
Journal of pesticide science

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Journal of pesticide science 37 4
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents日本農薬学会誌 Vol.37,No.4(2012) 和文編(中扉) 日本農薬学会第38回大会のご案内 目次 英文編掲載報文・短報等の要旨 GABA A受容体拮抗阻害性殺虫剤fipronilの毒性プロファイリング QuEChERSを見直してみよう(農薬残留分析編II(第5回),実験技術講座) 新農薬創製への展望 植物病原糸状菌の細胞内シグナル伝達機構と殺菌剤および病原性(新農薬創製への展望) 昆虫脱皮ホルモン生合成酵素の同定とその応用展開の可能性(新農薬創製への展望) プラスチド局在ナトリウム依存性ピルビン酸輸送体の同定とその後(新農薬創製への展望) キノコが作物を育てる?! : フェアリーリングの化学的解明とそのフェアリー(妖精)の農業への応用への可能性(新農薬創製への展望) もっと薬剤抵抗性マネジメントを考えよう 持続的な害虫制御に向けた殺虫剤抵抗性マネジメントの課題(もっと薬剤抵抗性マネジメントを考えよう) 薬剤抵抗性個体の識別法の検討(もっと薬剤抵抗性マネジメントを考えよう) 標的受容体の構造変異に起因する殺虫剤抵抗性と展望 : ネオニコチノイドの事例(もっと薬剤抵抗性マネジメントを考えよう) 殺虫剤抵抗性の発達をどう制御するか(もっと薬剤抵抗性マネジメントを考えよう) Keyword Index to Volume 37, 2012 Author Index to Volume 37, 2012 JOURNAL OF PESTICIDE SCIENCE(Editorial Board) Contents of Volume 37, 2012 本会記事 日本農薬学会への入会のお誘い 日本農薬学会連絡票 日本農薬学会(役員等) コピーライトについて 奥付 裏表紙
Journal of pesticide science 37 3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents日本農薬学会誌 Vol.37,No.3(2012) 和文編(中扉) 目次 英文編掲載報文・短報等の要旨 イソキサゾリン系除草剤の作用機構研究(学会賞受賞論文(奨励賞)) 新規殺ダニ剤「シフルメトフェン」の開発(学会賞受賞論文(業績賞・技術)) 殺虫剤ピリダリルの創製と開発(学会賞受賞論文(業績賞・技術)) 平成24年度論文賞対象論文の概要とその研究背景(学会賞受賞論文(論文賞)) 岡山の果樹栽培の特徴とジベレリン処理によるブドウの無核果生産 液体クロマトグラフィー/質量分析法の農薬残留分析への利用(その2) : LC-MS/MSおよびLC-Q/TOFMSを用いた食品中の農薬残留分析(農薬残留分析編II(第4回),実験技術講座) 実践残留農薬分析における注意点(操作編), 廣田政隆著, 林純薬工業(株), 2012年3月発行, ISBN978-4-939027-26-0 C3047 2011年投稿論文審査員へのお礼 本会記事 日本農薬学会への入会のお誘い 日本農薬学会連絡票 日本農薬学会(役員等) コピーライトについて 奥付 裏表紙
Journal of pesticide science 37 2
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents日本農薬学会誌 Vol.37,No.2(2012) 和文編(中扉) 目次 英文編掲載報文・短報等の要旨 日本産りんごにおけるシペルメトリン残留濃度の変動に関する検討 農薬製剤のFT-IR/ATRスペクトルによる異同識別 昆虫成長制御剤標的分子に関する研究(学会賞受賞論文(業績賞・研究)) ニコチン性殺虫剤結合部位のケミカルバイオロジー(学会賞受賞論文(業績賞・研究)) QSARの誕生 : Corwin Hansch先生を偲んで 液体クロマトグラフィー/質量分析法の農薬残留分析への利用(その1) : LC-MSおよびLC-TOFMSを用いた食品中の農薬残留分析(農薬残留分析編II(第3回),実験技術講座) 第4回農薬残留分析研究会談話会(シンポジア) 第33回農薬残留分析研究会(シンポジア) 第34回農薬残留分析研究会(シンポジア) 本会記事 日本農薬学会への入会のお誘い 日本農薬学会連絡票 日本農薬学会(役員等) コピーライトについて 奥付 裏表紙
Journal of pesticide science 37 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents日本農薬学会誌 Vol.37,No.1(2012) 和文編(中扉) 日本農薬学会第37回大会プログラム 目次 英文編掲載報文・短報等の要旨 ガスクロマトグラフィー/質量分析法の農薬残留分析への利用(その2) : 包括的二次元ガスクロマトグラフ-質量分析計(GC×GC-MS)の農薬残留分析への適用(農薬残留分析編II(第2回),実験技術講座) 第17回国際植物保護会議に参加して(シンポジア) 2011日中農薬残留分析交流会(シンポジア) 第36巻掲載論文審査員へのお礼 梅津憲治先生が国際植物保護科学会賞を受賞 本会記事 日本農薬学会への入会のお誘い 日本農薬学会連絡票 日本農薬学会(役員等) コピーライトについて 奥付 裏表紙
Journal of pesticide science 36 4
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents日本農薬学会誌 Vol.36,No.4(2011) 和文編(中扉) 日本農薬学会第37回大会のご案内 目次 英文編掲載報文・短報等の要旨 ミツバチの配偶行動 知能型植物工場における作物生産方式 作用点から見た農薬科学の新展開 電子伝達系を作用点とする新規殺ダニ剤Cyenopyrafen : 抵抗性回避を目指した探索戦略(作用点から見た農薬科学の新展開) イネいもち病菌をモデルに用いたハイスループット薬剤スクリーニングシステム(作用点から見た農薬科学の新展開) ペンチオピラドの作用性と各種病原菌に対する感受性検定の検討(作用点から見た農薬科学の新展開) オーキシン生合成経路の解明に向けて(作用点から見た農薬科学の新展開) VLCFAE阻害型除草剤の標的酵素阻害に関する新しい知見(作用点から見た農薬科学の新展開) 近代農薬の製品化を支えるプロセスケミストリーとGLP 日本農薬の原体製造におけるグリーンケミストリー(近代農薬の製品化を支えるプロセスケミストリーとGLP) 殺菌剤イミベンコナゾールの工業的製造法(近代農薬の製品化を支えるプロセスケミストリーとGLP) 農薬開発における安全性試験とGLP(近代農薬の製品化を支えるプロセスケミストリーとGLP) 農薬の環境リスク評価のための安全性試験とGLP(近代農薬の製品化を支えるプロセスケミストリーとGLP) 農薬残留分析編 II ガスクロマトグラフィー/質量分析法の農薬残留分析への利用(その1) : GC-MSおよびGC-MS/MSを用いた食品中の農薬残留分析(農薬残留分析編II(第1回),実験技術講座) 第8回農薬バイオサイエンス研究会「農薬科学の未来を考える-植物・微生物研究の最前線」(シンポジア) 第18回農薬レギュラトリーサイエンス研究会(シンポジア) 日本学術会議公開シンポジウム「食料生産から生物多様性を考える」(シンポジア) 日本学術会議公開シンポジウム「新時代の昆虫科学を拓く2」(シンポジア) Keyword Index to Volume 36,2011 Author Index to Volume 36,2011 JOURNAL OF PESTICIDE SCIENCE(Editorial Board) Contents of Volume 36,2011 本会記事 日本農薬学会への入会のお誘い 日本農薬学会連絡票 日本農薬学会(役員等) コピーライトについて 奥付 裏表紙
Journal of pesticide science 36 3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents日本農薬学会誌 Vol.36,No.3(2011) 和文編(中扉) 目次 シミュレーションモデル(PADDY-Large)を用いた水稲用農薬の河川流域における挙動予測 : 千曲川支流域への適用 In vivo/in vitro/in silico複合評価手法を用いた農薬の哺乳動物における代謝および体内動態の解析(学会賞受賞論文(奨励賞)) 河川水生昆虫に対する農薬の影響に関する研究(学会賞受賞論文(奨励賞)) 平成23年度論文賞対象論文の概要とその研究背景(学会賞受賞論文(奨励賞)) 英文編掲載報文・短報等の要旨 農薬登録に必要な安全性試験 : in vitro試験(安全性試験編(第3回),実験技術講座) 脱皮と変態の生物学-昆虫と甲殻類のホルモン作用の謎を追う, 園部治之, 長澤寛道編著, 東海大学出版会, 2011年発行, ISBN978-4-486-01904-6 C3045 江藤守總先生を偲んで エラータ 日本農薬学会(役員等) コピーライトについて 奥付 裏表紙
Journal of pesticide science 36 2
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Table of Contents日本農薬学会誌 Vol.36,No.2(2011) 和文編(中扉) 目次 農薬補助剤の機能と環境科学に関する研究(学会賞受賞論文(業績賞・研究)) 植物ホルモン機能制御剤の創製と応用に関する研究(学会賞受賞論文(奨励賞)) 英文編掲載報文・短報等の要旨 植物医科学とその意義 農薬バイオフロンティア : 脱石油社会の基幹産業を担う必須の農業資材・農薬とは 薬物代謝と農薬の効能 : 特に硫酸化について(農薬バイオフロンティア-脱石油社会の基幹産業を担う必須の農業資材・農薬とは-) 脱皮の分子メカニズムとその阻害剤の構造活性相関(農薬バイオフロンティア-脱石油社会の基幹産業を担う必須の農業資材・農薬とは-) 有機リン殺虫剤プロチオホスが分子中に隠しもつ毒性発現のための秘密 : 抵抗性発現を生まない農薬開発への提言(農薬バイオフロンティア-脱石油社会の基幹産業を担う必須の農業資材・農薬とは-) "農薬が危ない!"と誰が言っているの? : 如何にして人々の農薬に対する認識を変えるか(農薬バイオフロンティア-脱石油社会の基幹産業を担う必須の農業資材・農薬とは-) 日本の農薬研究・開発に関する一考察(農薬バイオフロンティア-脱石油社会の基幹産業を担う必須の農業資材・農薬とは-) 「植物の代謝系理解」の再構築(農薬バイオフロンティア-脱石油社会の基幹産業を担う必須の農業資材・農薬とは-) 昆虫の変態・休眠制御物質の創製(農薬バイオフロンティア-脱石油社会の基幹産業を担う必須の農業資材・農薬とは-) 農薬登録に必要な安全性試験 : in vivo試験(安全性試験編(第2回),実験技術講座) 2010日中農薬残留分析交流会(シンポジア) 第28回農薬環境科学研究会(シンポジア) エラータ 本会記事 日本農薬学会への入会のお誘い 日本農薬学会連絡票 日本農薬学会(役員等) コピーライトについて 奥付 裏表紙
Journal of pesticide science 36 1
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents日本農薬学会誌 Vol.36,No.1(2011) 和文編(中扉) 日本農薬学会第36回大会プログラム 目次 英文編掲載報文・短報等の要旨 わが国における遺伝子組換え飼料の利用と安全性評価 虫害・線虫害防除の最前線から学ぶ 衛生害虫防除資材としての昆虫病原微生物の可能性(虫害・線虫害防除の最前線から学ぶ) 共生微生物の害虫制御への利用 : 概念と実践の現状(虫害・線虫害防除の最前線から学ぶ) 作物健康センサーを用いたジャガイモシストセンチュウ土壌診断(虫害・線虫害防除の最前線から学ぶ) 新規殺虫剤flubendiamideにおける昆虫選択的生物活性の分子基盤(虫害・線虫害防除の最前線から学ぶ) クリーン農業に果たす農薬・薬剤の役割 マイコトキシンzealarenone産生制御へのアプローチ(クリーン農業に果たす農薬・薬剤の役割) コムギに対する亜リン酸塩剤の効果 : DONと穂発芽抑制(クリーン農業に果たす農薬・薬剤の役割) 天然物由来のアフラトキシンおよびデオキシニバレノール生産阻害物質(クリーン農業に果たす農薬・薬剤の役割) 農薬による土壌微生物の活動制御(クリーン農業に果たす農薬・薬剤の役割) 家畜からのメタン生成を低減する天然物質の探索(クリーン農業に果たす農薬・薬剤の役割) 安全性試験編 GLP試験施設における実験動物の飼育法(安全性試験,実験技術講座) 第12回IUPAC 農薬化学国際会議(2010年7月4日〜8日,オストラリア・メルボルン)目次 はじめに(<特集>第12回IUPAC農薬化学国際会議) Opening Keynote Address & Welcome Bold steps, bright future : The importance of chemistry and technology(Plenary,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Asking a plant and its natural herbivore community for new means of crop protection(Plenary,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Types of resistance mutations and resistance management(Resistance Management: Insect Disease Vectors & Agricultural Pests,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Pyrethroid resistance in malaria vectors : can it be beaten?(Resistance Management: Insect Disease Vectors & Agricultural Pests,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Systems biology analysis of xenobiotic responses in insects(Resistance Management: Insect Disease Vectors & Agricultural Pests,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Parallel evolution of metabolic resistance to synthetic insecticides in the B and Q biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)(Resistance Management: Insect Disease Vectors & Agricultural Pests,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Subunit composition of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors : Influence on sensitivity to neonicotinoid insecticides(Resistance Management: Insect Disease Vectors & Agricultural Pests,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Molecular aspect of acaricide resistance of the two spotted spider mite(Resistance Management: Insect Disease Vectors & Agricultural Pests,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Sustainable crop production requires herbicide innovations : An industry view(Herbicide Resistance in Weeds: A Global Challenge to Crop Production,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Weed resistance diagnostics-anatomy of a problem(Herbicide Resistance in Weeds: A Global Challenge to Crop Production,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Explanation of why Australia has such a massive herbicide resistance problem(Herbicide Resistance in Weeds: A Global Challenge to Crop Production,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Glyphosate is not the herbicide it used to be : a north and south American perspective(Herbicide Resistance in Weeds: A Global Challenge to Crop Production,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Contrasting insecticide and herbicide resistance: lessons shared?