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Entomological science 5 4
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Table of ContentsCOVER Entomological Science Volume 5, Number 4, December 25, 2002 colophon New Prey-predator Association in Aposematic Pyrrhocorid Bugs : Antilochus coqueberti as a Specialist Predator on Dysdercus Species(Behavior and Ecology) Environmental Adaptations of Two Flower Breeding Species of Drosophila from Java, Indonesia(Behavior and Ecology) Effects of Multiple Oviposition on Clutch Size in a Leaf-mining Moth, Paraleucoptera sinuella (Lepidoptera : Lyonetiidae)(Behavior and Ecology) Taxonomic Notes on the bryanti-group of the Bee Genus Ceratina from Southeast China (Hymenoptera : Apidae)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Male-based Keys to the Subfamilies and Genera of Japanese Ants (Hymenoptera : Formicidae)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Immature Stages of Three Japanese Species of the Genus Bibio Geoffroy (Diptera : Bibionidae)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Cladistic Analysis of the Australian Glyphodes Guenee and Allied Genera (Lepidoptera : Crambidae; Spilomelinae)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Acknowledgments Entomological Science(Divisional title) Entomological Science Contents of Volume 5 Notice to contributors BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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Table of ContentsCOVER Entomological Science Volume 5, Number 3, September 25, 2000 colophon A Leaf-rolling Caterpillar Improves Leaf Quality(Behavior and Ecology) Cuticular Hydrocarbon Profile as a Critical Cue Candidate for Nestmate Recognition in Lasius fuliginosus (Hymenoptera : Formicidae)(Behavior and Ecology) Nectar Secretion from Damaged Shoots in Quercus mongolica and Exploitation of the Response by Ants; Herbivory by Ants(Behavior and Ecology) Phoresy by an Egg Parasitoid, Protelenomus sp. (Hymenoptera : Scelionidae), on the Coreid Bug Anoplocnemis phasiana (Heteroptera : Coreidae)(Behavior and Ecology) Effect of N-formylloline on the Survival of Sawtoothed Grain Beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus)(Coleoptera : Silvanidae)(General Entomology) Geographic Color Variation in Two Geotrupes Dung Beetles : A Further Study(General Entomology) A New Species of the Genus Sturmia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera : Tachinidae) Parasitic on the Chestnut Tiger Butterfly, Parantica sita (Lepidoptera : Danaidae) in Japan(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) A New Species-group of the Genus Colocasiomyia de Meijere (Diptera : Drosophilidae), with Descriptions of Two New Species from Eastern Malaysia and Vietnam(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) A New Species of the Genus Indonemoura Baumann (Plecoptera : Nemouridae) from Tibet, China(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Some Japanese Phytoseiid Mites (Acari : Phytoseiidae) Mostly from Ishigaki and Taketomi Islands(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) A New Species of Ceratovacuna (Homoptera : Aphididae; Hormaphidinae) from Northern Thailand)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) A New Thamnobius : an African Weevil Genus New to the Oriental Region (Coleoptera : Curculionidae; Curculioninae)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) A Revision of the Genus Polytoxus (Heteroptera : Reduviidae) from Japan(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Taxonomic Studies on the Pompilidae Occurring in Japan North of the Ryukyus : Genus Dipogon, Subgenus Deuteragenia (Hymenoptera)(Part 2)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) A Revision of the Heliophorus kohimensis Group (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Correction to the Nomenclature in the Genus Dolichovespula (Hymenoptera : Vespidae; Vespinae) Notice to contributors BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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Table of ContentsCOVER Entomological Science Volume 5, Number 2, June 25, 2002 colophon Environmental Factors Affecting the Overwintering Distribution of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on a Forest Floor in Central Japan(Behavior and Ecology) Aphid-attending Ants Increase the Number of Emerging Adults of the Aphid's Primary Parasitoid and Hyperparasitoids by Repelling Intraguild Predators(Behavior and