
Annual report

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Annual report 2013
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER The ClassNK Mission CONTENTS Message from Chairman and President 2013 At a Glance Worldwide Service Network ClassNK in Action ClassNK in Research ClassNK in International Affairs Authorizations Granted to ClassNK Organization ClassNK in Committee Organization ClassNK in Control BACKCOVER
Annual report 2012
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER The ClassNK Mission Profile CONTENTS Chairman's Message 2012 at a Glance Worldwide Service Network ClassNK in Action Research and Development Related to Ship Classification(Outline of Research and Development) Joint Research to meet the demands of the industry(Outline of Research and Development) Development of Data Linkage System between 3D-CAD and PrimeShip-HULL(Development of a Design Support System) International Activities Authorization Granted to Class NK Class NK in Committee Class NK in Control BACKCOVER
Annual report 2011
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER The ClassNK Mission Profile CONTENTS Chairman's Message CLASSNK MEDIUM-TERM BUSINESS PLAN : Global Approach 200 2011 at a Glance Service Network Major Activities ClassNK in Action ClassNK in Research Special Article : The ClassNK Approach to the Maritime Labour Convention International Activities Authorizations Granted to ClassNK Organization ClassNK in Committee Organization ClassNK in Control Key Contacts BACKCOVER
Annual report 2010
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER The ClassNK Mission CONTENTS Profile Chairman's Message ClassNK at a Glance Service Network China(photo) ClassNK in Action Europe and Africa(photo) ClassNK in Research South Asia and Oceania(photo) Special Article : The ClassNK Approach to the Ship Recycling Convention The Americas(photo) ClassNK in International Affairs Authorizations Granted to ClassNK ClassNK in Committee ClassNK in Control Key Contacts Middle East(photo) BACKCOVER
Annual report 2009
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ClassNK(Title page) PROFILE The NK Mission CONTENTS Chairman's Message : Welcome to the 2009 Annual Report NK at a Glance NK in Action NK in Research 2009 : Overview of 2009 Research and Development Activities Special Article : PrimeShip-Total Ship Care NK in International Affairs NK in Committee NK in Control Service Network BACKCOVER
Annual report 2008
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER Profile The NK Mission CONTENTS Chairman's Message NK at a Glance NK in Action NK in Research Practical Research and Development Special Article : Guidelines for the Issuance of Certificates of Environmental Awareness NK in Internationa Affairs NK in Committee NK in Control Service Network BACKCOVER
Annual report 2007
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER ClassNK(Title page) Profile CONTENTS The NK Mission Chairman's Message 150 Million Gross Tons and Rising : A Milestone in Ship Classification NK at a Glance NK in Action NK in Research 2007 Practical Research and Development Service Network NK in International Affairs Authorizations Granted to ClassNK NK in Committee NK in Control Regional Contacts Colophon Information
Annual report 2006
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROFILE CONTENTS The NK Mission Chairman's Message NK at a Glance NK in Action NK in Research NOBS : A New Design Approach to Ballast Water Management NK in International Affairs Service Network NK in Committee NK in Control Regional Contacts Colophon BACKCOVER
Annual report 2005
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER Profile CONTENTS The NK Mission Chairman's Message NK AT a Glance NK in ACTION Research Center Activities in Detail Research Institute Celebraters its 50th Anniversary Service Network NK in International Affairs NK In Committee Regional Contacts Colophon BACKCOVER
Annual report 2004
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER Profile CONTENTS The NK Mission Chairman's Message NK At a Glance NK IN ACTION Research Projects NK AROUND THE WORLD NK Authorized NK in International Affairs NK in Committee Regional Contacts Colophon BACKCOVER

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