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Table of ContentsTable of contents Explanatory notes PartⅠ World economy at the crossroads Chapter 1 Global economy slowing further Section 1 Outlook and current state of the global economy Section 2 Russia's aggression against Ukraine - current state and its implications Section 3 Escalating inflationary pressures Section 4 Rising debt risk in emerging and developing countries Column 1 Central and South America's cumulative debt problem in the 1980s Section 5 Global economy facing fragmentation Chapter 2 Challenges for restoring the global economy's functions Section 1 Strengthening supply-side measures Section 2 Striking the right balance between a free and fair trade order and economic security Section 3 Ensure sustainable and inclusive economic development Column 2 The City of Amsterdam - towards a circular economy generating no waste Column 3 What is measured affects what is done Part Ⅱ Actions Japan should take in the current global crisis Chapter 1 Building resilient global value chains Section 1 Building resilient global value chains Column 4 ASEAN-Japan economic co-creation vision Section 2 Japan's economic security strategies and challenges for businesses Chapter 2 Boosting growth potential by Incorporating global growth Section 1 Japan's current account balance and its implications Section 2 Challenges for building a resilient trade balance structure Section 3 Inbound tourism demand expected to drive Japan's economic growth Section 4 Companies' overseas expansion and the benefits for the Japanese economy Column 5 Japan and emerging countries CO-creation Project (Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry) Section 5 Promoting "internal internationalization," including incorporating foreign technologies, talent and innovation List of figures and tables
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Table of ContentsTable of contents Explanatory notes PartⅠ Economic risks posed by geopolitical uncertainty and trends in the global economy Chapter 1 Increasing geopolitical uncertainty and economic risks in relation to the global economy Section 1 The impact of Russia's aggression against Ukraine on the global economy Section 2 Increasing global supply constraints Chapter 2 Global economic trends and measures taken for mid - to long-term growth Section 1 Normalizing global economy to look beyond the COVID-19 impacts Chapter 3 Long-term prospects for the global economy Section 2 Increasing global trends Part Ⅱ Trade that accommodates changes in the economic structure, technology, geopolitics, and values: Challenges and opportunities Chapter 1 Resilient global value chains that reflect common values Chapter 3 Long-term prospects for the global economy Section 1 The reality and challenges of global value chains Section 2 Economic security and making supply chains resilient Section 3 Toward visibility for shared values and the creation of sustainable global value chains Chapter 2 Road map to economic growth and a global trade structure that will adapt through innovation Section 1 Technology and trade Section 2 Creating new economic opportunities via Asia-wide startups Section 3 Intangible assets and economic growth References List of figures and tables
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Table of ContentsTable of contents Explanatory notes Part Ⅰ global economy continues to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. chapter 1 economic situation surrounding Japan and the trends of future trade. section 1 post-COVID-19 global economy Section 2 international trends surrounding trade Part Ⅱ challenges regarding trade and how to overcome them. chapter 1 toward building resilient supply chains. section 1 Asia-wide changes in supply chains Section 2 supply chain risks and recovery from the crisis Section 3 diversification of considerations in supply chain management Section 4 strengthening supply chains by using digital technology Section 5 promotion of the facilitation and digitalization of international trade procedures chapter 2 new model for growth that incorporates common values. section 1 growing expectations regarding corporate behavior toward a sustainable and inclusive future society Section 2 meeting sustainable and inclusive growth needs Section 3 toward corporate behavior that creates sustainable value Chapter 3 Response towards building a trusted global value chain References List of figures and table
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Table of ContentsIntroduction Table of contents Explanatory notes Part Ⅰ the COVID-19 crisis and the global economy. chapter 1the coronavirus pandemic triggers a global economic crisis Part Ⅱ the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis and globalization. chapter 1 what the COVID-19 reveals about the structures of our world. section 1 COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain risks : production system, logistics, and human mobility Section 2 rising level of concentration concerning supply chains Section 3 disruptions in logistics and supply chains Section 4 cross-border movement of people and population concentration in urban areas Section 5 increase in trade-restrictive measures Section 6 expansion of the digital economy and rapid progress in social implementation of innovative technologies for combating novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) (corona tech) Section 7 dollar concentration and growing risk for emerging and developing countries Chapter 2 globalization: past, present and future. section 1 the past, present and future of globalization seen from the viewpoint of the "three unbundlings" Section 2 development of the global economy through globalization Section 3 history of Japan's globalization Section 4 global development and remaining challenges Section 5 the shift to the third unbundling in the world Chapter 3 way forward for the world and Japan to realize an ideal society. section 1 upgrading of globalization Section 2 development of resilient supply chains and evolution of human communication Section 3 toward promoting resolution of global social challenges (SDGs) Section 4 creation of new businesses through co-creation of new value with emerging countries amid accelerating digitalization worldwide References List of figures and table
