
UVSOR activity report

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Ultraviolet Synchrotron Orbital Radiation Facility, Institute for Molecular Scienceほか
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UVSOR activity report 2016
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsPreface News Ⅰ. Organization and staff list Ⅱ. Current status of light source and beamlines Ⅲ. Research activities Ⅲ-1. Accelerators and instruments Ⅲ-2. Materials sciences Ⅲ-3. Chemistry Ⅲ-4. Surface, interface and thin fulms Ⅲ-5. Life, earth and planetary sciences Ⅳ. List of publications Ⅴ. Workshops
UVSOR activity report 2015
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsPreface News Ⅰ. Organization and staff list Ⅱ. Current status of light source and beamlines Ⅲ. Research activities Ⅲ-1. Accelerators and instruments Ⅲ-2. Materials sciences Ⅲ-3. Chemistry Ⅲ-4. Surface, interface and thin fulms Ⅲ-5. Life, earth and planetary sciences Ⅳ. List of publications Ⅴ. Workshops
UVSOR activity report 2014 (42)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsCover Preface Obituary News Ⅰ. Organization and staff list Ⅱ. Current status of light source and beamlines Ⅲ. Research activities Ⅲ-1. Accelerators and instruments Ⅲ-2. Materials sciences Ⅲ-3. Chemistry Ⅲ-4. Surface, interface and thin fulms Ⅲ-5. Life, earth and planetary sciences Ⅳ. List of publications Ⅴ. Workshops
UVSOR activity report 2013 (41)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsCover Preface News Ⅰ. Organization and staff list Ⅱ. Current status of light source and beamlines Ⅲ. Research activities Ⅲ-1. Accelerators and instruments Ⅲ-2. Materials sciences Ⅲ-3. Atoms and molecules Ⅲ-4. Surface and thin fulms Ⅲ-5. Life, earth and planetary sciences Ⅳ. List of publications Ⅴ. Workshops
UVSOR activity report 2012 (40)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsCover Preface News Ⅰ. Organization and staff list Ⅱ. Current status of light source and beamlines Ⅲ. Research activities Ⅲ-1. Accelerators and light sources Ⅲ-2. Instrumental developments Ⅲ-3. Molecular spectroscopy and dynamics Ⅲ-4. Surface and thin films Ⅲ-5. Solid state physics Ⅲ-6. Applied materials Ⅳ. List of publications Ⅴ. Workshops
UVSOR activity report 2011 (39)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsCover Preface News Ⅰ. Organization and staff list Ⅱ. Current status of light source and beamlines Ⅲ. Research activities Ⅲ-1. Accelerators and light sources Ⅲ-2. Instrumental developments Ⅲ-3. Molecular spectroscopy and dynamics Ⅲ-4. Surface and thin films Ⅲ-5. Solid state physics Ⅲ-6. Applied materials Ⅳ. List of publications Ⅴ. Workshops
UVSOR activity report 2010 (38)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsCover Preface News Ⅰ. Organization and staff list Ⅱ. Current status of light source and beamlines Ⅲ. Research activities Ⅲ-1. accelerators and light sources Ⅲ-2. Instrumental developments Ⅲ-3. Molecular spectroscopy and dynamics Ⅲ-4. Surface and thin films Ⅲ-5. Solid state physicss Ⅲ-6. Applied materials Ⅳ. List of publications Ⅴ. Workshops
UVSOR activity report 2009 (37)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsCover Preface News Ⅰ. Organization and staff list Ⅱ. Current status of light source and beamlines Ⅲ. Research activities Ⅲ-1. Accelerators and light sources Ⅲ-2. Instrumental developments Ⅲ-3. Molecular spectroscopy and dynamics Ⅲ-4. Surface and thin films Ⅲ-5. Solid state physicss Ⅲ-6. Applied materials Ⅳ. List of publications Ⅴ. Workshops
UVSOR activity report 2008 (36)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsCover Preface Ⅰ. Organization and staff list Ⅱ. Current status of light source and beamlines Ⅲ. Research Activities Ⅲ-1. Accelerators and beam physics Ⅲ-2. Instrumental developments Ⅲ-3. Molecular spectroscopy and dynamics Ⅲ-4. Surface and thin films Ⅲ-5. Solid state physics Ⅲ-6. Applied materials Ⅳ. List of publications Ⅴ. Workshops
UVSOR activity report 2007 (35)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsCover Preface Award Organization and staff list Current status of light source and beamlines Research activities 1. accelerators and beam physics 2. Instrumental developments 3. Molecular spectroscopy and dynamics 4. Solid state spectroscopy Ⅰ (IR and VUV) 5. Solid state spectroscopy Ⅱ (XAFS, PES, etc.) 6. Surface scienceand photochemistry List of publications Appendix

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Material Type
Ultraviolet Synchrotron Orbital Radiation Facility, Institute for Molecular Science
UVSOR Facility, Institute for Molecular Science, National Institute of Natural Sciences
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