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Plant species biology

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Plant species biology 13 2-3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SPECIES BIOLOGY Officers and Council for 1998-2000 Size-dependent Variation of Phenotypic Gender and Functional Gender of a Spring Ephemeral, Anemone debilis Fisch.(Reproductive Biology) Effect of Seasonal Temperature Changes on Germination Responses of Buried Seeds of Agalinis fasciculata (Scrophulariaceae), and a Comparison with 12 Other Summer Annuals Native to Eastern North America(Reproductive Biology) The Significance of the Mode of Clonal Growth in the Life History of Bamboos(Population Biology) Population Biology of Fagus crenata Blume : I. Demographic Genetic Differentiations of Lowland and Montane Populations in Toyama, Central Honshu, Japan(Population Biology) A Sensitivity Analysis of the Population Dynamics of Erythronium japonicum, a Liliaceous Perennial(Population Biology) Molecular Systematics of the Genus Uvularia and Selected Liliales Based upon matK and rbcL Gene Sequence Data(Systematic Biology) Demographic Genetic Analyses of the American Beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.). : Genetic Variations of Seed Populations in Maryland Index of Key Words PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY Volume 13, 1998 Editorial Board CONTENTS OF VOLUME 13 Call for papers! INSTRUCTION TO CONTRIBUTORS BACKCOVER
Plant species biology 13 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SPECIES BIOLOGY Officers and Council for 1998-2000 Temporal Dioecism and Pollination by Wasps and Bees in Allophylus serratus (Roxb.) Radlk. (Sapindaceae)(Reproductive Biology) Reproductive Biology of Curlleaf Mountain Mahogany, Cercocarpus ledifolius (Rosaceae) : Self-compatibility, Pollen Limitation, and Wind Pollination(Reproductive Biology) Role of Temperature in Dormancy Break and/or Germination of Autumn-maturing Achenes of Eight Perennial Asteraceae from Texas, U. S. A.(Reproductive Biology) Population Genetic Structure of Arctomecon californica Torrey & Fremont (Papaveraceae) in Fragmented and Unfragmented Habitat(Population Biology) Taxonomy and Floral Biology of Scleropogon (Eragrostideae : Gramineae)(Systematic Biology) Molecular α-taxonomy of Hymenasplenium obliquissimum Complex (Aspleniaceae) Based on rbcL Sequence Comparisons(Systematic Biology) The Selection of Pollen and Seed Dispersal in Plants Call for Papers! INSTRUCTION TO CONTRIBUTORS BACKCOVER
Plant species biology 12 2-3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SPECIES BIOLOGY Officers and Council for 1995-1997 Self-incompatibility and Clonal Growth in Anemopsis californica(Reproductive Biology) Floral Ecology, Carinal-Lobe Release, Pollination and Reproductive Success in the Wild and Domesticated Forms of Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. (Lamiaceae) in Mexico(Reproductive Biology) Chemical Divergence in Floral Scents of Magnolia and Allied Genera (Magnoliaceae)(Reproductive Biology) Morphological Variance among Populations of Three Tropical Orchids with Restricted Gene Flow(Population Biology) Marked Spatial Genetic Structure in Three Populations of a Weedy Fern, Pteris multifida Poir., and Reestimation of Its Selfing Rate(Population Biology) Demographic Genetics of the Japanese Beech, Fagus crenata, at Ogawa Forest Preserve, Ibaraki, Central Honshu, Japan. : I. Spatial Genetic Substructuring in Local Populations(Population Biology) Demographic Genetics of the Japanese Beech, Fagus crenata, at Ogawa Forest Preserve, Ibaraki, Central Honshu, Japan. : II. Genetic Substructuring among Size-classes in Local Populations(Population Biology) Demographic Genetics of the Japanese Beech, Fagus crenata, in the Ogawa Forest Preserve, Ibaraki, Central Honshu, Japan. : III. Population Dynamics and Genetic Substructuring within a Metapopulation(Population Biology) Index of Key Words PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY Volume 12, 1997 Editorial Board CONTENTS OF VOLUME 12 International Organization of Plant Biosystematists VII^<th> International Symposium INSTRUCTION TO CONTRIBUTORS BACKCOVER
Plant species biology 12 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SPECIES BIOLOGY Officers and Council for 1995-1997 A Preliminary Study of the Pollination Ecology of Pedicularis in the Chinese Himalaya(Reproductive Biology) Pollination of Goodyera foliosa var. maximowicziana (Orchidaceae) by the Bumblebee Bombus diversus diversus(Reproductive Biology) Natural Variation in Flowering Time among Populations of the Annual Crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana(Population Biology) Genetic Variation and Relationships of Japanese Populations of Oxalis corniculata L. (Oxalidaceae) Detected by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)(Population Biology) Crown Architecture of Two Understory Palm Species of the Genus Licuala in a Tropical Rain Forest(Life History Ecology) Aerial Seed Bank and Intra-population Variability in Germinative Strategies of Verbascum phlomoides L.(Life History Ecology) Comparative Studies of the Hanabusaya asiatica and its Allied Groups by RAPD Analysis(Molecular Systematics) International Organization of Plant Biosystematists VII^<th> International Symposium INSTRUCTION TO CONTRIBUTORS BACKCOVER
