
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement

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Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 197
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Proceedings of Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium(Title page) (photograph) Symposium Organization Preface(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) CONTENTS Opening Address(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) Shoichi Sakata: His Life and Physics : Collections of Materials in Sakata Memorial Archival Library(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) Dipole Moment of Solitons(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) Seeking Clues for the Next Sakata(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) Lattice Methods in Gauge Theories beyond the Standard Model(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) The Origin of Matter : Leptogenesis(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) Insights from Three Flavors to Three Families Based on Compositeness and Symmetry(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) Testing a Model for the Puzzling Spin 0 Mesons(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) Composite Avenue beyond the Standard Model : Legacy of Sakata in LHC Era(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) Higgs-Like Scalars from Non-Perturbative Yang-Mills Dynamics(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) Phase Diagram of the Lowest Landau Level in Bilayer Graphene(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) Kaons-A Micro-Physics Laboratory : "Will You Still Need Me When I'm 64?"(The Beatles)(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium) SHOICHI SAKATA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM(SAKATA100) PROGRAM (photograph) List of Participants AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements(ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 196
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei(Title page) (Information) Group photo at YKIS2011 Symposium, Kyoto, Japan Preface(Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) CONTENTS Comparative Study of Three-Body Models for Continuum States(Invited papers of DCEN2011,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Time-Dependent Multiconfiguration Theory and Its Application to Ultrafast Electronic Dynamics of Molecules in an Intense Laser Field(Invited papers of DCEN2011,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) NN Effective Interaction from the Brueckner Theory and Applications to Nuclear Systems(Invited papers of DCEN2011,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Quartetting in Nuclear Matter(Invited papers of DCEN2011,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Two-Particle Transfer and Pairing Correlations : Interplay of Reaction Mechanism and Structure Properties(Invited papers of DCEN2011,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Recent Development of CDCC(Invited papers of DCEN2011,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Computational Aspects of Nuclear Coupled-Cluster Theory(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Spectroscopy of the Unbound States of the Drip-Line Nucleus ^<24>O(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Ab Initio Calculations of Light-Ion Reactions(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Nuclear Reactions with a Realistic Nuclear Interaction Using a Square Integrable Basis(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Ab Initio Nuclear Structure Theory with Chiral NN+3N Interactions(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Relativistic Nuclear Energy Density Functionals(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Prolate-Oblate Shape Coexistence and Enhanced γ Softness in Neutron-Rich Nb and Mo Isotopes with A &ap; 110(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) New Experimental Studies of Nuclear Spin-Isospin Responses(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Collective Excitation in Exotic Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Complete Dipole Response in ^<208>Pb(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Extended Skyrme Interaction in the Spin Channel(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Clustering Aspects of Highly Excited States and Neutron-Rich Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Clustering in Non-Self Conjugate Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Simplified Modeling of Cluster-Shell Competition and Appearance of Various Cluster Structures in Light Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Search for Alpha Condensed State in ^<24>Mg(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Recent Development of CDCC and Future(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Resonances and Continuum States, and Energy Spectra of Light Drip-Line Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Dynamical Evolution of Heavy-Ion Scattering in the High-Energy Region(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Two-Particle Transfer Cross Sections and Nuclear Superfluidity(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) On the Origin of Nuclear Clustering(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Pairing Correlations and Anti-Halo Effect in Weakly Bound Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) On the Application of Symmetry Breaking and Its Restoration to Treat Pairing Correlation in Finite Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Superheavy Elements : A Probe for Nuclear Matter at the Extremes(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) High-Spin States of ^<212,213,214>Po : Probing the Valence Space beyond ^<208>Pb(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Smooth Transition from Sudden to Adiabatic States in Deep-Subbarrier Fusion Reactions(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Direct Reaction Probes of Single-Particle States and Correlations(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Binary Subsystem Correlations in Coulomb Breakup Reactions of Two-Neutron Halo Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Studies of Light Neutron-Excess Nuclei from Bounds to