(Herbicide Resistance in Weeds: A Global Challenge to Crop Production,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Understanding herbicide resistance evolution to better inform management of resistant weeds(Herbicide Resistance in Weeds: A Global Challenge to Crop Production,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Plant gene technology in climate of food, feed and energy(Challenges of Crop Protection in the 21th Century,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Crop protection compounds : new chemical families and their biochemical targets(Challenges of Crop Protection in the 21th Century,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Crop protection chemicals : Approaches to agrochemical discovery to meet today's marketplance needs(Challenges of Crop Protection in the 21th Century,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) On sustainable agriculture-drivers of change in gobal agriculture(Challenges of Crop Protection in the 21th Century,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Resistance to pesticides and input traits-Who's Win the Race?(Challenges of Crop Protection in the 21th Century,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Discovery, biology and biochemistry of sulfocaflor : A new sap-feeding insecticide(New Chemistry,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Discovery of new strobilurin acaricidal compounds(New Chemistry,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Piperidinyl thiazole carboxamides : a new class of potent oomycete fungicides(New Chemistry,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) New chemistries leading to SDHI fungicides with different spectra(New Chemistry,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Discover of a novel rice herbicide "Pyrimisulsan"(New Chemistry,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Bicyclopyrone: Chemistry transforming weed control(New Chemistry,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Juvenile hormone controls insect metamorphosis through the methoprene-resistance gene Met and Kr-h1(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery I: Ecdysone Receptors, JH Related Proteins, GPCRs, Esterases,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Ecdysone agonists for agriculture and medicine : a progressive history-a promising future(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery I: Ecdysone Receptors, JH Related Proteins, GPCRs, Esterases,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Juvenile hormone biosynthetic enzymes as bio-rational target sites(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery I: Ecdysone Receptors, JH Related Proteins, GPCRs, Esterases,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) G protein-coupled receptors (gpcrs) as target sites for pesticide development(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery I: Ecdysone Receptors, JH Related Proteins, GPCRs, Esterases,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Novel technologies for effective control of resistant insect pests(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery I: Ecdysone Receptors, JH Related Proteins, GPCRs, Esterases,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Ecdysone receptor-based tools for environmentally-friendly insecticide discovery(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery I: Ecdysone Receptors, JH Related Proteins, GPCRs, Esterases,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Nuclear receptors in caterpillars and aphids : towards selective targets for pest(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery I: Ecdysone Receptors, JH Related Proteins, GPCRs, Esterases,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Molecular characterization of benzenedicarboxamide agonist sensitivity in lepidopterous ryanodine receptor Ca^<21> release channel(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery II: GABA Receptors, Ion Channels, Acetylcholinesterases, Respiratory Chain…,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Nicotinic receptor subtypes and the selective actions of insecticides(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery II: GABA Receptors, Ion Channels, Acetylcholinesterases, Respiratory Chain…,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Structure-activity analyses of novel carbamates for control of the malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery II: GABA Receptors, Ion Channels, Acetylcholinesterases, Respiratory Chain…,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) GABA- vs. glutamate-gated chloride channels : Actions and selectivity of blockers(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery II: GABA Receptors, Ion Channels, Acetylcholinesterases, Respiratory Chain…,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Isoxazoline insecticides : A novel class of GABA-gated chloride channel blockers(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery II: GABA Receptors, Ion Channels, Acetylcholinesterases, Respiratory Chain…,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Voltage-gated sodium channels as insecticidal target sites(Molecular Targets for Insecticide Discovery II: GABA Receptors, Ion Channels, Acetylcholinesterases, Respiratory Chain…,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Development and implementation of push-pull strategy for management of cereal stemborers and striga weed in Africa : exploiting chemical ecology and biodiversity(Chemical Ecology and Crop Protection,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) cis-Jasmone as an activator of plant defence : Understanding underlying mechanisms and towards field deployment(Chemical Ecology and Crop Protection,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Application of semiochemicals for aurmentation of biocontrol agents(Chemical Ecology and Crop Protection,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Semiochemicals mediating choice of oviposition sites by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopic(Chemical Ecology and Crop Protection,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Sex pheromones of grape, vine, longtailed, and obscure mealybugs : unique terpenoids with valuable practical applications(Chemical Ecology and Crop Protection,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) A novel attracticide for female noctuid moths based on plant volatile compounds(Chemical Ecology and Crop Protection,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Bioactive root exudates : a novel source of allelochemicals and bioherbicides(Natural Product,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Herbicide natural product discovery in the era of glyphosate(Natural Product,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Optimization of benzoxazinones as natural product based herbicides in the systems Oryza sativa-Echinochloa crus-galli and Triticum aestivum-Avena fatua(Natural Product,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Management of plant and animal pests by stress induced natural product chemistry(Natural Product,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Development of Botanical Termiticides-Chemistry, Bioactivity and the Path to Registration for Eremophila mitchellii extract(Natural Product,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Effects of tryptophan decarboxylase inhibition on defense responses of rice(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Control effects and action mechanism of D-tagatose against downy mildew(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Biological properties of pyrimorph including recent studies on its mode of action(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Targeting RNA with antofine analogs for tobacco mosaic virus assembly inhibition(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Study of Site of Action on Target Enzyme within SU/AHAS Complex(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Computational elucidation of mechanistic behaviour of protoporphyrinogen oxidase through molecular simulation and quantum mechanics calculation(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Random screening of chemicals regulating gibberellin metabolism(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Action mechanism of a novel herbicide, pyroxasulfone (Part 2)(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Target on subunit interaction of AHAS for potential pesticide discovery(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Inhibition of calcium-activated potassium channels in Heliothis virescens : A downstream effect of anthranilic diamide insecticides(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Mode of action of milbemycins(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Expression profile and characterization of UDP-Glucosyl-transferases from the silkworm (Bombyx