Plant species biology 11 2-3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SPECIES BIOLOGY Officers and Council for 1995-1997 Retention Time of Seeds in Bird Guts : Costs and Benefits for Fruiting Plants and Frugivorous Birds(1995 SSSB SYMPOSIUM : PLANT-ANIMAL INTERACTION IN PROPAGULE DISPERSAL) What Can We Learn about Seed Dispersal from Seed Trap Experiments at Fruiting Trees? : Efficiency of Dispersal Traits(1995 SSSB SYMPOSIUM : PLANT-ANIMAL INTERACTION IN PROPAGULE DISPERSAL) Characteristics of Nectar Secretion by Lycium cestroides, L. ciliatum (Solanaceae), and Their Hybrid(Reproductive Biology) Pollination Ecology of Pedicularis bracteosa in the Montane-subalpine Ecotone(Reproductive Biology) The Floral Biology of Duchesnea (Rosaceae)(Reproductive Biology) Pollination Biology of Cremastra appendiculata var. variabilis (Orchidaceae)(Reproductive Biology) The Reproductive Ecology of an Emergent Dipterocarp in a Lowland Rain Forest in Sarawak(Reproductive Biology) Beetle Pollination of Magnolia praecocissima var. borealis(Reproductive Biology) Microgeographic Allozyme Variation in Yushan Cane (Yushania niitakayamensis; Poaceae)(Population Biology) Plastic Responses to Nutrient and Light Intensity Gradients in Populations of Oxalis corniculata L. (Oxalidaceae)(Population Biology) Progenesis as an Adaptive Strategy in the Annual Fern Ceratopteris thalictroides in Japan(Population Biology) Index of Key Words PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY Volume 11, 1996 Editorial Board CONTENTS OF VOLUME 11 INSTRUCTION TO CONTRIBUTORS BACKCOVER
Plant species biology 11 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SPECIES BIOLOGY Officers and Council for 1995-1997 Editorial Evolution in the Genus Zea : Lessons from Studies of Nucleotide Polymorphism(Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations-Modern Approaches and Recent Progress)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) Population Genetic Aspects of Gametophytic Self-incompatibility(Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations-Modern Approaches and Recent Progress)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) Characterizing Molecular Quantitative Variability for Inbreeding Depression(Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations-Modern Approaches and Recent Progress)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) Molecular Variation in Isolated Plant Populations(Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations-Modern Approaches and Recent Progress)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) Genetic Diversity in the Common Morning Glory(Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations-Modern Approaches and Recent Progress)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) The Amount of Genetic Variation at the DNA Level Maintained in a Finite Population(Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations-Modern Approaches and Recent Progress)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) Testing the Adaptive Plasticity Hypothesis for Plant Responses to Neighbors(Phenotypic Plasticity and its Evolutionary-Ecological Implications)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) Developmental Reaction Norms : the Interactions among Allometry, Ontogeny and Plasticity(Phenotypic Plasticity and its Evolutionary-Ecological Implications)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) Phenotypic Plasticity in Growth Habit in Plantago lanceolata : How Tight is a Suite of Correlated Characters?(Phenotypic Plasticity and its Evolutionary-Ecological Implications)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) A Case Study in Experimental Evolution: Reproductive Effort and Induced Responses in Drosophila melanogaster(Phenotypic Plasticity and its Evolutionary-Ecological Implications)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) Allometric Limits to the Induced Accumulation of Nicotine in Native Tobacco(Phenotypic Plasticity and its Evolutionary-Ecological Implications)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) The Genetic Basis of Phenotype Expression in Plants(Phenotypic Plasticity and its Evolutionary-Ecological Implications)(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : Differentiation Patterns of Plant Populations and Adaptive Mechanisms)(<Special Issue>the 10th Anniversary of the Society for the Study of Species Biology (SSSB)) INSTRUCTION TO CONTRIBUTORS BACKCOVER