Continuum(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Shell-Model Approaches to the Structure of Light Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Shell Evolution around and beyond N = 28 Studied with Large-Scale Shell-Model Calculations(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Structure of Mg Isotope Studied by β-Decay Spectroscopy of Spin-Polarized Na Isotopes : Shape Coexistence in ^<30>Mg(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Cb-TDHFB Calculation for the Low-Lying E1 Strength of Heavy Nuclei around the r-Process Path(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Effect of Tensor Force on the Multipole Resonances of Finite Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Microscopic Analysis of Shape Coexistence/Mixing and Shape Phase Transition in Neutron-Rich Nuclei around ^<32>Mg(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Efficient Method for Quantum Number Projection and Its Application to Tetrahedral Nuclear States(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Calculation of rp-Process Rates in the sd Shell via the Nuclear Shell Model(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Alpha-Cluster Dominance in the αp Process in Explosive Hydrogen Burning(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Exploring Correlations in Exotic Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Deformation Effect on Total Reaction Cross Sections for Neutron-Rich Ne-Isotopes(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Shell and Neutron-Skin Effects on Pygmy Dipole Resonances(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Mean-Field and RPA Approaches to Stable and Unstable Nuclei with Semi-Realistic NN Interaction(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Testing Skyrme Energy-Density Functionals with the QRPA in Low-lying Vibrational States of Rare-Earth Nuclei(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Gamow-Teller Strengths in Ni Isotopes and Nuclear Weak Processes(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Three-Body Cluster Structures and Hoyle-Analogue States in ^<11>B(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Complete Kinematics Study of the ^<11>B+p→3α Reaction(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Relativistic Descriptions of Nuclear Magnetic Moments(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Dynamical Processes in the Structure of Halo Nuclei and Their Experimental Evidence(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Spin-Aligned Neutron-Proton Pair Coupling Scheme(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Nuclear Pairing from Chiral Pion-Nucleon Dynamics : Latest Results and Relevant Issues(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Superdeformed Band in Asymmetric N > Z Nucleus, ^<40>Ar and High-Spin States in A=30〜40 Nuclei(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Coexistence of Rotational Bands and α Cluster Correlations in ^<42>Ca(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Alpha Cluster States and Condensation in ^<16>O(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Alpha-Decay Studies of Rf, Sg, and Hs Isotopes within the Multi-Channel Cluster Model(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Multi-Messenger Observations of Neutron Rich Matter(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Investigation of the Giant Monopole Resonance in the Cd and Pb Isotopes : The Asymmetry Term in Nuclear Incompressibility and the MEM Effect(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Investigation of the Dipole Response in Exotic Nuclei : Experiments at the LAND-R^3B Setup(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Probing the Pasta Structure of Neutron Stars(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Neutrino Induced Reactions with the Nuclei in Core Collapsing Supernovae(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Tensor Force Manifestations in Ab Initio Study of the ^2H(d, γ)^4He, ^2H(d,p)^3H, and ^2H(d,n)^3He Reactions(YKIS2011 Papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) Scientific Program of Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei(YKIS2011) Participants of YKIS2011 Symposium Participants of YIPQS Long-Term Workshop DCEN2011 AUTHOR INDEX Proceedings of International Seminar organized by the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements(ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 195
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science(Title page) (photograph) Preface(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) CONTENTS Dynamics of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions and the Quark Gluon Plasma(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) New Forms of Non-Relativistic and Relativistic Hydrodynamic Equations as Derived by the Renormalization-Group Method : Possible Functional Ansatz in the Moment Method Consistent with Chapman-Enskog Theory(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Collisions and Gravitational Interactions between Particles in Planetary Rings(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Simulating the Formation of Fine-Scale Structure in Saturn's Rings(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Simple Kinetic Theory for a Dense Planetary Ring(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Non-Modal Stability and Optimal Perturbations in Unbounded Granular Shear Flow : Three-Dimensionality and Particle Spin(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Growth of Cosmic Dust Aggregates and Reexamination of Particle Interaction Models(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Macroscopic Order Formation, Inflation Mechanism and Entropy Change(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Gauge-Theory Plasma(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Rheology of Sheared Granular Particles near Jamming Transition(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Coherent Structures and Energy Cascade in Homogeneous Turbulence(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) An Approach to Glassy Systems with Direct-Interaction Approximation(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Magnetic Reconnection, a Key Self-Organization Process in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas : Recent Research Progress(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Theories of the Solar Cycle and Its Effect on Climate(Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science) Program of Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Astrophysics and Materials Science AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements(ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 194
