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Defense of Japan

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Defense of Japan 2022
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsDefense of Japan Reference
Defense of Japan 2021
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsDefense of Japan Errata reference
Defense of Japan 2020
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Defense of Japan 2019
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Defense of Japan 2018
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Defense of Japan 2017
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsForeword Special feature1. The 10th Anniversary of the reorganization into Ministry of Defense chronicle of the post-reorganization decade Special feature2. Defense chronology Special feature3. Active participation of female personnel Digest part Ⅰ Digest part Ⅱ Digest part Ⅲ Part Ⅰ. Security environment surrounding Japan. Chapter 1. Overview. Section 1. Trends in the international community Section 2. Asia Pacific security environment Section 3. Global security issues Chapter 2. Defense policies of countries. Section 1. The United States Section 2. Korean Peninsula Section 3. China Section 4. Russia Section 5. Australia Section 6. Southeast Asia Section 7. South Asia Section 8. Europe Chapter 3. Issues in the international community. Section 1. Trends in regional conflicts and international terrorism (with a focus on the Middle East and Africa) Section 2. Transfer and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction Section 3. Maritime trends Section 4. Outer space and security Section 5. Trends in cyberspace Section 6. Trends concerning military science and technology as well as defense production and technological bases Part Ⅱ. Japan's security and defense policy and the Japan-U.S. Alliance. Chapter 1. Basic concepts of Japan's security and defense. Section 1. Measures to ensure Japan's security Section 2. Constitution and the basis of defense policy Section 3. Outline of the National Security Strategy Chapter 2. Building a Dynamic Joint Defense Force. Section 1. Outline of the National Defense Program Guidelines Section 2. Outline of the Medium Term Defense Program Section 3. Build-up of defense capability in FY2017 Section 4. Defense-related expenditures Chapter 3. Development of legislation for peace and security and the SDF activities since legislation's enforcement. Section 1. Circumstances of the development of legislation Section 2. Outline of the legislation for peace and security Section 3. The situation of the self-defense forces after the enforcement of the legislation for peace and security Chapter 4. Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance. Section 1. Significance of the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements Section 2. Initiatives to build the foundation for strengthening the alliance Section 3. Stationing of the U.S. forces in Japan Part Ⅲ. Initiatives to protect the lives and property of the people as well as securing the territorial land, water and airspace. Chapter 1. Organizations responsible for the defense of Japan, and effective deterrence and handling. Section 1. Organization of the Ministry of Defense (MOD)/the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) Section 2. Effective deterrence and response Chapter 2. Active promotion of security cooperation. Section 1. Towards strategic international defense cooperation Section 2. Ensuring maritime security Section 3. Efforts to support international peace cooperation activities Section 4. Initiatives for arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation Chapter 3. Human foundation and organization that supports the defense force, and active participation of female SDF personnel. Section 1. Human foundation and organization that supports the defense force Section 2. Promotion of work-life balance and more active participation of female personnel Section 3. Enhancement of medical functions Chapter 4. Measures on defense equipment and technology. Section 1. Promotion of research and development for ensuring technological superiority Section 2. The current status of defense production and technological bases, and the strategy on defense production and technological bases Section 3. Efforts toward project management, etc. Section 4. Defense equipment and technology cooperation Chapter 5. Interaction with local communities and Japanese citizens. Section 1. Collaboration with local communities Section 2. Public relations activities, information disclosure, and related activities Contents Reference Defense chronology Organizational diagram of the Self-Defense Forces Location of principal SDF units (as of March 31, 2017) Locations of Major U.S. Forces stationing in Japan (excluding Okinawa Prefecture) (as of March 31, 2017) Locations of Major U.S. Forces stationing in Okinawa (as of March 31, 2017)
