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日本動物学彙報 56 4
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS [OTHERS] Electrotonic Interactions of Spontaneous and Induced Activities among the Cardiac Ganglion Cells of the Lobster,Panulirus japonicus Retardation of Maturation-and Secretion-Associated Ultrastructural Changes of Hatching Gland in the Medaka Embryos Incubated in Air The Effects of Estradiol-17β on the Neuritic Growth of Neonatal Mouse Hypothalamus and Preoptic Area in Primary Culture Regional Difference in Mesothelial Cells in the Rat Hepatic Capsule : A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study Record of a Cave-adapted Planarian (Turbellaria,Tricladida,Maricola) from Guatemala Larval Development of Saccocirrus uchidai from Hokkaido,Japan,and Saccocirrus krusadensis from New South Wales,Australia (Archiannelida,Saccocirridae) The Scutacarid Mites of Japan : VII.Revised Definition of the Genera Archidispus and Imparipes,with Descriptions of Five New Archidispus A New Japanese Species of the Genus Liothrips UZEL (Thysanoptera,Phlaeothripidae) Injuring Wasabia japonica MATSUMURA A New Species of Oxyphyllomyia (Diptera,Tachinidae) from Nepal,with Reference to the Phylogenetic Position of the Genus The Faunal Affinity of the Island of Awaji-shima as Viewed from Trechine Beetles [OTHERS] BACK COVER
日本動物学彙報 56 3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS [OTHERS] Melanosome Dispersion in Direct Response to Light in Melanophores of Rhodeus ocellatus Fry Masculinization of WW Females in the Isopod Crustacean,Armadillidium vulgare Electron Microscopic Study on Glycogen Particles in Ovarian Oocytes of the Chinese Hamster Pharyngeal Induction by Heteroplastic Transplantation between Different Families of Planarians Development of the Sea-star,Archaster typicus,with a Note on Male-on-female Superposition Morphological,Karyological and Taxonomic Studies of Freshwater Planarians from South Brazil : IV.Dugesia anderlani sp.nov.(Turbellaria,Tricladida,Paludicola),a New Species from Sao Leopoldo in Estado de Rio Grande do Sul Helminth Fauna of Bats in Japan XXIX Supplementary Notes on the Sea-stars from the Palau and Yap Islands.I Three New Species of Hydrachnellae (Acari) of Streams in Japan Pygobunus okadai n.sp.(Arachnida,Opiliones,Phalangiidae),the First Member of the Subfamily Sclerosomatinae from Japan A New Genus and Species of Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera) Harmful to Persimmon from Japan A New Trechiama (Coleoptera,Trechinae) Rediscovered after Thirty-seven Years [OTHERS]
日本動物学彙報 56 2
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS [OTHERS] Notes on the Failure in the Turbidimetry of Choriolytic Activity of the Hatching Enzyme in the Rainbow Trout Eggs Ultrastructural Study on Intramitochondrial Inclusions in the Pancreatic Acinar Cells of the Starved African Clawed Toad,Xenopus laevis "Flugelfarben,wie sie die Falter sehen"-a Study of UV-and Other Colour Patterns in Lepidoptera Zwei neue Otoplaniden (Turbellaria,Proseriata) aus Hokkaido,Japan Mites of the Genus Gamasellus BERLESE (Acari,Rhodacaridae) in Japan (I) Neue und seltene Arten der Gattung Rotundabaloghia (Acarina,Mesostigmata,Uropodidae) aus Borneo Occurrence of Epaphiopsis (Coleoptera,Trechinae) in the Eastern Himalayas Habitat Segregation Observed in the Breeding of Five Frog Species Dwelling in a Mountain Stream of Okinawa Island [OTHERS]
日本動物学彙報 56 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS [OTHERS] Hidemiti OKA Effect of Adenine Nucleotides on Glutamate Dehydrogenase Activities of the Brackish and Freshwater Clams,Corbicula japonica and C.leana Ultraviolet Photography of Forty-three Species of Lepidoptera Representing Ten Families [OTHERS] Helminth Fauna of Bats in Japan XXVIII Deep-Sea Nematodes off Mindanao Island,the Philippines I.Draconematidae A New Species of the Genus Octonoba (Araneae,Uloboridae) from the Iheya Islands,Okinawa Prefecture,Japan Three New and Little-known Harvestmen (Arachnida,Opiliones,Phalangiidae) from Korea Two New Psammobiontic Water Mites (Acari,Hydrachnellae) from Japan Nipponomeconema,a New Genus of the Japanese Meconematinae (Orthoptera,Tettigoniidae),with the Description of Four New Species A New Subalpine Trechus (Coleoptera,Trechinae) from Eastern Nepal [OTHERS]
日本動物学彙報 55 4
