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Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS 1. Hull Form Improvements of Fishing Vessel by Non-protruding Bow Bulb 2. An Analysis of Ship Capsizing in Quartering Seas 3. Computation of Ship's Resistance Using an NS Solver with Global Conservation : Flat Plate and Series 60 (C_B=0.6) Hull 4. A Nonlinear Theory for Supercavitating Foil Sections 5. Resistance Characteristics of High Speed Hull Form with Air-ship Form Bulb 6. Aerodynamic Characteristics of Elastically Deformed 3-Dimensional Membrane Sail 7. Relations among Integral Representations, Multipole Expansions and Series Representations of Velocity Potentials in Ship Motion Theory 8. Utilization of Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing the Design of Ship Hull Structures 9. The Influence of Bead Toe Shapes on the Fatigue Strength of Fillet Welded Joints : Fabrication Acceptance Criteria for Undercut Depth 10. Development of Computer Aided Process Planning System for Plate Bending by Line-Heating 11. Study On Fracture Strength Assessment 12. Effect of Flaws on Fatigue Strength of Cast or Forged Materials 13. Inspection Planning for Deteriorating Structures and the Influence of Inevitable Uncertain Parameters 14. A Study on Life Assessment for Ships and Offshore structures
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Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS 1. Measurement of Pressure Distribution on a Full Scale Propeller : Measurement on a Highly Skewed Propeller 2. Measurement of Fullscale Ship Wake by Tracer and Multi TV Camera System 3. A Theoretical Study on Free-Surface Flow around Slowly Moving Full Hull Forms in Short Waves 4. Prediction of Hydrodynamic Forces on a High Speed Catamaran in a Seaway 5. Chaos and Fractals in Asymmetric Capsize Equation 6. Probability of Ship Capsizing due to Pure Loss of Stability in Quartering Seas 7. Estimation of Directional Frequency Response Functions of a Running Ship Based on Experiments in Directional Spectrum Waves 8. Progressive Collapse Analysis of a Ship's Hull under Longitudinal Bending 9. Anti-vibration Design of a Passenger Ship 10. Thickness and Effect of Fatigue Strength in As-Welded and Post-Weld-Treated Steel Joints 11. Model Fatigue Test Result of Welded Structural Element and Proposal for Fatigue Design Procedure 12. Development of Simulator for Plate Bending by Line-Heating 13. Establishing the Evaluation and Decision Making Methods for Uncertainty Problems 14. A Rule-Based Narai-Design System on CIM for Shipbuilding 15. Process Planning System of CIM for Shipbuilding 16. Superconducting Electromagnetic Propulsion Ship
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Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS 1. Measurement of Pressure Distribution on a Full Scale Propeller : Measurement on a Conventional Propeller 2. A study On Propeller Noise Reduction of a Support Ship "Yokosuka" for a 6,500 m Deep Submergence Research Vehicle 3. Side-Wall Effects on Hydrodynamic Forces and Motions of a Ship Advancing in Waves 4. Capsizing of a Ship in Quartering Waves 5. At-sea Experiment of a Floating Offshore Structure : Wind Characteristics at a Test Field 6. At-sea Experiment of a Floating Offshore Structure : Characteristics of Directional Wave Spectra at a Test Field 7. Calculation of Added Resistance in Waves by Rankine Source Method 8. On the Flow Field and the Hydrodynamic Forces of an Obliquing Ship 9. Shifted Integration Technique and its Applications to the Finite Element Crush Analysis of Framed Structures 10. A Combined Simplified and Precise Analysis of Racking Deformation of Car Carriers 11. An empirical Study on Structural Reliability of Prismatic Tank Type B 12. Estimation of Natural Frequency for Fore-and-aft Vibration of Superstructures Using Data Base 13. Analysis of Brittle Crack Propagation in TMCP Steel Rolled at Temperature in Austenite-Ferrite Region 14. New Impact Test and Arrestability of High-toughness 9% Ni Steel 15. Some Observations on the Evaluation of Ship's Service Life 16. The CAM System for the Arc-welding Robot for Hull Sub-assemblies 17. A Study on the Process Planning Expert System
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Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS 1. Measurement of Pressure distribution and cavity Shape on Conventional and Highly Skewed Propeller Model 2. Hydrodynamic Analysis of Propellers in Steady Flow Using a Surface Panel Method 3. Research and development of PBCF (propeller Boss Cap Fins) : Novel energy-saving device to enhance propeller efficiency 4. Surging of Large Amplitude and Surf-riding of Ships in Following Seas 5. Towed Ship Motion Test in Directional Spectrum Waves in a Long Tank (Part 1) 6. Towed Ship Motion Test in Directional Spectrum Waves in a Long Tank (Part 2) 7. Hydrodynamic Forces on a Ship Moving at Forward Speed in Waves 8. Investigation of A Posteriori Error Analysis for Plane Stress Problems by the Finite Element Method and Updating Stresses 9. Load Carrying Capacity of Tubular Members with Crack Damage under Pure Bending 10. Ultimate Strength of the Joint of Concrete Offshore Structure Joined Afloat 11. A Second Order Perturbation Solution of a Non-Collinear Crack And Its Application to Crack Path Prediction of Brittle Fracture in Weldment 12. Reliability Assessment by Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth : Data Acquisition and Analysis Method 13. The Arc Welding Robot for Hull Sub-assembly Works 14. A Study on Safety Evaluation Method for Automatic Navigation System 15. Study on the Strength of Long-Stroke Diesel Engine Crank Shaftings