Plant species biology 10 3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SPECIES BIOLOGY Officers and Council for 1995-1997 Optimal Resource Allocation to Seeds and Vegetative Propagules in the Understory Herb Syneilesis palmata (Compositae) Juvenile Demography of Copaifera pubiflora Benth. (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) near Parent Tree Breeding System, Sex Ratio and Individual Size of the Gynodioecious Nototriche compacta (Malvaceae) in the Andes of Central Chile Spatial Genetic Structure among Korean Populations of Camellia japonica and Eurya japonica (Theaceae) Pollination Ecology of Pedicularis parryi ssp. purpurea (Parry) Carr (Scrophulariaceae) Evolutionary Biology of Trillium and Related Genera (Trilliaceae) : II. Cladistic Analyses on Gross Morphological Characters, and Phylogeny and Evolution of the Genus Trillium Corrigenda Index of Key Words PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY Volume 10, 1995 Editorial Board CONTENTS OF VOLUME 10 INSTRUCTION TO CONTRIBUTORS BACKCOVER
Plant species biology 10 2
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SPECIES BIOLOGY Officers and Council for 1995-1997 The Importance of Flowering Time and Flower Number in the Relative Fitness of Males and Hermaphrodites in Datisca glomerata (Datiscaceae) Spatial Autocorrelation of Allozyme Variants among Korean Populations of Calystegia soldanella and C. japonica (Convolvulaceae) Pollination Ecology of Pedicularis in the Teton Mountain Region Reproductive Biology of Oxalis corniculata (Oxalidaceae) : Style Length Polymorphisms and Breeding Systems of Japanese Populations Growth Responses of the Cuttings of Two Willow Species to Elevated CO_2 and Temperature Seed Ecology of Lobelia boninensis Koidz. (Campanulaceae), an Endemic Species in the Bonin Islands (Japan) Relationship between Flower Number and Reproductive Success of a Spring Ephemeral Herb, Anemone flaccida (Ranunculaceae) Optimal Balance between Propagule Output, Propagule Size, and Cost of Propagule Production in Plants with Special Reference to its Evolutionary-Ecological Implications Announcements INSTRUCTION TO CONTRIBUTORS BACKCOVER
Plant species biology 10 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SPECIES BIOLOGY Officers and Council for 1995-1997 Contrasting Demographic Characteristics of Seeds and Vegetative Propagules in an Understory Herb Syneilesis palmata (Compositae) Effects of Light Intensity on the Size Structure and Establishment of Diploids and Triploids of Disporum sessile Evolutionary Biology of Trillium and Related Genera (Trilliaceae) : I. Restriction Site Mapping and Variation of Chloroplast DNA and its Systematic Implications Pollination Biology of Oenothera (Onagraceae). : The Interplay between Floral UV-Absorbancy Patterns and Floral Volatiles as Signals to Nocturnal Insects Characterization and Evolution of a cDNA Encoding the Small Subunit of Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate Carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcS) of Stellaria longipes (Caryophyllaceae) Distribution of Dimorphic Flowers as Related to Other Elements of the Reproductive Strategy Fluorescent Magnolia Flowers Announcements International Organization of Plant Biosystematists VI International Symposium evolutionary trends in plants ENVIRONMENT UPDATE Volume 8 (1994) INSTRUCTION TO CONTRIBUTORS BACKCOVER
Plant species biology 9 3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SPECIES BIOLOGY Officers and Council for 1993-1995 Ecological and Evolutionary Interactions between Wild Crucifers and Their Herbivorous Insects(<SPECIAL ISSUE>THE 25TH SYMPOSIUM) Endosymbiosis of Aphids with Microorganisms : a Model Case of Dynamic Endosymbiotic Evolution(<SPECIAL ISSUE>THE 25TH SYMPOSIUM) Plant-Herbivore Interactions and Theory of Coevolution(<SPECIAL ISSUE>THE 25TH SYMPOSIUM) Molecular Phylogeny and Coevolution(<SPECIAL ISSUE>THE 25TH SYMPOSIUM) Importance of Queen Bumble Bees as Pollinators Facilitating Inter-morph Crossing in Primula sieboldii Low Levels of Genetic Diversity within Populations of Hosta clause (Liliaceae) Morphological Constraints of Shoot Demography of a Clonal Plant : Extra- and Intravaginal Tillers of Festuca rubra Genetic Variation and Population Differentiation in Natural Populations of Cryptomeria japonica Index of Key Words PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY Volume 9, 1994 Editorial Board CONTENTS OF VOLUME 9 International Organization of Plant Biosystematists VI International Symposium evolutionary trends in plants ENVIRONMENT UPDATE Volume 8 (1994) INSTRUCTION TO CONTRIBUTORS BACKCOVER

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