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Table of ContentsCOVER Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology(Editorial Board) The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26,(Tokyo)(Divisional title) CONTENTS PL The Role of Exercise Physiology in 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) SL Ancient Olympic Games and the Modern Olympic Games Creation of a new model(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) IL Control of muscle contraction by intracellular Ca^<2+>(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) S-3-1 Muscle hypertrophy induced by low-load exercise training(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) S-4-1 Obesity-related health conditions and the rebound phenomenon of body weight(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) S-4-2 Legacy effects of prepubertal-onset exercise in humans : based on the results of animal study(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-1-1 Effects of muscle contraction mode on intracellular signaling related in protein synthesis in human skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-1-2 The effects of the differences of exercise intensity in cycling on the activation in intracellular signaling pathways(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-1-3 Heat stress treatment rescues denervation-induced mitochondrial loss in skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-1-4 Resistance training increases mitochondrial fusion proteins in rat skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-1-5 Carnitine uptake and acetylation are increased by contraction in skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-2-1 Negative rebound in hippocampal neurogenesis following a cessation of voluntary wheel running is associated with reduction of ambulatory activity of mice(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-2-3 Effects of prior moderate exercise on the performances of simple addition and visual short-term memory tasks(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-2-5 Influence of time lag between electrical activities of synergist muscles on the variation of maximal voluntary contraction within a subject(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-3-1 Effects of repeated heat stress on immobilization-induced skeletal muscle atrophy(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-3-2 The effects of a taper on exercise performance and physiological index of skeletal muscles in mouse(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-3-3 Effects of uphill and downhill walking on the degree of muscle pain of the lower extremities after exercise(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-3-4 Differences in delayed and immediate onset muscle soreness and damage induced by eccentric exercise and a full-marathon(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-3-5 Muscle fiber properties in animals living in hypoxia environment(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-4-1 Movement speed-dependent modulation on the activity of spinal inhibitory circuits following rhythmic visuomotor task(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-4-2 Influence of performing dual task on cortical inhibition(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-4-3 EEG analysis before and after intermittent pedalling exercise at maximal effort(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) B-4-4 The characteristics on ERPs of goalkeepers during judging the kicked ball direction in penalty kick(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-1-1 Effect of the rotational speed of the rope in a person turning a long jump rope is on the heart rate and oxygen uptake(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-1-4 Effects of consciously controlled breathing at 6 breaths per minute on cardiac parasympathetic nervous activity after exercise in healthy adult men(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-1-5 Changes in relative exercise intensity during a two hour endurance race using a tandem-bicycle for exercise(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-2-1 Cooling attenuates the reduction in muscle performance during repeated three consecutive days of strenuous exercise(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-2-2 Maintenance of blood glucose level during prolonged exercise by taurine supplementation : Relation to free amino acids and hepatic gluconeogenesis(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-2-3 Effects of exercise under hypo-baric hypoxia on Nrf2 and antioxidant enzyme mRNA expression(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-2-4 Effect of menstrual cycle on cortisol concentrations after resistance exercise(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-2-5 Effects of water immersion in various water levels on urine volume and subjective micturition during water exercise(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-3-2 The effects of repeated short-term hypobaric hypoxic training on resting blood pressure and arterial stiffness(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-3-3 Influence of physical activity on arterial stiffness after high sugar meal(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-3-4 Effects of morning exercise on post-exercise physiological responses(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-3-5 Effects of music on psychophysiological responses during cycling exercise(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-4-1 Effects of menthol-containing artificial carbonated spring water bathing before exercise in a hot environment(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-4-2 Attempts to estimate the human muscle temperature using multi-frequency impedance device(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-4-3 Title The effects of difference in the timing of crushed ice ingestion before exercise on endurance cycling performance and thermoregulation in the heat(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) C-4-4 Characteristics of circadian variations of the body temperature and grip strength(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-1 Branched-chain amino acid supplementation during 2 weeks of detraining maintained endurance training-induced mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-2 Circadian rhythm of intracellular signaling in rat soleus muscle(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-3 Time series of signal phosphorylations by electrical stimulation in C2C12 myotubes(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-4 Exercise in early life increases the level of acetylated histone H3 in mouse gastrocnemius muscle(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-5 Effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on signaling pathways involved in muscle hypertrophy in human skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-6 Comparative Study of Upper Extremity Muscle Activities in Skilled and Beginning Archery Players(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-7 Autophagy is involved in cancer cachectic skeletal muscle wasting process in tumor-bearing mice(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-8 Knockdown of adiponectin receptor 1 inhibits myogenic differentiation of C2C12 cells(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-9 Effects of different training intensity combinations on muscle hypertrophy(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-10 Effects of short duration high-intensity interval endurance training after strength training on muscle hypertrophy(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-11 Effect of concurrent strength and low-intensity endurance training on same day versus day after(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) D-P-12 Influence of Occlusal Force and Teeth Contact Area on Anaerobic Power Type for Alpine Skier(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) E-P-2 Effect of cooling down on the removal of blood lactate after high-intensity exercise(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) E-P-4 The influence of menstrual cycle on cerebral blood flow in young females(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) E-P-6 Effects of intravascular pressure on mechanical vasodilation of the feed arteries of rat soleus muscle(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) E-P-7 Correlation between menstrual disorders with body fat and bone quantity in female college athletes(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) E-P-9 Short-duration intermittent hypoxia enhances endurance capacity via improving fatty acid metabolism in mice(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) E-P-10 Effects of different active recoveries on subsequent intense intermittent exercise capacity in football referees(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) E-P-11 Effect of 16-week functional movement improvement exercise program on Functional Movement Screen(FMS)^<TM> test Score in High-School(The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 25・26, (Tokyo)) Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology(Editorial Board) Plasticity of Human Motor Associate and Primary Sensorimotor Cortices Induced by tDCS Influence of Performing Dual Task on Cortical Inhibition Changes in Walking Styles in the Elderly after the Presentation of Walking Patterns Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology(Editorial Board) Measures to Maintain and Improve the Health and Physical Fitness of the Elderly, and the Characteristics of their Health Behaviors and Considerations New Insight into Exercising under Hypoxia to Improve and Prevent Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk Factors Endurance Training-based Tapering Fails to Improve Fatigue Resistance of Rat Skeletal Muscle Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology(Editorial Board) Exercise-induced Capillary Growth in Skeletal Muscle Lower Limb Muscle Activation Patterns and Physiological Responses Obtained using Binding Pedals during Bicycle Exercise : The Differences in the Cycling Cadence, Cycling Time and Experience of the Subjects Blood Glucose Threshold is Not Consistent with Blood Lactate Threshold by Different Evaluation Methods Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology(Editorial Board) The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20,(Okayama)(Divisional title) CONTENTS P.L. Exercise physiology and physical characteristics of water(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) S.L. Potentials and Limitations of VO_2 max, Heart Rate, and RPE as Indices for Exercise Prescription and Training(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) EL-S Recent developments of Japanese guidelines for research ethics and their implications for exercise physiology(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) EL-I The world and the charm of skinned fibers(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) EL-II Heat illness and body temperature regulation in men(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) EL-III High intensity intermittent training -What is Tabata protocol?(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) EL-IV Cardiovascular regulation study for control of the oxygen delivery system(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) EL-V MUAP life from production to disappearance was detectable from monopolarly recorded its wave form(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) KL-I(1) Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying muscle plasticity : Role of Notch signalling in myofibre(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) KL-I(2) New concept for activation properties of human bi-articular muscles : Muscle within a muscle(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) KL-II(1) Hyperventilation induced by the increase in body temperature(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) KL-II(2) Central mechanisms underlying physiological limits to exercise in the heat(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) KL-III(1) Effect of high-intensity sprint training(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) KL-III(2) Functional roles and plasticity of the human tendon structures in vivo(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) KL-IV(1) Respiratory muscle fatigue affects circulatory regulation during exercise(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) KL-IV(2) Regulations of exercising muscle blood flow and arterial blood pressure : contributions of neural cardiovascular regulations(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) KL-V(1) Visuomotor control of walking(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) KL-V(2) Muscle force level modulation under corticomuscular synchrony(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) T.P. Factors associated with physical and mental fitness in the East Japan(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) MS-I Muscle-tendon unit : knowledge and recent findings(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) MS-II Effects of high-intensity training on exercise performance in well-trained swimmers(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) MS-III EMG measurements of human movement when immersed in water(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) MS-IV Effect of systemic circulatory system on cerebral blood flow regulation(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) MS-V Human redundant movements are documented from the simplification of the redundant degree of freedom(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) MS-IV The skeletal muscle as the endocrine organ of the sex hormone(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) FS-I