mori)(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) An amino acid outside the classical acetylcholine binding loops strongly influence the actions of neonicotinoids on recombinant nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Insecticidal heterolignans potent tubuline polymerization inhibitors with activity against chewing pests(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Cry11Ba toxins domains involved in binding mosquito BBMV and the role of cadherin in this Binding(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Structural factors of insect glutamate-gated chloride channels influencing the channelactivating action of ivermectin(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Crystal structures of acetylcholine binding proteins in complex with neonicotinoids reveal the roles for the basic residues in the selective interactions with neonicotinoids of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Virtual screening for novel ligands of molting hormonal receptor(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Comparison of the activity of various ecdysone agonists evaluated against intact insect cells and in vitro translated EcR/USP proteins(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Modulations of the high-voltage activated Ca^<2+> channels in the central neurons of the S. Exigua by anthranilic diamides(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) BTG 502 antagonizes the action of deltamethrin on cockroach sodium channels(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Renaissance of target-based-screening in agricultural chemistry(Molecular Target & Mode of Action,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) The efficacy of pyribencarb to the several QoI resistant (F129L, G143A) Fungal Strains(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Detection of gene expression patterns in response to paraquat and glyphosate in resistant and susceptible Lolium rigidum (Gauld.) using microarray technology(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Morningglory selectivity to fast-acting, auxin herbicide clearly related to metabolism which in turn affects translocation(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Use of below label herbicide doses can lead to evolution of herbicide resistant weeds(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Molecular basis for the herbicide resistance of protoporphyrinogen oxidase(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Can CoMFA be employed to probe herbicide-resistant mutations of AHAS?(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Expression of esterase enzyme activities on Thai silkworm race larvae (Nang Noi race), Bombyx mori L. against carbosulfan(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Susceptibility of cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) larvae to various systematic pesticides in Taiwan(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Susceptibility of cotton jassid, Jacobiasca lybica, (de burg) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) to common used insecticides(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Protein comparison between spinosad-resistant and susceptible Bactrocera dorsalis(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Methomyl-resistant mechanisms of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae)(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Study on heterologous expression of cytochrome P450 CYP6B7 and b5 in Pichia pastoris and the degradation of fenvalerate catalyzed by recombinant system(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Drosophila melanogaster as a model for investigating insecticide resistance mechanisms(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Pyrethroids and Super-Kdr resistance in the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Inverting resistance of the green rice leafhopper by an amino acid substitution of acetylcholinesterase(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Sodium channel point mutations identified in pyrethroid resistant mosquito populations reduce the sensitivity of a cockroach sodium channel to pyrethroids in Xenopus oocytes(Resistance,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) A novel branch canker in Brazil caused by botryosphaeria rhodina and transmitted by acraephia perspicillata (fulgoridae-hemiptera)(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Investigation of the defense responses induced by the novel plant immunity-activating peptide, PIP-1(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Antifungal activity of extracts of endophytic fungi Chaetomium globosm, isolated from Withania somnifera(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Isolation and total synthesis and antiviral activity of alkaloids from Cynanchum komarovii and an innovative research for novel anti-plant viral agent NK-007(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Induced resistance of rice plants with incompatible races of rice blast fungus is different from that with plant activators(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Burkholderia plantarii, causative of rice bacterial seedling blight disease, is not killed but repressed its tropolone biosysnthesis by avirulent B. mimosarum strain 901-5B(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) A Biorational herbicide from the trichome secretions of Solanum sisymbrifolium(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Fumigant antitermitic activity of plant essential oils and components from ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi), allspice (Pimenta dioica), caraway (Carum carvi), dill (Anethum graveolens), geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Host marking pheromone (HMP) in the Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Monoterpene derivatives of imidazoles with insect growth regulators (IGR) activity against Tenebrio Molitor L(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Microorgans in herbivorous spider mites regulate ecological interactions with lima bean plant(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) New methodology to determination of simbiotic fungi (Leucoagaricus gongylophorus) inhibitors in the control of ants(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Characterization and subcellular localization of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium acyltransferase catalyzing the ester linkage-forming reaction in pyrethrin biosynthesis(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) A comprehensive investigation on Azadirachtin content of neem seed samples of different region in Iran to select plus trees for mass propagation(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Structural characterization of nanoparticles loaded with neem oil and their insecticidal activity against spodoptera frugiperda, tuta absoluta and bemisia tabaci(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Characterization of insect toxins isolated from the venom of the scorpion Liocheles australasiae(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) TER-DBT Bollcure : A promising botanical biopesticide(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Control of insect pests in Australia with Metarhizium(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Purification, cloning and functional expression of acyltransferase from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium : an enzyme involved in natural pyrethrin biosynthesis(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Isolation, identification, and bioactivities of two novel cyclohexapeptide antibioticsfrom Streptomyces alboflavus 313(Chemical Ecology & Natural Product,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Investigation on the sensitivity of Difenoconazole, an azole group fungicide against Rhizoctonia solani causal agent of sheath blight of rice(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Fluopyram: Efficacy and beyond on problematic diseases(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Controlling potato and taro late blight using systemic and contact fungicides in West Bengal, India(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Development and characteristics of a novel 'hybrid' fungicide, CleanCup^[○!R](Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Demonstration and evaluation of IPM modules for management of diseases in vegetable crops in India(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) A new composition of nano-sized silver solution for control of various plant bacterial diseases(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Optimization approach of ethanol-mediated biological soil disinfestation (Et-BSD)(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Biological efficacy of pyroxasulfone against rigid ryegrass in wheat(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Evaluation of UPI-106 against lepidopteran pests of cabbage in India(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Bioeffectiveness of Diflu & Delta combi 22% SC (Diflubenzuron 20% & Deltamethrin 2%) on Spodoptera litura Fab. and Spodoptera exigua Hub. infesting tomato and chilli in India(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) N [2-(4-phenoxy-phenoxy)-ethyl] carbamate against Pseudaulacaspis pentagona Targ.