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents表紙 CONTENTS [OTHERS] Effects of Cyclic AMP,Methylxanthines and Imidazole on Fish Leucophores Subcellular Localization of Calcium in Teleost Melanophores Ultrastructural Modifications of Fertilization Envelope in the Carp Egg Bipalium nobile sp.nov.(Turbellaria,Tricladida,Terricola),a New Land Planarian from Tokyo Eine neue Urodiaspis-Art und zwei neue Trigonuropoda-Arten (Acari,Uropodidae) aus Borneo Discovery of Torridincolidae (Coleoptera) in Japan [OTHERS] CONTENTS [OTHERS]
日本動物学彙報 55 3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents表紙 CONTENTS [OTHERS] Early Receptor Potential and Production of Metarhodopsin II in Frog Retina Volatile Plant Constituents Cause Behavioural Changes Ultimately Leading to Death in the Newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster) Difference in Vaginal Response to Prepuberal Injections of Estradiol or Progesterone Plus Estradiol between Mice Neonatally Treated with Estrogen and Androgen Urnatella gracilis,a Freshwater Kamptozoan,Occurring in Japan Four New Harvestmen from Thailand (Arachnida,Opiliones,Gagrellidae) Two New Species of False Spider Mites (Acarina,Tenuipalpidae) from Japan A New Species of the Genus Gracilentulus (Protura) from Shikoku,Southwest Japan A New Anophthalmic Trechiama (Coleoptera,Trechinae) from the Southeastern Tip of Shikoku,Southwest Japan On Oryzias javanicus Collected at Jakarta,Singapore and West Kalimantan [OTHERS]
日本動物学彙報 55 2
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS [OTHERS] Tohru UCHIDA Denervated Melanophores of the Dark Chub Zacco temmincki : Method of Denervation and the Evaluation of Preparations for Physiological Experiments Innervation of Ovarian Interstitial Cells in the Chick Embryo : an Electron Microscopic Study Morphological Changes of the Cumulus Cells of the Mouse Ovary after the Gonadotropin Surge On Sperm Nuclei and Development in Polyspermic Eggs of the Teleost,Oryzias latipes Two New Genera of Phalangodinae (Opiliones,Phalangodidae) from Eastern Kalimantan,Borneo A New Species of the Genus Leiobunum (Arachnida,Opiliones) from Sado Island,Japan One More New Species of the Japanese Tectocepheus (Acarina,Oribatida) A New Species of the Genus Gampsocleis (Orthoptera,Tettigoniidae) from the Ryukyu Islands [OTHERS]
日本動物学彙報 55 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS [OTHERS] A Possible Role of the Gastric Caecum in Osmoregulation of the Seawater Mosquito Larva,Aedes togoi THEOBALD Eine neue Gattung der Familie Nematoplanidae (Turbellaria,Proseriata) aus Hokkaido,Japan Helminth Fauna of Bats in Japan XXV Mites of the Genera Calcarmyobia and Pteracarus (Trombidiformes,Myobiidae) Parasitic on Miniopterus (Chiroptera) A New Species of the Genus Micreremus (Acarina,Oribatida) from Japan A New Genus and Species of Anophthalmic Trechine Beetle from a Mine Adit of Southwest Japan [OTHERS]
日本動物学彙報 54 4
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS [OTHERS] Amino Acid Composition of the Egg Chorion of Rainbow Trout Ultrastructural Changes at the Lateral Plasma Membrane of the Extraembryonic Ectodermal Cells of Early Postimplantation Rat Egg Cylinders Studies on the Helminth Fauna of Kyushu : Part 6.Cestode Parasites of Wild Bird and Mammals from Oita Prefecture A New Species of the Genus Saccocirrus (Archiannelida) from Hokkaido,Northern Japan Three Opilionids from Thailand Redescription of Systenocentrus japonicus (Arachnida,Opiliones,Leiobunidae) with Special Reference to its Two Geographic Forms Acanthophthirius (Myotimyobia) capacini sp.nov.(Acarina,Myobiidae) Parasitic on Myotis capacini (Chiroptera,Vespertilionidae) from Turkey Fresh-water Halacarid Mites from Oahu Island,Hawaii [OTHERS] CONTENTS [OTHERS]
日本動物学彙報 54 3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER CONTENTS [OTHERS] Inhibitory Effect of Sera from Various Animals on in vitro Maturation of the Oocyte The Cell Cycle during the Development of the Imaginal Eye Disc Cell in Drosophila melanogaster Electron Microscopic Investigations on the Muscular Systems of the Polyp of Atorella Species Small Spiny Projections in the Epidermis of the Mature Xenopus laevis Freshwater Planarians from the Southern United States and Mexico : Dugesia dorotocephala and Dugesia sp.(Turbellaria, Tricladida, Paludicola) A New Fresh-water Hydroid, Astrohydra japonica A Description of Laboratory-reared Larvae of the Commensal Crab Pinnaxodes mutuensis SAKAI (Decapoda,Brachyura) from Hokkaido,Japan Biology of the Ascidian,Halocynthia roretzi (DRASCHE) in Mutsu Bay : III.Distribution and External Characteristics of Three Types [OTHERS]

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Annotationes zoologicae Japonenses
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