Molecular mechanism of exercise training-induced cardiovascular adaptations(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) FS-II Possibility of conditioning methods considering the menstrual cycle(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) FS-III My thoughts regarding sports activities and sports-related injuries, based on my experience as an Olympic athlete : To help young athletes in the future(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1C01-1 Effects of S-glutathionylation on myofibrillar Ca^<2+> sensitivity during prolonged low-frequency force depression(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1C01-2 Wnt regulates satellite cell conversion after voluntary running(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1C01-3 Expression of ammonia transporters, Rh b glycoprotein and Rh c glycoprotein, in skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1C01-4 Effects of long-term voluntary wheel-running exercise on glycolytic and oxidative enzyme activities in OLETF rat skeletal muscles(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1C01-5 Effects of different temperature stimuli on the regeneration of injured soleus muscles in rats(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D02-1 Effects of different modes of training on central arterial wall viscosity(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D02-2 The responses of internal and external carotid artery blood flows to resistance exercise(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D02-3 The distribution of blood flow in the external and internal carotid arteries during exercise with heat stress(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D02-4 Intramyocellular or extramyocellular contents are associated with arterial stiffness in low level of cardiorespiratory fitness in middle and older women(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D02-5 Changes in brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and blood pressure after short-term hypobaric hypoxic training(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D03-1 Mechanisms underlying exercise-induced diuresis caused by 400-m sprints(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D03-2 The role of TRP channel related to thermal effect during carbon dioxide-rich water immersion(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D03-3 Influence of lifestyle on seasonal sweat function change in male college students(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D03-4 The effects of wet bulb globe temperature on fluid intake and dehydration during training for trail running(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D03-5 Functional role of hypothalamic dopamine on endurance exercise capacity in rats(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D04-1 Creatine analogue reduces adipose tissue mass via increased secretion of myostatin(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D04-2 Voluntary wheel-running exercise suppresses development of diabetic nephropathy(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D04-3 Effects of exercise intensity and style on acute decreases in blood glucose(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D04-4 Acuta stress-induced colonic tissue HSP70 expression depends on intestinal motility(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 1D04-5 Effects of walking in water on gut hormone levels and energy intake : Comparison with walking on land(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B05-1 The muscle fiber properties in mammals including human(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B05-2 Development of multi-frequency impedance method of measuring muscle temperature noninvasively(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B05-3 Effect of warm-up with a combination of static stretching and running on joint flexibility and jumping performance(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B05-4 The effects of combined circuit training on muscle size and peak oxygen uptake for elderly women(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C06-1 Effect of 30-month weight change on arterial stiffness : a randomized controlled trial focused on group-based weight-loss support(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C06-2 Effect of single bout of eccentric and concentric cycling exercise on arterial stiffness(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C06-3 Relationship between estrogen receptor-beta gene polymorphism and carotid arterial thickness in Japanese women(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C06-4 Effects of smoking habit on Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI) at rest and after underwater exercise(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D07-1 Characteristics of the P300 amplitude and the latency on predicting the direction of a penalty kick in soccer(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D07-2 A neuroscientific study of a sequence of actions of a kendo practitioner from the maintenance of the basic posture to attacks against an opponent(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D07-3 Measurement of CNV to badminton video clip(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D07-4 Response of soleus muscle M- and F-wave to various types of muscle stretching(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2E08-1 Comparable effects of resistance- and aerobic-exercise on physical and mental health parameters in untrained middle-aged and older women(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2E08-2 Effect of successive 6 days of hypoxic training on sprint training(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2E08-3 Effects of hand paddle on intra-abdominal pressure during front crawl swimming(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2E08-4 Effect of thixotoropy conditioning on cardiac autonomic control and respiratory function(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B09-1 Stretch-activated channel blocker inhibits effects of electrical stimulation-induced muscle force on reducing disused bone loss(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B09-2 Early onset of exercise is effective for healing in muscle injury(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B09-3 Effects of estrogen deficiency on skeletal muscle in female(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B09-4 Relationships between intramuscular fat and body composition and blood profiles in obese boys and girls(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C10-1 Exercise training increases arterial apelin concentration and APJ expression in obese rats(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C10-2 Muscle angiogenic gene inauction and microvascular adaptation to training are attenuated in middle-aged