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-(Title page) Preface(Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) CONTENTS Collective Behavior of Stock Prices as a Precursor to Market Crash(Financial and Consumer Markets,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Long Memory in Trade Signs and Short Memory in Stock Prices(Financial and Consumer Markets,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) OpenCL Implementation of NeuroIsing(Financial and Consumer Markets,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Analysis of Realized Volatility in Two Trading Sessions of the Japanese Stock Market(Financial and Consumer Markets,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Observation of Frustrated Correlation Structure in a Well-Developed Financial Market(Financial and Consumer Markets,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Revenue Prediction of a Local Event Using the Mathematical Model of Hit Phenomena(Financial and Consumer Markets,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Testing Randomness by Means of Random Matrix Theory(Random Matrix Theory,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Numerical Study of Generalized Random Correlation Matrices : Autocorrelation Effects(Random Matrix Theory,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Issues for SME Credit Information DB Institutions and Expectations for the Econophysics : Scientific Economic Policies for Avoiding Moral Hazard(Real Economy,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) New Systems for the Realization of a Comfortable and Prosperous Society in the 21st Century(Real Economy,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Coupled Oscillator Model of the Business Cycle with Fluctuating Goods Markets(Real Economy,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Power Laws in Firm Productivity(Real Economy,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Labor Productivity Distribution with Negative Temperature(Real Economy,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Subcommunities and Their Mutual Relationships in a Transaction Network(Complex Networks,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Omori Law after Large-Scale Destruction of Production Network(Complex Networks,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Hotel Industry in Pacific Tohoku Prefectures : From Spatio-Temporal Dependence of Hotel Availability(New Perspectives,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) An Analysis of Japanese Hotel Plan Availability : Regionality and Seasonality(New Perspectives,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Temporal and Cross Correlations in Business News(New Perspectives,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Statistical Regularities of Seismic Noise(New Perspectives,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Zipf's Law and Heaps' Law Can Predict the Size of Potential Words(New Perspectives,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) Conservation Laws and Symmetries in Competitive Systems(New Perspectives,Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Econophysics,Econophysics 2011-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Economy-) List of Presenters in the YITP Workshop(July 15-16, 2011) AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 193
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Multiparticle Dynamics(Title page) Organization of ISMD 2011 Symposium (photograph) Preface(Multiparticle Dynamics) CONTENTS Phase Diagram and Heavy-Ion Collisions : Overview(QCD Phase Diagram and Related Topics,Multiparticle Dynamics) Sign-Posting the Phase Diagram of QCD(QCD Phase Diagram and Related Topics,Multiparticle Dynamics) Chiral Magnetic Effect(QCD Phase Diagram and Related Topics,Multiparticle Dynamics) Axial Anomaly, Mismatched Fermi Surfaces and Vector Interaction in Dense Neutral Quark Matter(QCD Phase Diagram and Related Topics,Multiparticle Dynamics) Onset of Deconfinement and Search for the Critical Point of Strongly Interacting Matter at CERN SPS Energies(QCD Phase Diagram and Related Topics,Multiparticle Dynamics) NA61/SHINE Physics Program : First Results and Future Plans(QCD Phase Diagram and Related Topics,Multiparticle Dynamics) Photon Measurements in Heavy Ion Collisions(QCD Phase Diagram and Related Topics,Multiparticle Dynamics) X, Y & Z Particles from Belle(QCD Phase Diagram and Related Topics,Multiparticle Dynamics) PNJL Model with Eight Quark Interactions(QCD Phase Diagram and Related Topics,Multiparticle Dynamics) Extended NJL Model with Eight Quark Interactions(QCD Phase Diagram and Related Topics,Multiparticle Dynamics) High Energy-Density QCD Matter(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Global Event Properties in Pb+Pb Collisions at LHC Energies from ALICE(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Saturation Physics(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Recent Heavy Flavor Results at RHIC(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) High Energy Density QCD : Experimental Overview(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Heavy Flavour Production Measurements at the CERN-LHC(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Quarkonium at T > 0(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Quarkonium Production in PbPb Collisions at the LHC(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Jets in Medium : What RHIC and LHC Measurements of R_<AA> and I_<AA> Can Teach about the Parton-Medium Interaction(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Jet Suppression at LHC(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Theory of Heavy Quark Energy Loss(High Energy Density QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Review of Soft Interactions and Multiparticle Correlations(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) Underlying