-Tozz. (Homoptera: Diaspididae) on peach trees (Prunus persica) in northern Greece(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Evaluation of lethal effects of chlorantraniliprole on Chilo suppressalis and its larval parasitoid, Cotesia chilonis(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Effectiveness of seed-treatment insecticides to control migrant rice brown planthopper (nilaparvata lugens stal) in Mekong delta, Vietnam(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Pest management of tea in North East India(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Evaluation of some new molecules for the management of lepidopteran pests of vegetables(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Bio-efficacy of buprofezin (NINJA 25% SC) against pest complex on chilli in India(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Evaluation of pymetrozine 50 WG in management of hopper complex of rice in eastern India(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Clofentezine (Apollo 50 SC): A successful IPM tool against two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Koch.) in rose in India(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Frequent sprays of detergents to control Saissetia oleae in a lemon orchard in Chile(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) DuPont Dermacor^[○!R] X-100 seed treatment for rice insect control(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Pesticides, their use and management in the South African sugar industry(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Prohexadione calcium cecreases lodging of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and improves yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea 1.)(Activity (Including Controling Efficacy, Use in Field, etc.),Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Methiadinil, a novel elicitor candidate for crop protection(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) New chiral molecule discovery of antiviral agent for plants(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and biological activity of some novel 1, 2, 4-triazole mannich bases containing trifluoromethyl and piperazine moieties(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) A new class of tubulin polymerisation promoters : fused pyridoazines(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Design and syntheses of novel cytochrome bc1 complex inhibitors as potential fungicide(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Bis-cycloalkyl-substituents in SDHI's area : influence of ring size on biological activity(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Silicon in crop protection : an under-utilized element?(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Bixafen the new cereal fungicide(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and fungicidal activities of acylaminoacetonitrile derivatives having fused heteroaryl groups(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) A case study: Modern Techniques in Hit Optimization(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Piperidinyl thiazole carboxamides : A new class of potent oomycete fungicides(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Design and synthesis of heterocyclic thioether, sulfoxide, and sulfone compounds with antifungal and anti-TMV bioactivities(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Click chemistry cynthesis and biological evaluation of isosteric analogues of mandipropamid(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and bioactivity of 1-isopropenylbenzimidazolone derivatives(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Bicyclopyrone the new active ingredient for weed control in sugarcane and corn(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Pyridyl 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitors: The importance of nitrogen position : Nicotynoyl 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitors: The impact of the moiety : Improving corn selectivity in the nicotinoyl class of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitor herbicides: Designing in metabolic weak points(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Short efficient routes to bicyclo[3.2.1]octane-2,3-dione (BIOD) Synthesis of radiolabeled bicyclopyrone(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) The design, synthesis and biological activity of novel KARI inhibitors(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Asymmetric synthesis of dechlorinated analogues of cyanobacterin and their photosystem II inhibitory activity(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Research and development of HW02 as a new herbicide(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Diastereomers of a chiral safener 1,2-dichloromethyl-[1,3] oxathiolane 3-oxide exhibit differential safening activity against acetochlor in maize Safening activity of carvone stereoisomers against acetochlor herbicide in maize(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Biological activity of 3D-QSAR and molecular basis of monosubstituted sulfonylureas as herbicidal AHAS inhibitors(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and stereochemical structure-activity relationship of novel imidazole derivatives as potent inhibitor of allene oxide synthase(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and herbicidal activity of 2-pyrimidinyloxy-N-arylbenzylamines(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Discovery and chemistry of tefuryltrione, a new HPPD herbicide for Rice Production(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Indaziflam-an innovative alkylazine herbicide(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and herbicidal activity and binding model and 3D-QSAR of 2-cyano-3-heterocyclemethylaminoacrylates as PSII electron transport inhibitor(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Strigolactone biosynthesis inhibitors regulate parasitic weed germination(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Saflufenacil: discovery and mode of action of a new broadleaf herbicide(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and bioactivities of novel 3-(α-hydroxymethylene) pyrrolidine-2, 4-dione derivatives containing an indole moiety(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and herbicidal activity of novel bis-heterocyclic 1,2,4-triazole derivatives containing 1,2,3-thiadiazole and cyclopropane moieties(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Sulfoximinyl isoxazolines : a new class of VLCFA inhibitor(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Design and synthesis of novel insecticides based on serotonergic ligands(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Inhibitors of the calcium activated potassium channels SK and Slack(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Methylene lactams : A new class of modulator for the phthirapteran ecdysone receptor(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Pyrifluquinazon, a novel insect behavior regulator (IBR) characterized by its novel chemistry and biology(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Insecticidal activity of imidacloprid derivatives with an alkylated imidazolidine ring(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) The discovery of spiroindolines-a new class of insecticides with a novel mode of action(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) The effect of halogen and trifluoromethyl substituents on the biological activity of Spiroindolines(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and biological activity of