rats(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C10-3 Effects of aging on mechanical vasodilation of the feed arteries of rat soleus muscle(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C10-4 The effects of prolonged expiration on cardiac parasympathetic nervous activity during and after exercise(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D11-1 Attentional resource allocation in children during the dual-task of the tracking performance and the P300 amplitude(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D11-2 Changes in excitabilities of the spinal motoneuron in uppers limb with postural change(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D11-3 Effects of voluntary exercise on food intake : comparison with the stress-induced anorexia(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D11-4 Plastic changes in the mirror neuron system following two months of physical training of a novel complex movement : a longitudinal fMRI study(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2E12-1 Mode-dependent control of human walking and running as revealed by split-belt adaptation(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2E12-2 Identification of gait transition based on muscle synergies between walking and running in humans(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2E12-3 Inter-individual variability of changes in excitability of primary motor cortex induced by motor learning(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2E12-4 Changes in corticospinal excitability during dual task(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B13-1 Notch1 and Notch2 are essential for maintenance of the satellite cell pool in adult muscle(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B13-2 Functional analysis of μ-Crystallin in skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B13-3 DHEA administration and exercise training enhance transcription factor of lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle of obese rats(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B13-4 Diosgenin-induced increase in muscular sex steroid hormone level improve insulin resistance in type 2 model rats(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2B13-5 Serum Clq level is associated with aging-induced reduction in muscle mass and function(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C14-1 Time-dependent changes in individual differences in components of the pressor responses to isometric handgrip exercise in humans(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C14-2 The effect of stroop test on cardio-respiratory responses before exercise and immediately after beginning exercise(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C14-3 Lifestyle modification decreases central pulse pressure in overweight and obese men(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C14-4 Effects of a single bout of aerobic exercise on central arterial blood pressure(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2C14-5 Effects of short-term exercise training on arterial stiffness in elderly hypertensive females(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D15-1 Effect of low intensity exercise by head-up tilt(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D15-2 Effects of exercise in the morning on physiological response during unsteady workload exercise in the evening(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D15-3 Increase in salivary taurine concentration in soccer players after repeated soccer matches(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D15-4 Evaluation method for sport climbing-specific forearm endurance by blood lactate concentration(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) 2D15-5 Effect of immersion in the virtual reality using oculus rift on the misunderstanding of recognition(The Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 19・20, (Okayama)) Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology(Editorial Board) Attentional Modulation and Control in the Human Somatosensory System Effects of Mild Intermittent Hypoxic Training on Arterial Stiffness Aerobic Exercise Training Improves Vascular Endothelial Function with an Increase in Circulating Klotho Levels in Postmenopausal Women Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology(Editorial Board) Central Sensorimotor Processing Preceding Voluntary Movement Mechanisms Underlying Exercise-induced Diuresis Caused by 400-m Sprints Changes in Corticospinal Excitability during Dual Task Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology(Editorial Board) Physical Exercise Can Induce Brain Plasticity and Regulate Mental Function The Ameliorating Effect of Branched-chain Amino Acids Ingestion on Different Types of Muscle Soreness after Swimming and Full-marathon Running The Effects of Different Intensities of Exercise on Night Sleep The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27・28, (Saitama)(Divisional title) 1-C-8 Linkage between energy supply system and running skill during long distance running race(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27・28, (Saitama)) 2-A-3 Effects of a combined chronic intake of diacylglycerol oil with exercise on body compositions, glucose and lipid metabolism(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27・28, (Saitama)) 2-B-5 Analyses of the nasal pressure changes while regulator breathing under water(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27・28, (Saitama)) 2-C-3 The influences of skill-level on strength in fixed-form dances(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27・28, (Saitama)) 2-C-5 Study of muscle functions of human leg multi-joint movement in middle- and older women(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27・28, (Saitama)) Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology(Editorial Board) The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27・28,(Saitama)(Divisional title) CONTENTS P.L. Exercise prescriptions based on behavioral medicine for health promotion and fitness improvement(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27・28, (Saitama)) S.L. Regulatory mechanisms of cardiac muscle contraction and relaxation in exercise(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) I.L. Quadrupedal nature of human walking with implications for rehabilitation(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) E.L. Activation of anterior prefrontal cortex and serotonergic system during voluntary rhythmic behaviors induces negative mood improvement and increased alpha band in EEG(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) E.L. Control of cell differentiation by mechanical stress(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-I-1 Central sensori-motor processing preceding voluntary movement(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-I-2 Secondary somatosensory area and voluntary movement(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-I-3 