Defense of Japan 2016
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsForeword Feature Digest Part Ⅰ Digest Part Ⅱ Digest Part Ⅲ Part Ⅰ. Security environment surrounding Japan. Chapter 1. Overview Chapter 2. Defense policies of countries. Section 1. The United States Section 2. Korean Peninsula Section 3. China Section 4. Russia Section 5. Australia Section 6. Southeast Asia Section 7. South Asia Section 8. Europe Chapter 3. Issues in the international community. Section 1. Trends in regional conflict and international terrorism (with a focus on the Middle East and Africa) Section 2. Transfer and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction Section 3. Maritime trends Section 4. Outer space and security Section 5. Trends in cyberspace Section 6. Trends concerning military science and technology as well as defense production and technological bases Part Ⅱ. Japan's security and defense policy and the Japan-U.S. Alliance. Chapter 1. Basic concepts of Japan's security and defense. Section 1. Measures to ensure Japan's security Section 2. Constitution and the basis of defense policy Section 3. Outline of the national security strategy Chapter 2. Building a Dynamic Joint Defense Force. Section 1. Outline of the National Defense Program Guidelines Section 2. Outline of the Medium Term Defense Program Section 3. Build-up of defense capability in fy2016 Section 4. Defense-related expenditures Section 5. Human foundation and organization that supports the defense force Chapter 3. Development of legislation for peace and security. Section 1. Circumstances of the development of legislation Section 2. Outline of the legislation for peace and security Chapter 4 .Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance. Section 1. Significance of the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements Section 2. Overview of the revision of the 1997 Guidelines Section 3. Initiatives to build the foundation for strengthening the alliance Section 4. Stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan Part ⅲ. initiatives to protect the lives and property of the people as well as securing the territorial land, water and airspace. Chapter 1. Organizations responsible for the defense of Japan, and effective deterrence and handling. Section 1. Organization of the Ministry of Defense (MOD)/the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) Section 2. Effective deterrence and response Chapter 2. Active promotion of security cooperation. Section 1. Toward strategic international defense cooperation Section 2. Ensuring maritime security Section 3. Efforts to support international peace cooperation activities Section 4. Initiatives for arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation Chapter 3. Measures on defense equipment and technology. Section 1. Promotion of research and development for ensuring technological superiority Section 2. Efforts toward project management, etc. Section 3. Defense equipment and technology cooperation Section 4. The current status of defense production and technological bases, and the strategy on defense production and technological bases Chapter 4. Interaction with local communities and Japanese citizens. Section 1. Collaboration with local communities Section 2. Public relations activities, information disclosure, and related activities Contents Reference Defense chronology Organizational diagram of the Self-Defense Forces Location of principal SDF units Abbreviation list and index
Defense of Japan 2015
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsForeword Defense chronology Digest part Ⅰ Digest Part Ⅱ Digest part Ⅲ Part Ⅰ Security environment surrounding Japan. Overview Chapter 1. Defense policies of countries. Section 1. The United States Section 2. Korean Peninsula Section 3. China Section 4. Russia Section 5. Australia Section 6. Southeast Asia Section 7. South Asia Section 8. Europe Chapter 2. Issues in the international community. Section 1. Trends in regional conflict and international terrorism (with a focus on the Middle East and Africa) Section 2. Transfer and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction Section 3. Maritime trends Section 4. Outer space and security Section 5. Trends in cyberspace Section 6. Trends concerning military science and technology as well as defense production and technological bases Part Ⅱ Japan's security and defense policy and the Japan-U.S. Alliance. Chapter 1. Basic concepts of Japan's security and defense. Section 1. Measures to ensure Japan's security Section 2. Constitution and the basis of defense policy Section 3. Development of legislation for peace and security Chapter 2. National security strategy and national defense program guidelines, etc. Section 1. Outline of the national security strategy Section 2. Outline of the national defense program guidelines Section 3. Outline of the medium term defense program Section 4. Three principles on transfer of defense equipment and technology Chapter 3. Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance. Section 1. Significance of the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements Section 2. Overview of the revision of the guidelines Section 3. Initiatives to build the foundation for strengthening the alliance Section 4. Stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan Chapter 4. Reform of the Ministry of Defense. Section 1. Organization of the Ministry of Defense and the Self-Defense Forces Section 2. Background of the reform of the Ministry of Defense Section 3. Specific Ministry of Defense reform initiatives Part Ⅲ Initiatives to protect the lives and property of the people as well as securing the territorial land, water and airspace. Chapter 1. Building a dynamic joint Defense Force. Section 1. Effective deterrence and response Section 2. Build-up of defense capability in FY2015 Section 3. Defense-related expenditures Section 4. Human foundation and organization that supports the Defense Force Chapter 2. Measures of defense equipment. Section 1. The current status of defense production and technological bases, and the strategy on defense production and technological bases Section 2. Initiatives for improving the contract system and other related matters Section 3. Research and development Section 4. Defense equipment and technology cooperation Chapter 3. Active promotion of security cooperation. Section 1. Defense cooperation and exchanges with other countries and regions Section 2. Initiatives concerning issues in the international community Chapter 4 Interaction with local communities and Japanese citizens. Section 1. Collaboration with local communities Section 2. Public relations activities, information disclosure, and related activities Contents Reference Defense chronology Appendix Organizational diagram of the Self-Defense Forces Location of principal SDF units Abbreviation list and index
Defense of Japan 2014
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsForeword Feature Digest part Ⅰ Digest part Ⅱ Digest part Ⅲ Digest part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ. Security environment surrounding Japan. Overview Chapter 1. Defense policies of countries. Section 1. The United States Section 2. Korean Peninsula Section 3. China Section 4. Russia Section 5. Southeast Asia Section 6. South Asia Section 7. Australia Section 8. Europe Chapter 2. Issues in the international community. Section 1. Disputes in the Middle East and Africa and the response from the international community Section 2. Transfer and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction Section 3. International terrorism Section 4. Outer space and security Section 5. Trends concerning cyberspace Section 6. Trends concerning military science and technology as well as defense production and technological bases Part Ⅱ Japan's security and defense policy. Chapter 1. Basic concepts of Japan's security and defense. Section 1. Measures to ensure Japan's security Section 2. Constitution and the basis of defense policy Section 3. Basic policy for the development of new security legislation Chapter 2. Organizations responsible for Japan's security and defense. Section 1. Establishment of National Security Council Section 2. Organization of the Ministry of Defense and the Self-Defense Forces Chapter 3. National security strategy. Section 1. Japan's national security policy framework Section 2. Outline of the national security strategy Chapter 4. New national defense program guidelines. Section 1. Features of the past NDPGs Section 2. Background to the new national defense program guidelines Section 3. Details of the new national defense program guidelines Chapter 5. Building a dynamic joint defense force. Section 1. New medium term defense program Section 2. Dynamic joint defense force committee Section 3. Build-up of defense capability in FY2014 Section 4. Defense-related expenditures Part Ⅲ Initiatives of defense of Japan. Chapter 1. Initiatives to protect the lives and property of the people and secure the territorial land, water and airspace. Section 1. Efficient deterrence and response Section 2. Frameworks for responses to armed attack situations Chapter 2. Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance. Section 1. Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements Section 2. Initiatives to strengthen the Japan-U.S. Alliance Section 3. Stationing of the U.S. Forces in Japan Chapter 3. Active promotion of security cooperation. Section 1. Promoting multilateral security cooperation and dialogue in areas including the Asia-Pacific region Section 2. Promotion of defense cooperation and exchanges Section 3. Counter-piracy operations Section 4. Efforts to support international peace cooperation activities Section 5. Initiatives for arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation Part Ⅳ Bases to demonstrate defense capabilities. Chapter 1. Measures on defense equipment, such as the three principles on transfer of defense equipment and technology. Section 1. Defense production and technological bases, and the current status of defense equipment acquisition Section 2. Initiatives for increasing the efficiency of procurement and improving its fairness and transparency Section 3. Three principles on transfer of defense equipment and technology Section 4. Research and development Section 5. Initiatives aimed at maintaining and strengthening defense production and technological bases Chapter 2. Relationship between the Japanese people and the Ministry of Defense and the SDF. Section 1. Human foundation and organization that supports the Defense Force Section 2. Interaction between the Ministry of Defense and the SDF, and local communities and Japanese citizens Section 3. Reform of the Ministry of Defense Contents Reference Defense chronology Organizational diagram of the Self-Defense Forces Location of principal SDF units Abbreviation list and index
Defense of Japan 2013
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsForeword Digest Part 1 Digest Part 2 Digest Part 3 Part1. Overview. Section1. Trends in the International Community Part1. Overview. Section2. Security Environment in the Vicinity of Japan Part1. Overview. Section3. Major Security Issues in the International Community Part1. Chapter1. Section1. The United States Part1. Chapter1. Section2. Korean Peninsula Part1. Chapter1. Section3. China Part1. Chapter1. Section4. Russia Part1. Chapter1. Section5. Southeast Asia Part1. Chapter1. Section6. South Asia Part1. Chapter1. Section7. Australia Part1. Chapter1. Section8. Europe Part1. Chapter2. Section1. Trends Concerning Cyberspace Part1. Chapter2. Section2. Transfer and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Part1. Chapter2. Section3. International Terrorism Part1. Chapter2. Section4. Complex and Diverse Regional Conflicts and Approaches of the International Community Part2. Chapter1. Section1. Measures to Ensure Japan's Security Part2. Chapter1. Section2. The Constitution and the Right of Self-Defense Part2. Chapter1. Section3. The Basis of Defense Policy Part2. Chapter1. Section4. Establishment of National Security Council Part2. Chapter2. Section1. The National Defense Program Guidelines and the Mid-Term Defense Program Part2. Chapter2. Section2. Status of Deliberations Concerning the Revision of the 2010 Guidelines Part2. Chapter2. Section3. Build-Up of Defense Capability in FY2013 Part2. Chapter2. Section4. Defense-Related Expenditures (First Increase in 11 Years) Part2. Chapter2. Section5. Stable Use of Global Commons (Outer Space, Cyberspace, and the Oceans) Part2. Chapter3. Section1. The Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements Part2. Chapter3. Section2. For the Deeper and Broader Japan-U.S. Alliance Part2. Chapter3. Section3. MV-22 Osprey Deployment in Okinawa Part2. Chapter3. Section4. Efforts to Strengthen Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation Part2. Chapter3. Section5. Measures Relating to the Stationing of U.S. Forces in Japan, including their Realignment Part3. Chapter1. Section1. Effective Deterrence and Response Part3. Chapter1. Section2. Frameworks for Responses to Armed Attack Situations Part3. Chapter2. Section1. Promoting Multilateral Security Cooperation and Dialogue in Areas Including the Asia-Pacific Region Part3. Chapter2. Section2. Promotion of Defense Cooperation and Exchanges Part3. Chapter2. Section3. Counter-piracy Initiatives Part3. Chapter2. Section4. Efforts to Support International Peace Cooperation Activities Part3. Chapter2. Section5. Efforts for Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-proliferation Part3. Chapter3. Section1. Defense Production and Technological Bases, and the Current Status of Defense Equipment Acquisition Part3. Chapter3. Section2. Initiatives for Increasing the Efficiency of Procurement and Improving its Fairness and Transparency Part3. Chapter3. Section3. Research and Development Part3. Chapter3. Section4. Initiatives Aimed at Maintaining, and Strengthening Defense Production and Technological Bases Part3. Chapter4. Section1. The Human Foundation and Organization That Supports the Defense Force Part3. Chapter4. Section2. Reform of the Ministry of Defense Part3. Chapter4. Section3. Interaction between the Ministry of Defense and the SDF, and the Local Community and Japanese Citizens

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国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > 電子書籍・電子雑誌 > 国の機関 > 中央省庁 > 防衛省
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