spiroindoline N-oxides(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and biological activity of novel thiamethoxam analogues(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) The thiamethoxam vigor effect phenotypic profile in key field crops under various abiotic stresses(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Design, synthesis, bioactivity and SAR studies of novel benzoylphenylureas containing oxime ether group(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Discovery of novel N-sulfenate derivatives of N,N-diacylhydrazines as new insect (control agents)(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Synthesis and insecticidal activity of benzoylphenylureas with several fluorine-containing Fragments(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Novel heterocyclic insecticides for managing Callosobruchus chinensis (pulse beetle)(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Open-chain derivatives of nitromethylene with cis-configuration : Synthesis and unique bioactivities(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Highly congested hexahydroimidazo [1,2-α] pyridine Derivatives as novel neonicotinoid family : Effect of conformation on activities(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Molecular and MOA diversity of neonicotinoids derivatized from nitromethylene analogue of imidacloprid(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Physiological responses of soybean to aminomethylphosphonic acid(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Understanding the control of adult mosquitoes to reduce arbovirus transmission while minimising environmental and public health risk(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Industrially legumes disinfestations with medicinal herbs for Callosobruchus maculates(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control) Altered residues of pesticides applied to transgenic (GM Crops)(Changing Pesticide use and Risk Scenarios with the Introduction of GMO Crops,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Impact of GM cotton on pesticide use: the Australian experience(Changing Pesticide use and Risk Scenarios with the Introduction of GMO Crops,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) The molecular basis if resistance to glyphosate : A novel mechanism in Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)(Changing Pesticide use and Risk Scenarios with the Introduction of GMO Crops,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Environmental impacts of herbicide-resistant crops in Canada(Changing Pesticide use and Risk Scenarios with the Introduction of GMO Crops,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Impacts of climate change on the risks of pesticides to environmental and human health(Implications of Climate Change in Terms of Pesticide Use and Risk,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) The effects of climate change on the pesticide sensitivity and recovery potential of aquatic ecosystems(Implications of Climate Change in Terms of Pesticide Use and Risk,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Effects of climate change on environmental risks of agricultural contaminants in Korea(Implications of Climate Change in Terms of Pesticide Use and Risk,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) The toxicology of climate change : Pesticide toxicity in a warming world(Implications of Climate Change in Terms of Pesticide Use and Risk,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Climate impacts and agriculture-an overview(Implications of Climate Change in Terms of Pesticide Use and Risk,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Quantifying the drift risks associated with boom sprayers and options for mitigating these risks(Mitigating Risks from Terrestrial Agriculture in Freshwater and Marine Environments,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Predicting runoff pesticide reduction with vegetative filter strips : Factor importance, uncertainty, and regulatory opportunities(Mitigating Risks from Terrestrial Agriculture in Freshwater and Marine Environments,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Evaluation of management practices to mitigate pesticide transport and ecological risk of runoff from agricultural and turf systems(1)(Mitigating Risks from Terrestrial Agriculture in Freshwater and Marine Environments,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Evaluation of management practices to mitigate pesticide transport and ecological risk of runoff from agricultural and turf systems(2)(Mitigating Risks from Terrestrial Agriculture in Freshwater and Marine Environments,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Modelling best management practices for sugarcane in the Pioneer River Watershed(Mitigating Risks from Terrestrial Agriculture in Freshwater and Marine Environments,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Management of pesticide and nutrient runoff in Great Barrier Reef catchments : lessons from cotton and cane(Mitigating Risks from Terrestrial Agriculture in Freshwater and Marine Environments,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Soil warning on geographical extrapolation of pesticide data(Risk Assessment Approaches for Developing Countries,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) The risk assessment needs for better management of pesticides in developing countries of Africa(Risk Assessment Approaches for Developing Countries,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Topic: "Risk Education: ecological assessment of pesticides in developing countries"(Risk Assessment Approaches for Developing Countries,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Comparative experience with the pesticide impact rating index (PIRI) using Latin American and other data(Risk Assessment Approaches for Developing Countries,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Modelling approaches for pesticide risk assessment in data deficient environments of developing countries(Risk Assessment Approaches for Developing Countries,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Challenges of pesticide human health risk assessment in West Africa(Risk Assessment Approaches for Developing Countries,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Exposure assessments of rice pesticides associated with local weather and agricultural management in Japan(Advances in Simulation of Pesticide Fate and Transport, including Application Spray Drift Modeling, GIS and Remote Sensing,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Modeling pesticide fate at catchment level using GIS(Advances in Simulation of Pesticide Fate and Transport, including Application Spray Drift Modeling, GIS and Remote Sensing,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Minimizing environmental and public health risk of pesticides through understanding pesticide application technology(Advances in Simulation of Pesticide Fate and Transport, including Application Spray Drift Modeling, GIS and Remote Sensing,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Pesticide spray modeling : including the effects of spray-crop interactions(Advances in Simulation of Pesticide Fate and Transport, including Application Spray Drift Modeling, GIS and Remote Sensing,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) An assessment of European modeling of pesticides in ground-water(Advances in Simulation of Pesticide Fate and Transport, including Application Spray Drift Modeling, GIS and Remote Sensing,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) United States national scale modeling for probabilistic agrichemical risk assessment using a high performance computing infrastructure(Advances in Simulation of Pesticide Fate and Transport, including Application Spray Drift Modeling, GIS and Remote Sensing,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Predictive modeling of ecological risk from agrochemicals to non-target organisms in tropical ecosystems(Ecological Effects Testing for Tropical Ecosystems and Extrapolation of data to Tropical Regions,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Extrapolating physicochemical properties of agrochemicals for ecological risk assessment in tropical regions(Ecological Effects Testing for Tropical Ecosystems and Extrapolation of data to Tropical Regions,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Spatial methods for estimating catchment-scale agrochemical