Attentional and motor-related modulation of the somatosensory system(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-I-4 Regular physical activity and cognitive function(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-II-1 Regulation and adaptation of oxygen gradient and blood flow in skeletal muscle microcirculation(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-II-2 Rapid vasodilation induced by mechanical factors in rat skeletal muscle feed arteries and arterioles(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-II-3 Exercise-induced angiogenesis in skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-II-4 Control of microvascular blood flow and PO_2 kinetics during muscle contractions(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-II-5 Oxygen transport into muscle cells during contractions : role of myoglobin on respiration and metabolism(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-III-1 A Weight Reduction Program using Delivered Low-Calorie Meal(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-III-2 Exercise therapy for patients with diabetic nephropathy(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-III-3 Development of metabolic syndrome during young adulthood to middle age and the benefits of physical activity(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-III-4 Reconsideration of visceral obesity assessment(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-IV-1 Plastic changes in the indirect corticcrmotoneuronal pathways in humans(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-IV-2 Toward the restoration of volitional walking via an artificial neural connection from arm muscle and lumbar spinal cord after spinal cord injury(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-IV-3 Neural mechanism of variability of motor performance(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-IV-4 Plasticity of human motor associate and primary sensorimotor cortices induced by tDCS(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) S-IV-5 Excitability of intercortical circuitry during voluntary movement(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-A-1 Plastic changes in primary motor cortex innervating the tibialis anterior in football juggling experts(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-A-2 Influence of periodically la afferent input from antagonist muscle on spinal reciprocal la inhibition circuit(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-A-3 Changes in ipsilateral primary motor cortex excitability after performing a sensorimotor task(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-A-4 Salience in movement determines which of direction or coupling of movements constrains bimanual coordination(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-A-5 Effect of unilateral muscle damage induced by eccentric contractions on bilateral deficit(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-A-6 Effects of intermittent loading combined with astaxanthin on capillary regression of disused muscle(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-A-7 Combined effect of electrical stimulation and eccentric contraction on disuse atrophy in rat calf muscles(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-A-8 Effect of BCAA supplement timing on the attenuation of DOMS(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-A-10 Viscoelastic change of the triceps surae muscle with heel raising exercise(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-B-1 Fitness-related factors associated with survival in older women(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-B-3 Effects of materials and functions of sports clothes on physiological response during unsteady workload exercise(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-B-4 Effect of taurine supplementation on the blood glucose level during the endurance exercise in rats(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-B-5 Exercise performance in type 2 diabetes model rats subjected to long-term voluntary wheel-running(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-B-6 Exercise training attenuates obesity-induced increases in expression of fibrosis-related factors in white adipose tissue(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-B-7 Time is a key factor to increase SIRT1 expression by endurance training in the rat plantaris muscle(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-B-8 Physiological adjustment to exercise : Cellular response to the mechanical stimuli (1) Analysis of Cell mechanics(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-B-9 Physiological adjustment to exercise : Cellular response to the mechanical stimuli (2) Dynamic localization of Stress protem/αB-erystallm in muscle cell(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-B-10 Physiological adjustment to exercise : Cellular response to the mechanical stimuli (3) Mild jogging accelerates the physical adaptation of the knee soft tissue cells to the extracellular matrix(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-C-1 Effects of voluntary wheel running on mechanical vasodilation of the feed arteries of rat soleus muscle(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-C-2 Effects of aerobic exercise and dietary modification on central and peripheral arterial stiffness in obese men(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-C-3 Acute effect of brisk walking with graduated compression stockings on vascular endothelial function and oxidative stress(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-C-4 Is excessive blood pressure elevation during resistance exercise a risk factor for arterial stiffening?(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-C-5 Comparison in responses of autonomic nervous and cardiovascular systems between chewing and handgrip exercise(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-C-6 The Effects of Overload Stimulation on Satellite Cells Differentiation(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-C-7 Evaluation of antioxidant enzyme polymorphism in oxidative stress during intense short time exercise(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 1-C-10 Amount and intensity of physical activity assessed with a triaxial accelerometer in relation to bone mineral density at femoral neck in postmenopausal Japanese women(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 2-A-1 Relationship between daily spontaneous running volume and brain monoamine levels in rats(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 2-A-4 Changes in event-related potentials and reaction time of female long-distance runners following various durations of acute running exercises(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 2-B-1 Relationship between menstrual cycle and strength of fatigue during hiking(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 