Ecology) Different Effects of Endoparasites (Big-headed Flies) on Reproduction between Male and Female Hosts (Leafhoppers)(Behavior and Ecology) Egg Placement of the Tachinid Fly Sturmia bella on Leaves of the Evergreen Milkvine Marsdenia tomentosa and the Feeding Habit of its Host Butterfly Parantica sita(Behavior and Ecology) Payoff from Self and Conspecific Superparasitism in a Parasitoid, Haplogonatopus atratus (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) : the Case of Third Instar Hosts(Behavior and Ecology) Within-plant Distribution of the Eggs and Larvae of Two Congeneric Chrysomelid Beetles on the Same Host Plant(Behavior and Ecology) Intrusion on the Host Ant Species Lasius japonicus by Queens of the Shining Black Ant Lasius fuliginosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)(Behavior and Ecology) Dynamic Interaction between a Leaf Beetle, Galerucella nipponensis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and an Aquatic Plant, Trapa japonica (Trapaceae) I. Life History Traits of G. nipponensis(Behavior and Ecology) A Cecidophagous Weevil, Curculio albovittatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in the Gall of Pontania sp. (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae)(Behavior and Ecology) Localized Distribution of an Alien Termite Reticulitermes kanmonensis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)(Behavior and Ecology) Life-history and Oviposition Preference of the Willow Spittlebug Aphrophora pectoralis (Homoptera: Aphrophoridae)(General Entomology) Effect of Low Temperature Treatment on the Quality of Male Adult Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Relation to the Sterile Insect Technique(General Entomology) Effects of Temperature on Development of Three Trissolcus spp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), Egg Parasitoids of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)(Physiology, Biochemistry, Development and Genetics) Taxonomic Studies on the Pompilidae Occurring in Japan North of the Ryukyus : Genus Dipogon, Subgenus Deuteragenia (Hymenoptera) (Part 1)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Microstructure and Pheromone Producing Function of Male Hair-pencils in the Yellow Peach Moth, Conogethes punctiferalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Biogeography of East Asian Populations of the Water Strider Gerris gracilicornis (Heteroptera: Gerridae) Inferred from Multivariate Analyses of Morphometric Characters(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Nymphicula yoshiyasui n. sp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Nymphulinae) from Japan(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Errata Notice to contributors BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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Table of ContentsCOVER Entomological Science volume 5, Number 1, March 25, 2002 colophon Species Composition and Distribution of Ocean Skaters Halobates (Hemiptera : Gerridae) in the Western Pacific Ocean(Behavior and Ecology) Mendelian Inheritance of Melanism in Pupae and Adults of the Adzuki Bean Borer, Ostrinia scapulalis (Lepidoptera : Crambidae)(Physiology, Biochemistry, Development and Genetics) Alternating Temperatures Enhance the Hatchability of Overwintered Eggs of the Gall-forming Aphid Paracolopha morrisoni (Aphidoidea : Eriosomatinae)(Physiology, Biochemistry, Development and Genetics) A Revision of the Genus Ernothrips Bhatti (Thysanoptera : Thripidae), with Description of a New Species from Thailand(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) The Ants of the Genus Proceratium (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) in Japan(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) New Fossil Mymarommatid Species, Palaeomymar japonicum sp. nov. (Hymenoptera : Mymarommatidae), Discovered in Cretaceous Amber from Japan(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Discovery of the Gall Generation of the Tropical Bamboo Aphid Pseudoregma carolinensis (Hemiptera) from Northern Thailand(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Systematic Study of the Genus Peromitra Enderlein of Japan (Diptera : Phoridae)(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) A Revision of the Genus Acrotrichis Motschulsky (Coleoptera : Ptiliidae) in Japan(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Revision of the Genus Nothopsyche Banks (Trichoptera : Limnephilidae) in