exposure risk(Ecological Effects Testing for Tropical Ecosystems and Extrapolation of data to Tropical Regions,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Use of tropical species to assess effects of agrochemical in tropical ecosystem(Ecological Effects Testing for Tropical Ecosystems and Extrapolation of data to Tropical Regions,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Environmental fate of agrochemical in tropical ecosystem : New chemicals with reduced ecological effects(Ecological Effects Testing for Tropical Ecosystems and Extrapolation of data to Tropical Regions,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Environmental factors affecting the levels of legacy pesticides in the airshed of Delaware and Chesapeake Bays(Drift, Volatilization, and Atmospheric Transport,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Biological responses to glyphosate drift from aerial application in corn, cotton, and soybean(Drift, Volatilization, and Atmospheric Transport,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Evidence for atmospheric deposition of herbicides to forests bordering agricultural fields(Drift, Volatilization, and Atmospheric Transport,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Predicting pesticide volatilization from bare soil(Drift, Volatilization, and Atmospheric Transport,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Occurrence of diuron and irgarol in river and coastal waters of Japan(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Modeling seasonal variability of pesticide stream concentrations in agricultural watersheds using a sinusoidal wave function(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Effect of grass cover on pesticides transport through undisturbed soil columns under outdoor conditions, comparison with field study in the Morcille watershed (Beaujolais)(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Contamination of Guarapuava River-Brazil with pesticides used in soy bean farms(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Use of the Pesticide Impact Rating Index (PIRI) in assessing the potential risk of migration of pesticides into surface waters in the Lake Tota region from Colombia(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) An advanced system for studies on crop metabolism(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Fate of chemicals in water/sediment systems at different levels of complexity(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Reductive dechlorination of chlorophenols in estuarine sediment of Lake Shinji and characterization of microbial community structure(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Surface and groundwater contamination through use of pesticides in vegetables(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Residual detection of cefadroxil, penicillin G, cephradine and vancomycin at surface water and soils in Korea(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Fate of pyraclofos applied in pepper field-lysimeter(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Impact assessment of pesticides in surface water and evaluation of some decontamination processes(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Persistence and potodegradation of clofentezine in aqueous solution(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Analysing the risk of photosystem II inhibiting herbicides on the Great Barrier Reef(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Agriculture is a possible contributor of trace levels of estrogens in waters in NSW, Australia(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Managing wetlands in the landscape to mitigate pesticide impacts : USDA-ARS research in the Lower Mississippi River Basin(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Processes involved in fate and transport of pesticides in the aquatic and soil environment(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) A new index of rapid pesticide leaching potential(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) An evaluation of minimally calibrated SWAT for predicting daily pesticide concentrations in flowing water bodies of small watersheds(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Uncertainties in modelling pesticide losses from rice fields to an adjacent drainage canal(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Removal of herbicides from irrigated agriculture tailwaters by constructed wetlands in the Central Valley, California(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Monitoring pesticides with passive samplers in the Great Barrier Reef catchment(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Predicting pesticide mixture toxicity in the Great Barrier Reef(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Distribution characteristics of pesticide residues in Yeongsan and Seomjin Rivers watershed : results of three years monitoring(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Run-off ratio of selected pesticide from paddy field using RICEWQ model(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Pesticides and other contaminants in runoff from residential neighborhoods(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Relating herbicide and nutrient fate to land use and landscape features in the Choptank River watershed(Protection of Water Quality,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Considerations for the conduct of a laboratory based microcosm effects study(Ecotoxicology,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Studies on the reproductive, developmental and neuronal toxicity and endocrine disrupting activity induced by benomyl and carbendazim in the three-generation of rats(Ecotoxicology,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Azo pesticides might induce antagonistic effect on mammary tumor induction exposed to 17β-Estradiol in Wistar rats(Ecotoxicology,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Possible mechanism for developmental toxicity and endocrine disrupting activity induced by benomyl and carbendazim with rat embryo culture(Ecotoxicology,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Bioconcentration and metabolism of [^<14>C] methoxychlor in brackish water bivalve Corbicula Japonica(Ecotoxicology,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Assessing the potential phytoxicity of cartap hydrochloride and mancozeb to Lemna aequinoctialis W(Ecotoxicology,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Using Thai aquatic invertebrates for testing the acute toxicity effects of Chlorpyrifos(Ecotoxicology,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Ecotoxicological assessment of nursery box applied insecticides using micro paddy lysimeters(Ecotoxicology,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Guidance on identifying endocrine disrupting effects: ecotoxicology(Ecotoxicology,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Hydrolysis of chlorinated compounds potentially related to 1,3-dichloropropene(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Toxic species formed in the combustion of sulfenimide pesticides(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Pyrolysis of pyrethroids at high temperatures(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Determination of trace level of fenazaquin in honeybees using different methods by gas chromatography(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Classification of genus pseudomonas by MALDI-MS based on ribosomal protein coded in S10-spc-alpha operon(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Determination of 16 phthalate metabolites in human urine by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with online cleanup technology(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Multiresidue method for the determination of pesticide residues in honey by solid-phase extraction and GC-ECD/NPD(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Metabolism of the herbicide clodinafop in tobacco and wheat plant tissues(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Development of an alternative barrier for protection of wooden structures from termite attack by incorporating a synthetic pyrethroid into polyurethane(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Supercritical fluid and liquid/liquid extractions for the determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in rivers and sediments of cocoa producing areas of Ondo