Event Studies at LHC with CMS Detector(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) Hadron Production at LHC with the CMS Detector(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) ATLAS Results on Inelastic pp Collisions and the Underlying Event(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) BEC, the τ-Model, and Jets at the Z Pole(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) Systematic Measurements of HBT Radii in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) Harmonic Moments of the Gluon Density Distribution in AA Collisions(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) Recent Flow Measurements at RHIC(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) Anisotropic Flow and Other Collective Phenomena Measured in Pb-Pb Collisions with ALICE at the LHC(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) Dihadron Correlations in pp and PbPb Collisions(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) The "Soft Ridge" : Is It Initial-State Geometry or Modified Jets?(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) On the Origin of the Trigger-Angle Dependence of the Ridge Structure(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) Heavy Ion Initial States from DIPSY(Soft Interaction and Multiparticle Correlations,Multiparticle Dynamics) Diffraction and Forward Physics at HERA(Forward and Diffraction Physics and Cosmic Rays,Multiparticle Dynamics) Elastic Scattering and Total Cross-Section in p+p Reactions : As Measured by the LHC Experiment TOTEM at √<s>=7 TeV(Forward and Diffraction Physics and Cosmic Rays,Multiparticle Dynamics) Forward Physics Results from ATLAS(Forward and Diffraction Physics and Cosmic Rays,Multiparticle Dynamics) Measurement of Inelastic, Diffractive and Exclusive Processes in pp Collisions with CMS(Forward and Diffraction Physics and Cosmic Rays,Multiparticle Dynamics) Measurements of Particle Production in pp Collisions in the Forward Region at the LHC(Forward and Diffraction Physics and Cosmic Rays,Multiparticle Dynamics) Forward Physics Hard Processes and Saturation : Theory and Phenomenology Review(Forward and Diffraction Physics and Cosmic Rays,Multiparticle Dynamics) Studies of Very High Energy Cosmic Rays : Status, Puzzles, and the Impact of LHC Data(Forward and Diffraction Physics and Cosmic Rays,Multiparticle Dynamics) Forward Photon Energy Spectrum at 7 TeV p-p Collisions Measured by the LHCf Experiment(Forward and Diffraction Physics and Cosmic Rays,Multiparticle Dynamics) Forward Hadron Productions at Collider Energies in CGC Framework(Forward and Diffraction Physics and Cosmic Rays,Multiparticle Dynamics) Baryon Stopping Probes Partonic and Hadronic Processes(Forward and Diffraction Physics and Cosmic Rays,Multiparticle Dynamics) Opportunities of Fundamental Physics with High-Intensity Laser Fields(High Field Science by High-Intensity Lasers,Multiparticle Dynamics) Probing Dark Energy with High-Intensity Laser Field(High Field Science by High-Intensity Lasers,Multiparticle Dynamics) Laser Technologies and the Combined Applications towards Vacuum Physics(High Field Science by High-Intensity Lasers,Multiparticle Dynamics) Jet Results from ATLAS(Hard QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Jet Results from CMS(Hard QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Review of Parton Density Functions(Hard QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Electroweak and Top Results from the Tevatron(Hard QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) First Test of z-Scaling in Hadron and Jet Production in pp Collisions at LHC(Hard QCD,Multiparticle Dynamics) Higgs and BSM at the Tevatron(Higgs and beyond the Standard Model,Multiparticle Dynamics) Search for the Higgs Boson and beyond Standard Model Phenomena in CMS(Higgs and beyond the Standard Model,Multiparticle Dynamics) Searches for Higgs and Physics beyond the Standard Model at the ATLAS Experiment(Higgs and beyond the Standard Model,Multiparticle Dynamics) Physics with τ Leptons in ATLAS(Higgs and beyond the Standard Model,Multiparticle Dynamics) Search for New Physics with b-Jets and Missing Transverse Energy with CMS(Higgs and beyond the Standard Model,Multiparticle Dynamics) Search of Light New Physics at BABAR(Higgs and beyond the Standard Model,Multiparticle Dynamics) Phenomenology of the Squeezed Hadronic Correlations at RHIC Energies(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) Boosted Saturation Bound in Colliding Nuclei(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) First Event-by-Event Fluctuation Studies in Pb-Pb Collisions at LHC Energy by the ALICE Experiment(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) Neutral Pion Fluctuations in pp Collisions at 50 GeV by SVD-2(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) Nuclear Geometry and Number of Collisions : Glauber Model and Beyond(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) Flow and Eccentricity Correlation in Fluctuating Initial Conditions(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) Fluctuating Initial Conditions and Anisotropic Flows(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) Forward-Backward Flow Correlations in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) Transport Coefficients of the Second Order Hydrodynamics and the Applicability of Hydrodynamic Model(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) Viscosity versus Causality(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) Femtoscopic Correlations and Narrow Resonance Formation(Recent Development,Multiparticle Dynamics) ISMD 2011 : Experimental Conference Summary(Multiparticle Dynamics) Phenomenology of High Gluon Density QCD and Heavy-Ion Physics at ISMD 2011 : x Smaller than Ever!(Multiparticle Dynamics) Program of XLI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (photograph) List of ISMD 2011 Participants AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements(ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 192
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Recent Developments in Nuclear Cluster Physics Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements(ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 191