Japan(Systematics, Morphology and Evolution) Entomological Science(Divisional title) Entomological Science Contents of Volume 4 Notice to contributors BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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Table of ContentsCOVER Entomological Science Volume 4, Number 4, December 25, 2001 colophon Notice Effects of the Imidazole Derivative KK-42 on the Females and Embryos of Schistocerca gregaria Salinity Tolerance of the Diving Beetle Hygrotus impressopunctatus (Coleoptera : Dytiscidae) and Its Implication for Insect Dispersal Microsatellite Loci and Genetic Polymorphism among Colony Members in the Parthenogenetic Ant Pristomyrmex pungens Suppression of Fungal Development on Carcasses by the Burying Beetle Nicrophorus quadripunctatus (Coleoptera : Silphidae) The Systematic Position, Morphology and Bionomics of Acanthopsyche (Eumetisa) taiwana Sonan, 1935, Newly Recorded from the Ryukyus, Japan (Lepidoptera : Psychidae) Review of the Genus Mythimna Ochschenheimer (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Hadeninae) in Taiwan, with Description of a New Species and Checklist Ceutorhynchine Weevils of the Genus Coeliodes Schoenherr (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) from Taiwan Taxonomic Study of the Superfamily Psylloidea (Homoptera : Sternorrhyncha) on the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands. Part 1, Aphalaridae, Psyllidae and Carsidaridae, with Descriptions of Four New Species Morphological Variation of Eutrichosiphum heterotrichum (Raychaudhuri)(Homoptera : Aphididae : Greenideinae) Newly Recorded from Japan, with Description of its Hitherto Unknown Morphs A Revision of Japanese Sciomyzidae (Diptera), with Descriptions of Three New Species Revision of the World Species of Ragas Walker (Diptera : Empidoidea) Synopsis of the Japanese Oxycera (Diptera : Stratiomyidae) Taxonomic and Faunistic Notes on the Sepsidae (Diptera) in Seram, Indonesia Notice to contributors BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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Table of ContentsCOVER Entomological Science Volume 4, Number 3, September 25, 2001 colophon Effects of Adult Temperature on Male Mating Success in the West Indian Sweetpotato Weevil, Euscepes postfasciatus (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) Sexual Dimorphism in Cuticular Hydrocarbons of the White-spotted Longicorn Beetle, Anoplophora malasiaca (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae) Microhabitat Differences in Two Lethe Butterflies (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae) Concerning Thermoregulation Aggressive and Courtship Chirps of Sympatric Pleasing Fungus Beetles, Dacne japonica and D. picta (Coleoptera : Erotylidae) Flight Muscle Dimorphism in Geotrupes laevistriatus (Geotrupidae : Coleoptera) Ovipositional Traits of the Chestnut Gall Wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera : Cynipidae) Preference-performance Linkage in the Willow Twig-galling Agromyzid Fly, Hexomyza simplicoides (Diptera : Agromyzidae) on the Willow Salix chaenomeloides Scouting Behavior of the Japanese Slave-Making Ant, Polyergus samurai (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) Morphological Differentiation among Neighboring Populations in the Brachypterous Grasshopper Parapodisma subastris (Orthoptera : Acrididae) Molecular, Morphological, and Behavioral Analyses of Japanese Gerris (Macrogerris) Water Striders (Heteroptera; Gerridae) : Evidence for a New Species Genetic Variation of 16S rRNA Gene Observed in Ceruchus lignarius and Dorcus rectus rectus (Coleoptera : Lucanidae) High Diversity of Karyotypes, Allozymes, and Life History Traits in Spruce Sawflies of the Genus Cephalcia (Hymenoptera : Pamphiliidae) Descriptions of Pre-emergence Nests and Mature Larvae of Vespa fervida, with a Note on a Multiple-Foundress Colony of V. affinis in Sulawesi (Hymenoptera : Vespidae; Vespinae) Immature Stages of Phryganea (Colpomera) japonica McLachlan (Trichoptera : Phryganeidae) Redescription of Brachycercus japonicus Gose, 1980 (Ephemeroptera, Caenidae) A New Species of the Genus Hypocera Lioy from Asia (Diptera : Phoridae) Notice to contributors BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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Table of ContentsCOVER Entomological Science Volume 4, Number 2, June 25, 2001 colophon New Genera of Doryctinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) from Japan A Revision of Eumenes Latreille (Hymenoptera : Vespidae) from the Far East Asia, with Descriptions of One New Species and One New Subspecies Revision of the Caddisfly Genus Allomyia Banks of Japan (Trichoptera : Apataniidae), with Descriptions of Seven New Species Two New Genera and Four New Species of Dolichopodinae from China and Nepal (Diptera : Empidoidea : Dolichopodidae) Two New and Two Newly-Recorded Species of the Genus Suillia R.