state, Nigeria(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Decomposition of eight pesticides in laboratory incubation experiment under water-unsaturated and waterlogged conditions(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Determination of alachlor, endosulfan, cypermethrin, fenvalerate from soil with ultrasonic extraction and GC-ECD detection(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Determination of spinetoram in leafy vegetable samples by HPLC-UVD(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Development and validation of a multiresidue method in water using gas-chromatograph and nitrogen-phosphorous detector(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Monitoring of presumptive endocrine disruptor pesticides in agricultural fields(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Organochlorine pesticide residues in food and environment of Bangladesh(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Adaptation and validation of the analytical methods needed to assess the potential exposure of bees and other insects to an insecticide during pneumatic drilling of dressed seeds(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Application of in silico in evaluation of environmental safety(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Application of solid-phase microextraction based on the bare stainless steel wire method for the determination of organophosphorus insecticides residues in water samples(Analytical Methods for Residues and Degradation Products,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Comparison of insect residue data from the northern and southern hemisphere(Ecological Risk Assessment,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Agrochemical packaging waste management in northeast Thailand and associated environmental risk(Ecological Risk Assessment,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Reliability of available environmental fate data (K_d and K_<oc>) for pesticide risk assessment in Latin America(Ecological Risk Assessment,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Improving risk assessments : the need for ecological models(Ecological Risk Assessment,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Exploring how factors affecting honeybee colonies interact(Ecological Risk Assessment,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Screening ecological risk assessment of paddy insecticides and their metabolites for aquatic arthropods in the Sakura River, Japan(Ecological Risk Assessment,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Characterising land cover using geospatial data to evaluate potential refugia for non-target arthropods(Ecological Risk Assessment,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Measuring the effects of selected herbicides on the growth of algae, and implications in risk assessment(Ecological Risk Assessment,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Development of pesticide ecological risk assessment and risk management approaches in China(Ecological Risk Assessment,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Degradation, transformation and sorption of metolachlor and its metabolites in soil : laboratory and in situ experiments(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Sorption and degradation of 4 pesticides under tropical conditions(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Sorption and movement of fenamiphos in three contrasting Brazilian soils(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Sorption of dimethenamid affected by liquid cow manure application in a southern Chilean andisol(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) The phylogenic changes in diazotrophic population under butachlor application in paddy soil(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Dissipation of herbicides pendimethalin and oryzalin in soils(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Kinetics of water- and sorption-limited metabolism in soil(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Insecticide application to soil : effect on soil microbial parameters assessing soil fertility(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Comparative biodegradation of endosulfan by mutant and their native microorganisms(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) The capacity of phototrophic soil organisms to metabolize pesticides(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) The dissipation of diflubenzuron in soils and the effect on soil bacterial communities(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Fate of herbicides in soils : persistence and degradation of clodinafop-propargyl in soil(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Fate of veterinary medicines in soils : degradation and residue dynamics of sulfadiazine in soil(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Do biological pesticides affect non-target microbial guilds?(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Persistence of novaluron in soil, cotton lint and seed oil(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Fluchloralin persistence and its effect on soil enzymes in oatmaize cropping sequence(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Kinetic studies of organochlorine pesticides adsorption on soils in a batch system(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Evaluation of the effect of surfactants on the adsorption and movement of carbaryl in soils of divergent texture(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Alkylphenol polyethoxylates biodegradate, Pseudomonas putida strain S5, grow by using a novel glyoxylate cycle under aerobic condition(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Bioremediation of multiple contaminated soil with s-triazines using charcoal enriched with degrading bacterial consortium(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) The impacts of vinclozolin on soil bacterial communities(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Evaluation of activated carbon amendment for reclamation of a ddt-contaminated site in Pakistan(Sorption and Biodegradation in Soils,Poster,2) Environmental Fate and Safety Assessment) Regulation, uncertainty and the difference between drugs and pesticides(Plenary,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) The mathematical basis used in MRLs calculations(New Statistical Approaches Used in MRL Calculations,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Validation of a new calculator for MRL calculation(New Statistical Approaches Used in MRL Calculations,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Development of a new method for MRL calculation(New Statistical Approaches Used in MRL Calculations,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Recent progress made in OECD residue test guidelines(Progress in international Harmonization of Data Requirements on Residues in Food,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) International harmonization of residue definitions ENV/JM/MONO(2009)30(Progress in international Harmonization of Data Requirements on Residues in Food,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Harmonization of field data requirements(Progress in international Harmonization of Data Requirements on Residues in Food,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Overview of Livestock Feeding(Progress in international Harmonization of Data Requirements on Residues in Food,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Minor use overview & update(Minor Uses and Globalization,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Industry's challenges with minor uses(Minor Uses and Globalization,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Secondary standards issues(Minor Uses and Globalization,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Minor use and globalization canadian perspective(Minor Uses and Globalization,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Tools for solutions(Minor Uses and Globalization,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Development and optimisation of multi-residue pesticide analysis in fresh produce using modified QuEChERS rxtraction and gas chromatographic determination with simultaneous mass spectrometry, electron capture and nitrogen-phosphorous detection (GC-MS-ECD-NPD)(Analytical methods and clean-up,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Development of an ELISA to detect clenbuterol in pork