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Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS 1. Development of Marine Propellers with Better Cavitation Performance 2. Prediction of Propeller Cavitation Noise and Its Comparison with Full-Scale Measurements 3. An Observation of Bottom Impact Phenomena by means of High Speed Video and Transparent Model 4. Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flow 5. Directional Irregular Waves Generated in a Towing Ta 6. Velocity Field Measurement using Digital Flow Images and Laser Speckle Photography 7. Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow around Wing Section Controlled by Electromagnetic Force 8. Analysis of Shipping Water with the Experiments and the Numerical Calculations 9. A Study on Semi-Submersible High Speed Ship with Wings : Its Resistance Characteristics and Possibility 10. Study on the Vibration of Long Stroke Diesel Engine Crank Shaftings 11. Longitudinal Strength of the Fore Body of Ships Suffering from Slamming 12. Reliability Analysis of Fatigue Damage of Offshore Structure 13. The Effect of Whipping Stress on Fatigue Strength of a Fast Container Ship in Rough Seas 14. Ship Structural Design Based on Synthetic Evaluation of Wave Loads 15. An Object Oriented Tool for the Preliminary Design of Ships 16. Noise Reduction Of Working Ships and Marine Facilities 17. Study on Reliability Assessment System of Composite Materials
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Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS 1. Manoeuvring Motion of a Ship in the Proximity of Bank Wall 2. Numerical Simulation of a Viscous Flow with a Free Surface around a Ship Model 3. Numerical Simulation of Viscous Flow around a Series of Mathematical Ship Models 4. Effects of the Three Dimensionality of Ship Hull on the Wave Impact Pressure 5. Computation of High Reynolds Number Flows Past a Ship Hull Using the IAF Scheme 6. On the Technique and the Analysis of Transient Maneuver Tests 7. Influence of Boundary Layer and Wake on Free Surface Flow around a Ship Model 8. A Study on the Effect of Seaquakes on a Floating Body 9. Numerical and Experimental Studies on the Crashworthiness of Structural Members 10. Preheat Temperature for Preventing Root Cracking in Continuous Multi Pass Welding 11. Vibration Control of Superstructure of Ships by Means of a Dynamic Vibration Absorber with Adjustable Natural Frequency 12. Thermal Elasto-plastic Analysis on Hot Cracking Formation in Initial Bead of Butt-welded Joints 13. Method for Estimating Fatigue Strength Diagram under Random Loading Conditions 14. Fundamental Studies on Underwater Sound Radiated from a Vibrating Ship Hull 15. An Optimal Planning Method of Propulsion Plants for LNG Carriers : A Planning Example of a Diesel Plant Combined with Gas/Steam Turbines 16. Ultimate and Fatigue Strength of Rack Tooth for Leg Fixing Device of Jackup Rigs 17. Power Spectrum Density Effects on Strain Cycling Fatigue Life 18. Study On Vibratory Response of Deck in Superstructure
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Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS 1. Wave Breaking Phenomena in Self-Similar Flow 2. Effects of Boundary Layer and Wake on Characteristics of Stern Waves 3. Calculation of Effective Wake Distribution of a Simple Hull Form 4. Analysis of Three Dimensional Flow around Marine Propeller by Direct Formulation of Boundary Element Method 5. The Recovery of Rotational Energy in Propeller Slipstream by Fins installed after Propellers 6. Prediction of Wave Forces on a Ship Running in Following Waves with Low Encounter Frequency 7. On Hydrodynamic Impact Pressure Acting Upon Flat Bottomed Ships 8. Ship Maneuvering Motion due to Tugboats and Its Mathematical Model 9. Study on a Computer Aided Manoeuvring System in Harbours 10. Motions of Floating Offshore Structures in Multi Directional Waves 11. A Simplified Assessment of Brittle Fracture Strength of Surface-flawed Pipe based on CTOD Concept using Two Dimensional Elastic-plastic Crack Model 12. A Methodology to Evaluate the Maximum Holding Power and Trials of Anchors 13. A Consideration on Probabilistic Analysis of Plastic Collapse of Ship Transverse Frame Structure 14. A Study on the Structural Characteristics of Jack-up Rig 15. Development of Jacking Unit equipped with Automatic Torque Balancer and Leg Holding System 16. On the Strength Analysis of Insulation Structure for Spherical LNG Tank 17. On Crack Arrestability by a Circular Hole Based on Computational Crack Path Prediction 18. Effects Of Compressive Prestrain on Fracture Toughness 19. Statistical Estimation of the Fatigue Strength of Casting Materials for Marine Propellers 20. Integrated CAD/CAM System for CIMS in Shipbuilding
