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Neurologia medico-chirurgica. Part I

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Japan Neurosurgical Society
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Neurologia medico-chirurgica. Part I 18 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS Far-field Responses of Acoustic Brain Stem Potentials in the Thalamus and the Subthalamic Area The Neck,the Labyrinth,the Cerebellum and Posture Intracranial Pressure-Theory of the Driving Pressure and a New Pressure Index Radioimmunoassay of Astroprotein (An Astrocyte-Specific Cerebroprotein) in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Its Clinical Significance Holoprosencephaly Unilateral Hydrocephalus Associated with Congenital Hemihypertrophy The Role of humoral Agents Released by Platelet Aggregation in the Pathogenesis of Transient Ishchemic Attacks Dural Arteriovenous Malformation-With Special Consideration to Its Nature and Treatment Follow-up Study of'Moyamoya'in Adult Patients Early Operations for Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms-Study of 31 Case Operared on within the First Four Days after Ruptured Aneurysm Homonymous Hemianopsia Caused by Chiasmal Compression Due to Intracranial Aneurysm Experimental Study on Cerebral Vesospasm:Contractile Proteins in Smooth Muscle of Bovine Carotid Artery Electron Microscopy of Human Pituitary Adenomas.Correlation of the Secretory Granules with the Experimentally and Clinically Evaluated Hormone Synthesis Function of the Adenoma Tissue Meningiomas in Childhood and Adolescence A Modified Weight-Dropping Technique for Experimental Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries Epidemiological Survey of Vegetatie State Patients in Tohoku District in Japan [OTHERS]
Neurologia medico-chirurgica. Part I 17 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS Epidural Measurement of lntracranial Pressure by A Newly-developed pressure transducer Morphological Study of Experimental Cerebral Vasospasm Electrothrombosis of Ateriovenous Malformation A Surgical Treatment of "Moyamoya" Disease "Encephalo-Myo Synangiosis" Subacute Subdural Hematoma in Hemophilia B:A Case Report of Successful Treatment Neurological Deficits in the Presence of the Sinking Skin Flap following Decompressive Craniectomy Radiation-and Drug-lnduced lntracranial Neoplasm with Angiographic Demonstration Clivus Meningioma: Six Cases of Total Removsl Bony lnvasion of lntracranial Meningioma with Remarks to Recurrences Differences in Brain Cell Nuclear DNA as Determined by Flow Cytometry Comparison between the Laser Surgical Unit and the Electrosurgical Unit [OTHERS] Proceedings of the XXXXIVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society (Title only). [OTHERS] Proceedings of the XVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Research in Stereoenocephalotomy (Title only). [OTHERS]
Neurologia medico-chirurgica. Part I 16 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS Basiparallel Tomography to Diagnosis of an Extraaxial Mass in the Posterior Fossa The Effect of Osmotic Pressure on the Production of Cerebrospinal Fluid Electron Microscopic Study of Ventricular Wall and Choroid Plexus in Experimentally-Induced Hydrocephalic Dogs Diagnostic Criteria and Assessment of the Condition in Surgically Arrested Hydrocephalus Chromosome Analysis of Experimental Rat Glial Tumor(1)-Correlation of chromosome changes between glial tumors and fetal brain tissue of rats after a transplacental exposure to ethylnitrosourea Blood Levels of Polyamines in Patients with Brain Tumor: Special Reference to Relationship between Blood Levels of Polyamines and Histological Finding, Extension as well as Treatment of Tumor Origin of Diabetes Insipidus and Hypernatremia Surgical Treatment of Functioning Pituitary Adenoma Experimental Head Injury & Concussion in Monkey Using Pure Linear Acceleration Impact Antifibrinolytic Therapy in Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysm Through Repeated Monitoring of Fibrinolytic Activity of Blood Postmortem Examination of Patients with Non-Surgically Treated Ruptured Aneurysms A Giant Intracranial Aneurysm which Disappeared Angiographically Following Pneumoencephalography Follow-up Results One Year after Surgery in Patients with Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage Surgery for the Hypertensive Intracerebral Hematoma-Trans-Sylvian Approach Evaluation of Functional Reversibility of Ischemic Brain-To select appropriate patients with completed stroke for STA-MCA bypass surgery Cerebral Paragonimiasis Relief of Intractable Pain from Neurosurgical Point of View with Reference to Present Limits and Clinical Indications : A Review of 100 Consecutive Cases Vegetative State Patients in Japan [OTHERS] Proceedings of the XXXIVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society (Title only) [OTHERS] Proceedongs of the XIVth Annial Meeting of the Japan Society for Research in Stereoencephalotomy (Titl only) [OTHERS]
Neurologia medico-chirurgica. Part I 15 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS The Effect of Brain Stem Lesions on Vasomotor Nerves and the Smooth Muscle of the Cerebral Arteries -A Morphological Study Quantitative Measurement of the Ability of Human Chromophobe Adenomas to Synthesize and Release Human Growth Hormone Growth Hormone and Prolactin Secretion of Pituitary Adenoma Radioimmunoassay of Astroprotein (an Astrocyte-Specific Cerebroprotein) in Cerebrospinal Fluid From Patients with Glioma. A Preliminary Study Lysosomal Enzymes and Dibutyryl 3',5'-Adenosine Monophosphate Basic and Clinical Studies on Lysosomal Enzyme Activities in Glioma Tissues and Glial Cells Prediction of Reattacks Following Rupture of Intracranial Aneurysms Cervical Sympathectomy for Cerebral Vasospasm after Aneurysm Rupture Fibrin and Fibrinogen Degradation Products in Chronic Subdural Hematoma Experimental Primary Fatal Head Injury Caused by Linear Acceleration-Biomechanics and Pathogenesis Clinical Prediction of Prognosis of Coma A Clinico-physiological Study of Visually Evoked Potential (VEP) and Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SEP) in So-called Vegetative State and Delta Coma The Circulatory Disturbance of Spinal Cord Injury and Its Response to Local Cooling Therapy A Technique of Strengthened Anterior Fusion of the Cervical Spine [OTHERS]
Neurologia medico-chirurgica. Part I 14 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER [OTHERS] CONTENTS The Surgical Treatment of Extracranial Arterial Occlusion Dural Calification from the Neurosurgical Point of view Cavernous Sinus Venography by Transbasilic Catheter Technique Diagnostic Value of Stationary potential Measurement in Head Injuries Significance of Vascular Notching of Optic Nerves and Chiasm on Visual Disturbance Malignant Primary Meningeal Tumors Stiffness of Cerebral Arteries-Its Role in the Pathogenesis of Cerebral Aneurysms Cerebrovascular Moyamoya Disease IIIrd Report-The Study on the Aging of the Perforating Branches and the Possibility of Collateral Pathway Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm not Visualized by Angiography. Report of Two Successfully Operated Cases [OTHERS] Proceeding of the XXXIIIrd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society (Title only) [OTHERS] Proceeding of the XIIIrd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Research in Stereoencephalotomy(Title only) [OTHERS]

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