-D. from Japan (Diptera : Heleomyzidae), with a Key to the Japanese Species A New Species of the Genus Crataerina von Olfers (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) with Reduced Wings from Apus pacificus (Apodiformes, Apodidae) in Japan Continuous Variation in Wing Length and Flight Musculature in a Tropical Field Cricket, Teleogryllus derelictus : Implications for the Evolution of Wing Dimorphism Discovery of the Gall Generation of the Ginger Aphid Pseudoregma sundanica (Homoptera) Effects of Carcass Size and Parental Feeding on Reproductive Success of the Burying Beetle Nicrophorus quadripunctatus (Coleoptera : Silphidae) Mating Behavior of the Black Chafer, Holotrichia loochooana loochooana (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) Leaf-Rolling Site Preference by Cycnotrachelus roelofsi (Coleoptera : Attelabidae) Bionomics of the Gall-Parasitic Flea Weevil Rhynchaenus hustachei (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) Ants Reduce Nest Building Activities of Tube-Nesting Wasps and Bees (Hymenoptera) Impact of Mast Fruiting on Abundance of Vespid Wasps (Hymenoptera) in a Lowland Tropical Forest of Peninsular Malaysia Effects of Surface Darkening on Cell Temperature in Paper Wasp Nests : Measurements Using Paper Model Nests Resource Partitioning among Three Willow Leaf Miners : Consequence of Host Plant Phenology Notice to contributors BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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Table of ContentsCOVER Entomological Science Volume 4, Number 1, March 25, 2001 colophon Wing Degeneration Due to Apoptosis in the Female of the Winter Moth Nyssiodes lefuarius (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) Parthenogenesis Induced by Wolbachia in Gronotoma micromorpha (Hymenoptera : Eucoilidae) Ecological Characteristics of Oviposition and Eggs in the Antlions Living in Seaside Dunes : Tolerance to High Temperature (Neuroptera : Myrmeleontidae) Parasitoid Community Associated with the Leafroller Eudemis gyrotis (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) on a Bayberry, Myrica rubra (Myricaceae) Preliminary Experiments on Adult Food Preference of the Indonesian Phytophagous Ladybird Beetle, Epilachna sp. aff. emarginata (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae) Inter-and Intraspecific Variation in Body Size and Scutal Marking Pattern in Three Species of Conchapelopia (Diptera : Chironomidae) DNA Comparison of Japanese Populations of Hyphantria cunea with Divergent Life Cycles A Reexamination of the Taxonomic Position of Chinese Heterotermes aculabialis (Isoptera : Rhinotermitidae) Based on the Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase II Gene Revision of the Japanese Species of the Aphid Genus Hamamelistes (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Hormaphidinae) Based on the Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Data Eleven New Species of the Genus Bactrocera Macquart (Diptera : Tephritidae) from Sri Lanka Taxonomic Study of the Genus Malthodes from Japan (Coleoptera : Cantharidae) I. Discovery of New Species in the Nansei Islands, Southwest Japan Redescription of Liancalus zhenzhuristi Negrobov (Diptera : Dolichopodidae) from Japan, with Description of Immature Stages and Biological Notes A Review of the Phyline Plant Bug Genus Sejanus Distant in Japan (Heteroptera : Miridae : Phylinae), with Descriptions of Three New Species Notice to contributors BACKCOVER CONTENTS
Entomological science 3 4
