observed with the Telescope Array surface detector Study of microwave radiation from the electron beam at the Telescope Array site The full-scale prototype for the Fluorescence detector Array of Single-pixel Telescopes The performance of the new LHCf detector for hadronic showers
JPS conference proceedings 18
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsLEAP2016: preface LEAP2016: list of articles CPT violation and (quantum) gravity Antimatter, Lorentz symmetry, and gravity Present status and future plans of GAPS antiproton and antideuteron measurement for indirect dark matter search Cosmological tests of modified gravity with future observations of growth rate of matter density perturbations Hadronic EDM and new physics beyond standard model Towards quantum logic inspired cooling and detection for single (anti-)protons Progress of antihydrogen beam production using a double cusp trap Manipulation and transport of antiprotons for an efficient production of antihydrogen atoms Antihydrogen synthesis in a double-cusp trap Measurements and 3D reconstruction of antimatter annihilations with the ASACUSA Micromegas Tracker The role of antihydrogen formation in the radial transport of antiprotons in positron plasmas Antihydrogen formation and level population evolution during passage through a positron plasma Simulations on mixing charged particles in a nested Penning trap H+ sympathetic cooling simulations with a variable time step Design of a radial TPC for antihydrogen gravity measurement with ALPHA-g Antimatter production and interaction in relativistic heavy ion collisions Precision tests of discrete symmetries at low energies Towards an improved measurement of the proton magnetic moment A test of charge-parity-time invariance at the atto-electronvolt scale Recent developments at the high-precision mass spectrometer PENTATRAP Laser spectroscopy of muonic atoms and ions Measurement of muonium hyperfine structure at J-PARC Development of three dimensional muon beam profile monitor for new spectroscopy of muonium Simulation study of frictional cooling for true muonium production Population redistribution of cold Rydberg atoms Overview of recent work on laser excitation of positronium for the formation of antihydrogen The combined screened Coulomb and varying charge effects on doubly excited resonance states in the positronium negative ion Equation of state of hyperonic nuclear matter at zero and finite temperatures with the variational method Excited scalar mesons and the search for glueballs Exotic nuclei with double strangeness in nuclear emulsion Spectroscopy of nuclei with multi-strangeness by using new S-2S spectrometer at J-PARC Interaction of antiprotons with nuclei Study of multiphonon γγ-band of 154Gd through modified soft rotor formula Low-energy antikaon interaction with nuclei : the AMADEUS challenge Data acquisition and online event selection for the PANDA experiment Recent results on the antiproton-nucleus annihilation cross section at low energy Experimental apparatus for antiproton-nucleus annihilation cross section measurements at low energy The development of the antihydrogen beam detector : toward the three dimensional tracking with a BGO crystal and a hodoscope Relative biological effectiveness of antiprotons the AD-4/ACE experiment Particle physics in space with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Beam diagnostics for low energy antiprotons Superconducting beam charge monitors for antiproton storage rings Beam quality measurements for low energy antiproton machines Beam dynamics studies and design optimisation of new low energy antiproton facilities AD infrastructures and experimental areas evolutions in the context of ELENA development Francium : tool for fundamental symmetry investigations

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