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Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS 1. Studies On Hull Form Design by Means of Nonlinear Programming 2. Calculation of Viscous Resistance and Its Application 3. The Effect of a Slat on Boundary Layer Characteristics and Cavitation of the Main Foil 4. A Study on Wave Loads Acting on a Ship in Large Amplitude Waves 5. On Wave-Free Forms in Swaying Oscillation 6. Study on Roll Characteristics of Small Fishing Vessel 7. Effects of elastic responses to the longitudinal bending moment in two-directional irregular waves 8. Wind Effect on Course Stability of Two Towed Vessels 9. A Study on the Capsizing Mechanism of Semi-submersible Platforms 10. A Study on the Vibration of the Pneumatic Seal Structure of the Air Cushion Craft 11. Optimum Design of Offshore Platforms Minimizing Expected Total Cost 12. Strength of a Car Carrier Deformed by Racking Loads 13. Brittle Fracture Strength of Repair Weldments in Thick Plate 14. Analyses of Fatigue Test Data of Offshore Tubular Joints 15. Development of New Steel and Welding Procedure for Hull Structure of Ice Breaking Vessels 16. Vibration of Long-stroke Type Marine Diesel Engine 17. Evaluation of Brittle Fracture Strength from Surface Notch at Fillet Weld Toe based on CTOD Criterion 18. Ultimate Strength of Composite Steel-Concrete Structure of Sandwich System
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Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS 1. On the Ship Motion Reduction by Anti-Pitching Fins in Head Seas 2. On a New Mathematical Model for Manoeuvring Motions of Ships in Low Speed 3. Manoeuvrability of Ships in Narrow Waterway 4. Memory Effect Functions and Time Domain Simulation for Motions of a Moored Marine Structures 5. A Study of Components of Wind and Current Loads on Semisubmersibles 6. A Practical Calculation Method of a Moored Semi-Submersible Rig Motion in Waves : On the Effects of Moored Water Depth and Mooring Systems 7. On the Nonlinear Wave Forces Acting on Submerged Cylinders 8. Ship Viscous Wake and Resistance in Waves 9. Study on the Equivalent Two-Dimensional Wing 10. Prevention of Weld Cracking of Steel with High Toughness and High Tensile Strength for Pressure Hull of Submersible Vessel 11. Evaluation Method of the Brittle Fracture Strength in Structurally Stress Concentrated Regions 12. Cyclic Local Strain Range for Fatigue Life Estimation of Notched Plate 13. A Consideration on the Phase Difference between the Wave Induced Stresses of Longitudinal and Transverse Strength 14. Fracture Mechanics Analysis on Structural Failure of Ships 15. Research on Fabrication Procedure of Spherical Pressure Hull Made of Titanium Alloy for Deep Submergence Research Vehicle 16. A Study on the Safety of Liquefied Gas Tankers : Risk Assessment of Liquefied Gas Tankers and its Application for Safe Designs and Plannings 17. Crack-Arrest Properties of 9% Nickel Steel and its Weldment
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Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS 1. The Study on a Statistical Optimal Control of Ship's Motion 2. Integrative Evaluation of Seakeeping Performance in Initial Ship Design 3. Research on Highly Skewed Propellers (2nd Report) 4. A Prediction Method for Ship Viscous Resistance by Boundary Layer Theory 5. Computation of Ship Wave Pattern by the Slender Body Approximation 6. Study on the Minimization of Ship Viscous Resistance 7. Multi-Body-Type Floating Breakwater in Irregular Waves 8. Interference Effects between the Hull, Propeller and Rudder of a Hydrodynamic Mathematical Model in Maneuvering Motion 9. Experimental Study on the Probalility of Capsizing of a Fishing Vessel in Beam Irregular Waves 10. Behavior and Tension of Oscillating Chain in Water (III) 11. Development of Cargo Tank Insulation System for LNG Carrier with Spherical Tanks 12. Disastrous Damage of a Bulk Carrier due to Slamming 13. Study on Brittle Crack Propagation and Arrest Behavior in Plate and Beam Structures (2nd Report) : Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Ship Hull Steels 14. An Evaluation Technique for Fatigue Life of Multiple Surface Cracks 15. Ultimate Longitudinal Strength of Mid-Ship Cross Section 16. An Analysis for Fatigue Failure of Ship Structural Members 17. Development of High Pressure Sea Water Plump
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- 2017-08-30
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