
Science and technology of energetic materials

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Science and technology of energetic materials 81 (4) (434)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsHeat of combustion studies for carbon black mixed ADN, KDN, and AP oxidizers Loading-rate dependent shear failure model of geo-material and its application to the ballistic testing of granite targets A case study on tunnel blasting design evaluation considering blast damage zone Deflagration characteristics of thermite reaction mixtures under decoupled charges
Science and technology of energetic materials 81 (3) (433)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsCoal transfer facility fire at Taichung power plant : a case study Degradation mechanism of BCN in GN/BCN/water system and the effect of degradation on the thermal behavior of the system Using polymeric additives in microcrystalline wax based hybrid rocket fuel Preparation and effects on stability and electrostatic sensitivity of α-AlH3 by coated with stearic acid
Science and technology of energetic materials 81 (2) (432)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsSynthesis, instrumental and explosive properties 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene (FOX-7) On the azimuth angle characteristics of the blast wave from an underground magazine model (Ⅵ) : the effect of the ratio between the internal diameters of the magazine chamber and passageway Experimental analysis of ballistic parameter evaluation of power cartridge in vented vessel for water-jet application Construction and validation of a detailed gas-phase chemical reaction model for ammonium-dinitramide-based ionic liquids
Science and technology of energetic materials 81 (1) (431)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsExplosive fragmentation of gallium-embrittled aluminum alloy cylinders Optical measurements in visible and NIR bands of composition C-4 and argon flash hemispheres Ignition and combustion characteristics of coated and agglomerated boron Fundamental study on blast simulator for blast injury research Evaluation of blast impact pressure by artificial joint condition using numerical analysis Experimental investigation of blast wave pressure mitigation by water droplets interaction
Science and technology of energetic materials 80 (6) (430)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsResearch on energetic characteristics of explosive containing B/Al The study of new aerozol generator of extinguisher A detailed kinetics model for the decomposition of aqueous hydroxylammonium nitrate Studies on effect of particle size on sensitivity and decomposition of hexogen Feasibility of a small-scale test apparatus in measuring blast intensity of shallow buried charge detonation in in-situ soil The study on the propagation behavior of flame and shock wave by image analysis
Science and technology of energetic materials 80 (5) (429)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsIgnition delay, erosive burning and other animals : lessons learnt about transient phenomena Downgrading of detonation properties of ammonium nitrate using calcium carbonate, dolomite, and fly ash Strand test characteristics of non-self-combustible solid propellants in burning control with N2O supply Influence of metal oxides on the combustion behavior of guanidine nitrate/basic copper nitrate mixture Effect of boron and aluminum diboride on ignition of high-energy materials Use of a polyarylate-glass fiber composite textile to reduce localized blast damage in concrete plates
Science and technology of energetic materials 80 (4) (428)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsImprovement of aluminized explosives and reaction mechanism of CL-20 with Al or Al-Mg alloy Novel method for measuring primary and secondary smoke density of reduced HCl exhaust composite solid rocket propellant (CSRP) based on nitramine energetic material Investigation on the acoustic properties of pyrotechnic whistles Heat balance of senko-hanabi and iron sparks Experimental investigation of agglomerate sizes of burning aluminized solid propellant A preliminary discussion of the real gas effect on the isentropic expansion inlet boundary conditions of high-pressure hydrogen jets
Science and technology of energetic materials 80 (3) (427)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsParametric influences on the flyer velocity driven by electrical explosion Thermal decomposition of di-tert-butylperoxide measured with calorimeter Synthesis of Cu-Cr-Fe ternary metal oxide nanocomposites with enhanced catalytic activity on the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate Numerical simulation of pyrotechnic device based on propellant deflagration model Study on influence factors of the combustion temperature of MTV foil-type decoys and their interactions Combustion of amino guanidinium 5,5'-azobis-1H-tetrazolate/polyvinyl acetate-coated ammonium nitrate mixture
Science and technology of energetic materials 80 (2) (426)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsExperimental study on a long-time working solid-fuel scramjet combustor Bubble growth in non-evaporative drops of "Senko-hanabi" Experimental study on head-on collisions of detonation waves in insensitive high explosive Expansion agent utilizing thermite reaction Plasma torch igniter for hybrid rockets Equation of state for detonation product gases compatible with cylinder tests Simulation of rotating detonation engine by OpenFOAM
Science and technology of energetic materials 80 (1) (425)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsAluminum powders : aging effects on metal content and thermogravimetry reactivity Initiation of explosive reactions in high energy materials with nanosize additives by a high-voltage discharge Blast extinguishment of a methane-air jet diffusion flame using a silver azide pellet On the azimuth angle characteristics of the blast wave from an underground magazine model (V) : experiments on the effects of length ratio between magazine chambers and passageways Evaluation of the crater size in the reinforced concrete (RC) wall by small-scale blasting Influence of graphite content on ESD sensitivenes in potassium 4,6-dinitrobenzofuroxane (KDNBF)

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