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins(Title page) (Information) (photograph) Preface(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) CONTENTS DNA Knots : Theory and Experiments(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) How Broken DNA Finds Its Template for Repair : A Computational Approach(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Chromatin Topological Transitions(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Mean-Field Theory of the Symmetry Breaking Model for X Chromosome Inactivation(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Role of Topological Exclusion in Formation and Organization of Chromosomal Territories(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Taxonomy of DNA Conformations within Complex Nucleoprotein Assemblies(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Nullification of Small Knots(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Signed Unknotting Number and Knot Chirality Discrimination via Strand Passage(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Testing the Use of Implicit Solvent in the Molecular Dynamics Modelling of DNA Flexibility(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Evaluating Partition Functions for Multiscale Models of DNA(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Dimension of Ring Polymers in Melt Studied by Monte-Carlo Simulation(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) GPU Based Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymer Rings in Concentrated Solution : Structure and Scaling(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Universal Ratios in the Dynamics of Open and Closed Chains of Linked Ring Polymers in Solution via Brownian Dynamics(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) General Polygonal Length Dependence of the Linking Probability for Ideal Random Polygons(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Cumulative Shapes of Knotted Polymers(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) A Study of the Entanglement in Systems with Periodic Boundary Conditions(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) The Length Scale of 3-Space Knots, Ephemeral Knots, and Slipknots in Random Walks(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Probing the Entanglement and Locating Knots in Ring Polymers : A Comparative Study of Different Arc Closure Schemes(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Knot Localization in a Flexible Polymer Confined in a Tube(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Driven Translocation of Semi-Flexible Polymer under Strong Force(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Ideal, Best Packing, and Energy Minimizing Double Helices(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) On Transforming a Spatial Graph into a Plane Graph(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Entanglement of Embedded Graphs(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Band Surgeries between Knots and Links with Small Crossing Numbers(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins) Program of Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 190
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Cosmology-The Next Generation-(Title page) Organizing Commitee Sponsored by (photograph) Preface(Cosmology-The Next Generation-) CONTENTS Standard Model Higgs Inflation : CMB, Higgs Mass and Quantum Cosmology(Chapter I: Models of the early universe,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Hilltop Supernatural Inflation(Chapter I: Models of the early universe,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Linear Term Inflation from Running Kinetic Term in Supergravity(Chapter I: Models of the early universe,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) On the Electromagnetic Nature of Dark Energy and the Origin of Cosmic Magnetic Fields(Chapter I: Models of the early universe,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Aspects of Hybrid Inflation in Supergravity(Chapter I: Models of the early universe,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) A Minimal Supersymmetric Cosmological Model(Chapter I: Models of the early universe,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) The Self-Interacting Curvaton(Chapter II: Cosmological perturbations,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Future CMB Polarization Measurements and Japanese Contributions(Chapter II: Cosmological perturbations,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Primordial Non-Gaussianities(Chapter II: Cosmological perturbations,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Issues Concerning the Waterfall of Hybrid Inflation(Chapter II: Cosmological perturbations,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Properties of Scalar Perturbations Generated by Conformal Scalar Field(Chapter II: Cosmological perturbations,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Use of δN Formalism : Difficulty of Generating Large Local-Type Non-Gaussianity during Inflation(Chapter II: Cosmological perturbations,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Conformal Transformations and Nordstrom's Scalar Theory of Gravity(Chapter III: Testing general relativity and modifiled gravity theory,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Non-Singular Modified Gravity Unifying Inflation with Late-Time Acceleration and Universality of Viscous Ratio Bound in F(R) Theory(Chapter III: Testing general relativity and modifiled gravity theory,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Testing General Relativity on Cosmic Scales with the Observed Abundance of Massive Clusters(Chapter III: Testing general relativity and modifiled gravity theory,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Cosmological Perturbations in General Modified Gravity Theories(Chapter III: Testing general relativity and modifiled gravity theory,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Signals of Inflationary Models with Cosmic Strings(Chapter IV: Topological defects,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Numerical Study of Q-Ball Formation in Gravity Mediation(Chapter IV: Topological defects,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Analytic Model for CMB Temperature Fluctuations from Cosmic (Super-)Strings(Chapter