using novel approach for hapten design(Analytical methods and clean-up,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Residue analysis of bifenazate in watermelon by GC/MS following applications of bifenazate 43.2% SC(Analytical methods and clean-up,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Residue analysis of organochlorine pesticides in herbal medicines using the MDE column(Analytical methods and clean-up,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Stability of 28 pesticides residue during sample processing in apple and lettuce(Analytical methods and clean-up,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Advanced gas chromatographic analysis of pesticide residues(Analytical methods and clean-up,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Low-temperature clean-up method for determination of pesticides in liver by GC-ECD(Analytical methods and clean-up,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Determination of profenofos pesticide residue in water samples by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction-liquid chromatography(Analytical methods and clean-up,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Challenges in analysing impurities and residues in formulations and modified environmental matrices(Analytical methods and clean-up,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Pesticides chemistry evaluation in Australia(Regulatory Matters & MRL Enforcement,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables commercialized in Brazil in 2002-2009(Regulatory Matters & MRL Enforcement,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Anaerobic degradation of chlorinated phenols under continuous flow conditions(Regulatory Matters & MRL Enforcement,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Examination of current standard specifications on insecticides in Korea(Regulatory Matters & MRL Enforcement,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Korean model for total diet study(Regulatory Matters & MRL Enforcement,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) The esssentials of a national program to control pesticide residues in foods(Regulatory Matters & MRL Enforcement,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Characterising land cover using geospatial data to evaluate potential refugia for non-target arthropods(Risk Assessment,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Dissipation of spinetoram residues in eight fruit orchards in central Chile(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Global Residue Study-Potential for Zoning and Data Sharing(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Comparative persistence of pesticides on different representative crops of leaf vegetables with wrapped leaves and similar Brassica vegetables(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Novel approaches to the conduct of ruminant metabolism studies(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) The analysis of clomazone and two of its metabolites (CHDMPA and CBMPA) in drinking water using LC-MS/MS and UPLC-MS/MS(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Determination of binapacryl and nitrothal-isopropyl in brown rice and orange(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Primary analysis of multi pesticide residues in Chinese herbal crude drug material(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Monitoring of milk and its product for pesticide residues(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Food processing factors of pesticide residues for higher tier assessment of consumer risk(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Persistence of imidacloprid in different soils under laboratory condition(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Effect of sample preparation procedurs for pesticide residue analysis of apple and Japanese pear(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Proficiency testing of pesticides in fruit & vegetables : Review of recent results(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) JMPR submissions, Codex MRL's and their importance to global trade of agricultural commodities(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Fate of beta-cyfluthrin in cabbage agricultural environment under Indonesian tropical climate(Residue Analysis in Raw and Processed Commodities,Poster,3) Regulatory Science and Residues) Spray application-the current state of the art and opportunities for future development(Plenary,4) Formulation and Delivery) Can spray adjuvants be green?(Formulation, Efficacy and the Environment,4) Formulation and Delivery) New green solvents solutions(Formulation, Efficacy and the Environment,4) Formulation and Delivery) An overview of recent trends in agricultural formulation development in Asia(Formulation, Efficacy and the Environment,4) Formulation and Delivery) "Jumbo" granules in Japan(Formulation, Efficacy and the Environment,4) Formulation and Delivery) Aerial spray decision support systems and their applications(Smart Spray Application and Modelling Technologies,4) Formulation and Delivery) The integrated pest management of locusts in eastern Australia using biological and chemical control(Smart Spray Application and Modelling Technologies,4) Formulation and Delivery) A risk based approach for adapting buffer zones to local conditions(Smart Spray Application and Modelling Technologies,4) Formulation and Delivery) New electrolyte-tolerant dispersant(Poster,4) Formulation and Delivery) Liquid crystal pesticide formulations(Poster,4) Formulation and Delivery) Water based formulations of bifenthrin pesticide(Poster,4) Formulation and Delivery) Lignin-based stabilisers for agricultural emulsions and emulsifiable granules(Poster,4) Formulation and Delivery) Dispersants for high-electrolyte solutions(Poster,4) Formulation and Delivery) Formulation study on microcapsule containing Clothianidin(Poster,4) Formulation and Delivery) Scientific opportunities, societal needs and business challenge for the biotech industry(Plenary,5) Emerging Issue for Industry) Food security: From chemical to biological solutions?(Plenary,5) Emerging Issue for Industry) Challenges and opportunities for contact research organizations (CROs) on a global basis(Poster,5) Emerging Issue for Industry) Diethyl (3-methylureido) (phenyl) methylphosphonate (DEP) imprinted polymer as dummy template for organophosophorus pesticides recognition(Poster,5) Emerging Issue for Industry) Potential of propineb to enhance the growth and development of various crops under Zn-deficiency(Poster,5) Emerging Issue for Industry) おわりに(<特集>第12回IUPAC農業化学国際会議) 農産物・食品検査法の新展開, 監修:山本重夫, シーエムシー出版, 2010年7月発行 第35巻掲載論文審査員へのお礼 本会記事 学会記事 本会記事 日本農薬学会への入会のお誘い 日本農薬学会連絡票 日本農薬学会(役員等) コピーライトについて 奥付 裏表紙
Journal of pesticide science 35 4
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents日本農薬学会誌 Vol.35,No.4(2010) 和文編(中扉) 日本農薬学会第36回大会のご案内 目次 殺菌剤ベンチアバリカルブイソプロピルの開発(学会賞受賞論文(業績賞・技術)) 殺虫剤フルベンジアミドの開発(学会賞受賞論文(業績賞・技術)) 農業生産現場における簡易農薬残留分析システムの応用と普及(学会賞受賞論文(業績賞・技術)) 新規抗幼若ホルモン活性物質の合成探索と作用特性に関する研究(学会賞受賞論文(奨励賞)) 植物および昆虫生理活性を有するペプチド類の生物有機化学的研究(学会賞受賞論文(奨励賞)) 英文編掲載報文・短報等の要旨 インターネット等で公表された情報からみた残留基準を超過した農薬の状況(読物企画) 塊茎形成・花芽形成誘導物質セオブロキシドの開発と利用 殺虫剤研究の未来へのかけ橋 カルタップ:その開発経緯と殺虫作用特性(殺虫剤研究の未来へのかけ橋) コナガの殺虫剤抵抗性研究の過去・現在・未来(殺虫剤研究の未来へのかけ橋) 殺虫剤抵抗性蚊におけるシトクロムP450遺伝子の過剰発現(殺虫剤研究の未来へのかけ橋) 変異型アセチルコリンエステラーゼの種による変異(殺虫剤研究の未来へのかけ橋) ゲノム研究から見えてきた昆虫カルボキシルエステラーゼの特徴(殺虫剤研究の未来へのかけ橋) 選択型検出器付きガスクロマトグラフの農薬残留分析への利用(農薬残留分析編(第4回),実験技術講座) 利部伸三先生がアメリカ化学会アグロケミカル研究国際賞を受賞 第7回農薬バイオサイエンス研究会 : 農薬科学の未来を考える-昆虫科学の最前線(シンポジア) 第16回 ヨーロッパ生体エネルギー会議(EBEC)に参加して(シンポジア) エラータ Keyword Index to Volume 35,2010 Author Index to Volume 35,2010 JOURNAL OF PESTICIDE SCIENCE(Editorial Board) Contents of Volume 35,2010 本会記事 日本農薬学会への入会のお誘い 日本農薬学会連絡票 日本農薬学会(役員等) コピーライトについて 奥付 裏表紙
Journal of pesticide science 35 3
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents日本農薬学会誌 Vol.35,No.3(2010) 和文編(中扉) INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS 目次 根寄生植物の宿主認識に関する研究(学会賞受賞論文(業績賞・研究)) ストレス応答シグナル伝達経路に作用する殺菌剤に関する研究(学会賞受賞論文(業績賞・研究)) 平成22年度論文賞対象論文の概要とその研究背景(学会賞受賞論文(論文賞)) 英文編掲載報文・短報等の要旨 遺伝子組換え作物の第一種使用における生物多様性影響評価の進め方 遺伝子組換え食品の安全性評価 中国における残留農薬分析の現状と課題(読物企画) イムノアッセイの農薬残留分析への利用(その2) : 農薬測定用ELISAキットを用いた作物残留分析(農薬残留分析編(第3回),実験技術講座) 第239回米化学会ナショナルミーティングアグロケミカル部会に参加して(シンポジア) 農薬からアグロバイオレギュレーターへの展開-病害虫雑草制御の現状と将来-From Pesticides to Agrobioregulators, 監修:山本出, シーエムシー出版, 2009年12月発行 本会記事 日本農薬学会への入会のお誘い 日本農薬学会連絡票 日本農薬学会(役員等) コピーライトについて 奥付 裏表紙

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