2-B-2 Effects of habitual activity on the blood metabolites in eumenorrheic women : a metabolomics approach(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 2-B-3 The relationship between physical activity and circadian rhythm of tympanum temperature in infants(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 2-B-4 The dynamic phase of wandering action among hospitalized dementia patients using the pedometer method(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 2-C-1 The different regional visceral adipose tissue changes using multiple-slice imaging(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 2-C-2 Effects of weight reduction on muscle strength in obese men(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) 2-C-4 Mitigating effect of branched-chain amino acid supplements on muscle soreness and muscle damage after marathon races(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-1 Modulation of the cutaneous reflexes involving lower limb muscles in an inversion task(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-2 Intermanual differences in cutaneous reflexes during pinching task(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-3 Intensive exercise-induced acute muscle pain induced by constant cadence pedaling(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-4 Convergence of effects from arm and leg pedaling on cutaneous reflex in the arm muscles(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-5 Remote somatosensory conditioning of Hoffmann reflex of the soleus during standing and walking(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-6 Changes in corticospinal excitability during dual task(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-8 Cognitive function during strenuous exercise in a hot environment(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-9 Changes in movement-related cortical potential preceding voluntary muscle relaxation(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-10 Preparatory changes in the cerebral and muscle oxygenation before maximal voluntary handgrip exercises : A NIRS study(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-11 The effects of stretching exercise on night sleep(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-12 Simple measuring method of VO_2max with a wristband-type accelerometer(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-13 Four-week intake of chlorella-derived multicomponent supplement increases VO_2max : a placebo-controlled study(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-14 The effect of repeated short-term hypobaric hypoxic training on glucose tolerance(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-15 Changes of the stress indicator during a short time stay in snow hole(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-16 The effect of weight reduction on serum testosterone level and arterial compliance in obese men(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-17 Effects of local compression on venous pooling in the lower leg(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-18 Ferulic acid improves capillarization and facilitates exercise-induced induction of HIFs and angiogenic genes in rat skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-19 Is human muscle fiber unique as compared to other mammals?(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-20 Observation of stromal cells interaction following acute muscle trauma with FIB-SEM(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-21 Short-term endurance exercise training affects myosin heavy chain phenotype in young rat fast-twitch muscles(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-22 An acute muscle contraction model using cultured C2C12 myotubes(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-23 Activation of protein phosphatasel one of the mechanisms of increased muse glycogen content induced by exercise trainin(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-25 Influence of different temparature stimuli on muscle regeneration after bupivacaine injection to rat skeletal muscles(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-26 Voluntary wheel-running exercise suppresses development of type 2 diabetes mellitus(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-27 Effects of voluntary exercise on food intake and anxiety-related behaviors(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-28 Effects of different intensity of acute exercise on depression-like behavior and neuronal activity in rats(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-29 Effects of exercise combined with licorice flavonoid oil supplementation on visceral adipose tissue(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-30 The combined effect of exercise and hydrolyzed collagen intake on bone growth(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-31 The effect of lactate beverage in the changes of blood lactate concentration during a lactate threshold load exercise(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-32 Adaptive changes in mitochondrial substrate transporters with activation of glycolysis(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-33 Electromyographic analysis of walking motion on slanting surface(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-34 Effect of pre-fatigue method on recruitment state of synergists in thigh muscles during leg press exercise(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-35 Age-related changes in self-estimation of gait ability in older adults : A 3-year follow-up study(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-36 The study of change of inner rotation and external rotation in the hip, and physical and mental condition during the menstrual cycle(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-38 Influence of acute stretching on salivary amylase activity(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) P-39 Changes of salivary oxidation-reduction potential (sORP) and peroxidase activity (sPO) during exercise(The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 27 ・ 28, (Saitama)) Influence of Attentional Resource Allocation in the Brain on Exercise Performance Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology(Editorial Board) Analysis of Spatio-temporal Distribution of Neuromuscular Activation Using Multi-channel Surface Electromyography : Application for Health and Sports Science Somatosensory Contribution to Postural Equilibrium in Human Bipedal Stance Changes in the Ipsilateral Motor Cortex Excitability Induced by Different Frequencies of Afferent Inputs in Healthy Subjects : A TMS Study Effects of the Combination of an Antihypertensive Drug and Exercise on Glucose-lipid Metabolism and Diabetic Nephropathy in Otsuka Long Evans Tokushima Fatty Rats Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts
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