IV: Topological defects,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Effective Theory for Black Branes(Chapter V: Use of holography and black objects,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Holographic Description of Vacuum Bubbles(Chapter V: Use of holography and black objects,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Thermodynamic Black Di-Rings(Chapter V: Use of holography and black objects,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Exploring Higher-Dimensional Black Holes in Numerical Relativity(Chapter V: Use of holography and black objects,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Time-Dependent Holography and Emergent Black Holes on D-Branes(Chapter V: Use of holography and black objects,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Double Neutron Star Binaries : A "Foreground" Source for the Gravitational-Wave Stochastic Background(Chapter VI: Gravitational waves,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Primordial Gravitational Waves from Inflation and Preheating(Chapter VI: Gravitational waves,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Gravitational Wave Detection in Japan(Chapter VI: Gravitational waves,Cosmology-The Next Generation-) Cosmology-The Next Generation-(Program) List of Participants AUTHOR INDEX Proceedings of International Seminar organized by the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 189
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Higher Dimensional Black Holes(Title page) Preface(Higher Dimensional Black Holes) CONTENTS Innovation to Probe Higher Dimensions through Black Holes: Introduction(Chapter 1,Higher Dimensional Black Holes) Exact Solutions of Higher Dimensional Black Holes(Chapter 2,Higher Dimensional Black Holes) Topology and Uniqueness of Higher Dimensional Black Holes(Chapter 3,Higher Dimensional Black Holes) Exact Solutions II : Systematic Solution-Generation of Five-Dimensional Black Holes(Chapter 4,Higher Dimensional Black Holes) Hidden Symmetry and Exact Solutions in Einstein Gravity(Chapter 5,Higher Dimensional Black Holes) Perturbations and Stability of Static Black Holes in Higher Dimensions(Chapter 6,Higher Dimensional Black Holes) Perturbative Stability Analysis of Higher Dimensional Rotating Black Holes(Chapter 7,Higher Dimensional Black Holes) Black Holes in Braneworld Models(Chapter 8,Higher Dimensional Black Holes) Higher-Dimensional Numerical Relativity : Current Status(Chapter 9,Higher Dimensional Black Holes) Black Hole Solutions in String Theory(Chapter 10,Higher Dimensional Black Holes) AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 188
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) String Field Theory and Related Aspects(SFT2010)(Title page) (Information) (photograph) Preface(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) CONTENTS String Field Theories(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Light-Cone Gauge String Field Theory and Dimensional Regularization(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Amplitudes in Noncritical Dimensions and Dimensional Regularization(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Puzzles with Tachyon in SSFT and Cosmological Applications(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Topology and Solutions in Cubic Superstring Field Theory(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) On Multibrane Solutions in Open String Field Theory(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Application of KBc Subalgebra in String Field Theory(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Towards Quantum Field Theory of D-Particles(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) On Coordinate Independent State Space of Matrix Theory(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) A Solution for Relevant Deformations in Open String Field Theory(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Low-Spin Models for Higher-Spin Lagrangians(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) On the Structure of Open-Closed String Field Theory and Its Applications(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) T-Duality versus Gauge Symmetry(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Closed String Field Theory for Super Twistors and Maximal Supergravity(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Constructing Open String Field Theory Solutions from Boundary Condition Changing Operators(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) A Lump Solution and Its Energy(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) On Numerical Solutions in Open String Field Theory(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) A Vacuum Loop of an Open String around an Identity-Based Solution(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Closed Strings in Open String Field Theory(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Gravity as the Square of Gauge Theory(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Semi-Classical Brane in AdS-Spaces(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) An Algebraic Model for the su(2|2) Light-Cone String Field Theory(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Open String Field Theory in Landau-Type Gauge(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Canonical Quantization of String Fields : How to Define Momentum(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Operator Space of Pure Spinors(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Exact Quantization of a Superparticle in AdS_5×S^5(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Democratic Superstring Field Theory and Its Gauge Fixing(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) No-Ghost Theorem for Neveu-Schwarz String in 0-Picture via Similarity Transformation(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Gauge-Fixing Problem in Modified Cubic Superstring Field Theory(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Gauge Fixing of Open Superstring Field Theory in the Berkovits Non-Polynomial Formulation(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) Program of String Field Theory and Related Aspects(SFT2010) List of Participants AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER

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