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Table of ContentsCOVER Entomological Science Volume3, Number4, December25, 2000 colophon Environmental Control of Nymphal Development and Diapause in Three Subtropical Populations of a Cricket, Modicogryllus confirmatus Walker (Orthoptera : Gryllidae) Identification of the Sex of Eggs and the Mating Status of Female Adults in Echthrodelphax fairchildii (Hymenoptera : Dryinidae) Based on Oviposition Behavior Sexual Selection and Leg Morphology in Nicrophorus orbicollis and Ptomascopus morio Seasonal Change in Flight Behaviour of the Satyrine Butterfly Lethe diana (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae) Life History of the Torymid Wasp Podagrion nipponicum Parasitizing Eggs of the Praying Mantis Life History of the Stream-Dwelling Bug Aphelocheirus vittatus (Heteroptera : Aphelocheiridae) in Central Japan Seasonal Fluctuation in Percentage Parasitism of the Yellow Tea Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera : Thripidae) by an Egg Parasitoid of Megaphragma (Hymenoptera : Trichogrammatidae) on Grapes Phylogenetic Analysis of Water Striders (Hemiptera : Gerroidea) Based on Partial Sequences of Mitochondrial and Nuclear Ribosomal RNA Genes Descriptions of the Early Stages of Chilasa paradoxa (Zinken, 1831) from Northern Borneo (Lepidoptera : Papilionidae) Emergence of Two Nominal Species, Ostrinia scapulalis and O. orientalis, from a Single Brood (Lepidoptera : Crambidae) Catotrichinae Subfam. N. : a Re-examination of Higher Classification in Gall Midges (Diptera : Cecidomyiidae) The Phyline Plant Bug Genus Psallus Fieber in Japan (Heteroptera : Miridae : Phylinae) Redescription of Mepleres suzukii (Okamoto), with Comments on Synonymy among Mepleres, Pseudoscottiella and Meniscopsocus (Psocodea : 'Psocoptera' : Pseudocaeciliidae) Two New Species of the Torrenticolous Genus Diostracus Loew (Diptera : Dolichopodidae), with Biogeographical Notes on the Japanese Fauna Two New Pheidole Species with a 5-segmented Antennal Club (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) Distribution Pattern of the XO/XX and Neo-XY/neo-XX Chromosomal Races of the Brachypterous Grasshopper Podisma sapporensis (Orthoptera : Acrididae) in Hokkaido, Northern Japan Notice to contributors Entomological Science(Divisional title) All rights reserved Notice about Photocopying CONTENTS(Entomological Science, Volume3, 2000) Entomological Science Vol.3, No.4 Issued on 25 December, 2000 BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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Table of ContentsCOVER Entomological Science Volume3, Number3, September25, 2000 colophon Different Electroantennograms and Field Responses in Males to Virgin Females between Okinawa and Ishigaki Strains of the Tussock Moth, Orgyia postica (Lepidoptera : Lymantriidae) Chemical Nature of Volatile Compounds from the Valvae and Wings of Male Delias Butterflies (Lepidoptera : Pieridae) Effects of Timing of Diapause Induction on Winter Survival and Reproductive Success in Hyphantria cunea in a Transition Area of Voltinism Photoperiodic Induction and Termination of Adult Diapause in the Willow Leaf Beetle, Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) Factors Influencing Host Discrimination in a Pupal Parasitoid, Brachymeria lasus (Walker)(Hymenoptera : Chalcididae) Feeding Preferences of Adults and Larvae of Epilachna admirabilis (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae) to Their Host Plant at Different Leaf Ages Host-Plant Adaptation in Two Sympatric Types of the Butterfly Eurema hecabe (L.)(Lepidoptera : Pieridae) Effect of Three Species of Predatory Ladybirds on Oviposition of Aphid Parasitoids Life-history Traits in the Parasitoid Complex Associated with Cynipid Galls on Three Species of Fagaceae Hitherto Unknown Galls of the Aphid Colophina clematicola (Homoptera) Experimentally Induced on Leaves of Zelkova serrata Attacking Behavior of a Nipponaphidine Aphid, Indonipponaphis fulvicola Morphological Caste Differences in the Neotropical Swarm-Founding Polistine Wasps. IX. Polybia (Myrapetra) occidentalis (Hymenoptera : Vespidae) Cleptoparasitic Behavior and Flagellar Sensilla of Poecilagenia sculpturata (Hymenoptera : Pompilidae) Biology of Vespina nielseni Kozlov (Lepidoptera : Incurvariidae), with Description of Immature Stages and Redescription of Adults A New Species of Sarcophaga (Lioproctia) from Timor, Indonesia (Diptera : Sarcophagidae) Lasiomyrma, a New Stenammine Ant Genus from Southeast Asia (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) Systematics of the Genus Sphinxis Roelofs (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) A Synopsis of Dicranopselaphus (Coleoptera : Psephenidae, Eubriinae), with Descriptions of Nine New Species Notice to contributors Errata and Corrigenda Entomological Science Vol.3, No.3 Issued on 25 September, 2000 BACKCOVER CONTENTS

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