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Table of ContentsIntroduction Table of contents Explanatory notes Part Ⅱ the current global economy and challenges to free trade. chapter 1 deeper cross-border integration of the global economy. section 1 increasing economic interdependence among economies Section 2 economic relations of each country region with the U.S. and China Chapter 2 the rise of protectionism and the need to reestablish the international trading system. section 1 the history of protectionism and the development of free trade Section 2 background of imposition of trade restrictive measures Section 3 negative impacts caused by trade restrictive measures Section 4 the need to reestablish the international trading system Chapter 3 Japan's external economic relations and future challenges. section 1 foreign trade and investment Section 2 global value chains Section 3 the presence of Japan in Asia and future challenges of Japanese companies industries Addendum References List of figures and tables
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Table of ContentsIntroduction Table of contents Explanatory notes Part Ⅰ: Global economy. Chapter 1: Trends in the global economy and Japan's external trade and investment. Section 1: Global economic trends Section 2: Trends in Japan's external trade and investments Chapter 2: Economic trends and external economic policies in major countries/regions. Section 1: United States Section 2: Europe Section 3: Asia Section 4: Central and South America Section 5: Russia and Central Asia Section 6: Middle East and Africa Part II: Analysis : Significant shift in the global economy. Chapter 1: Expanding digital trade. Section 1: Current status of digital trade Chapter 2: Rise of emerging and developing economies. Section 1: Changes in the roles of emerging and developing economies in the global economy Section 2: Response to global excess production capacity Chapter 3: Rapid change in the Chinese economy. Section 1: Macroeconomic trends Section 2: Advance of new industries Section 3: Trends of China's external trade and investment Section 4: Business opportunities for Japanese companies Part Ⅲ: Policies. Chapter 1: Development of free, fair and high-level trade rules. Section 1: Progress in mega-FTAs (CPTPP, Japan-EU EPA, RCEP, etc.) Section 2: Investment-related treaties Section 3: Japan-U.S. economic relations Section 4: WTO Section 5: G7/G20 and OECD Section 6: APEC Chapter 2: Emerging economy strategy (China, ASEAN/Asia-Pacific, India, Russia, the Middle East, and Africa). Section 1: China Section 2: ASEAN/Pacific region Section 3: India Section 4: Russia Section 5: Middle East Section 6: Africa Chapter 3: Comprehensive trade policy. Section 1: Promotion of utilization of economic partnership agreements Section 2: Consortium for New Export Nation Section 3: Food exports References List of figures and tables
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Table of ContentsIntroduction Table of contents Explanatory notes Part Ⅰ: Global economy. Chapter 1: Global economic trends. Section 1: Global economic trends and risks Section 2: Resource price trends and prospects Section 3: External economic relationships of major countries/regions around the world Chapter 2: Economic trends in the U.S. and Europe. Section 1: United States Section 2: Europe Chapter 3: Trends in the Chinese economy. Section 1: Macroeconomic trends in china Section 2: Risks for the Chinese economy Chapter 4: Economic trends in other emerging and developing countries. Section 1: Southwest and Southeast Asia Section 2: Central and South America Section 3: Russia Section 4: Middle East Section 5: Africa Part Ⅱ: Analysis. <World> Chapter 1. Analysis with an eye to sustainable globalization. Section 1: Benefits of free trade Section 2: Impact of trade on income inequality Section 3: Impact of trade on employment and wages Section 4: International opinions concerning inclusive growth <Japan> Chapter 2: Direction of Japan's trade policy (21st century-style trade policy). Section 1: Trend in Japan's current account balance and implications Section 2: Direction of Japan's trade policy Chapter 3: Initiatives to establish a new industrial society for creating innovation. Section 1: Enhancing Japanese global companies' profitability Section 2: Challenges for Japan's innovation creation Chapter 4: Enhancement of Japan's initiatives to achieve inclusive growth. Section 1: Strengthening connections between local SMEs and middle-sized enterprises and the GVC Section 2: Productivity improvement of regional economies Part Ⅲ: Policies. Chapter 1: International policy cooperation. Section 1: Japan-U.S. economic dialogue Section 2: G7 and G20 meetings Section 3: Japan's response to Brexit Section 4: International cooperation related to cyberspace Chapter 2: Development of rules, including trade agreements. Section 1. Economic partnership agreements (EPA/FTA) Section 2: Promoting regional integration and economic growth through APEC Section 3: World Trade Organization (WTO) Section 4: Investment-related treaties Section 5: Tax conventions Section 6: Formation of rules Chapter 3: Emerging country strategy. Section 1: Africa Section 2: Russia Section 3: Middle East Section 4: ASEAN Section 5: India Chapter 4: Challenge of creating connected industries through the fourth industrial revolution. Section 1: Vision of the new industrial structure Section 2: Labor and employment policies under the Fourth Industrial Revolution Section 3: Promotion of investment in human resources Section 4: Promotion of open innovation Section 5: Promotion of internal globalization Chapter 5: Japan's initiatives for contributing to inclusive growth. Section 1: Consortium for New Export Nation Section 2: Food exports Section 3: Promotion of in-bound tourism Section 4: Productivity improvement of local companies Supplementary analysis Appendix References List of figures and tables
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Table of ContentsContents, introduction and explanatory notes Part Ⅰ: Global economic trends and challenges. Chapter 1: Structural change in the economy of emerging countries. Section1: Emerging countries' growth led by investment expansion and deepening of economic relationship Section2: Excess production capacity, excess debts, resource price declines and the world economy Chapter 2: Worldwide decline in growth expectations. Section1: Weak growth in total demand in developed countries Section2: Decline in the potential growth rate worldwide Chapter 3: Emergence of new sources for growth. Section1: Rise of the services industry and expansion of services trade Section 2: Shift to the platform business model and a change in the industrial structure Section 3: Global expansion of demand for infrastructure Part Ⅱ: Our challenges for exploring new global frontiers. Chapter 1: Current status and challenges of Japan's external economic relationships. Section1: Challenges for Japan's current trade and investments Section 2: Securing highly-skilled professionals and creating innovations Chapter 2: Expanding services trade by taking advantage of Japan's strengths. Section 1: Potentials of services trade Section 2: Current status of tourism and future challenges for enhancing value added Chapter 3: Globalization of local economies and export stimulus by SMEs and middle-sized enterprises. Section 1: The current status of and challenges for exports from regions in Japan Section 2: Factors and elements of expansion of regional industries and exports in Germany and other countries Section 3: Approaches to addressing companies with high export potential Section 4: Expansion of exports of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and foods Section 5: Regional initiatives to attract inward foreign direct investments Chapter 4: Challenge of exploring the new frontier of emerging countries. Section1: Africa Section 2: Vietnam, India and Iran Part Ⅲ: Policies. Chapter 1: Direction of response related to the global economy and trade. Section 1: Maintenance of the global economic growth Section 2: Developments related to trade rules Chapter 2: Direction of Japan's trade policy response. Section 1: Formation of rules, including trade agreements Section 2: Initiatives to capture markets Appendix. References Appendix. List of figures and tables Appendix. Explanatory note Appendix. Regional classification Appendix. Supplementary note
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Table of ContentsContents, introduction and explanatory notes PartⅠ : Trends in the world economy : global economic conditions and international trade and investment trends in Japan Section 2 : Effects of the tapering of the quantitative easing program in the United States Section 3 : Risk factors Chapter 2 : International trade and investment trends in Japan Section 2 : Changes in Japan's trade structure Section 3 : Foreign exchange trends and corporate practices, and effects on export volume Section 4 : Services account balance trend in Japan Section 5 : Primary income balance trend in Japan and international comparison of outward investments Section 6 : Current account balance trend in Japan PartⅡ : Economic fundamentals and growth strategy and structural reform initiatives in each country Section 2 : Manufacturing renaissance & reshoring in the United States and the effects of the shale revolution Section 3 : China in search of new growth models Section 4 : ASEAN moving on to the next growth stage Chapter 2 : Changes in economic fundamentals and growth strategy in emerging economies Section 2 : Structural reforms in the Republic of Korea after the Asian financial crisis Section 3 : Growth strategies of Mexico and Brazil Section 4 : Automotive policies in Mexico, Thailand and India Chapter 3 : Deepening of trade and investment in East Asia and Japan's contribution to the shift to a new growth model Section 2 : Relationship between Japanese companies and East Asia Section 3 : Japan's potential for contributing to East Asia PartⅢ : Development of a business environment which expands the business opportunities of Japanese companies Section 2 : Investment treaties Section 3 : Tax conventions Section 4 : Utilization of EPAs/FTAs and the provision of information to encourage their use Section 5 : Initiatives to assist in the formation of global and regional rules Chapter 2 : The emerging countries strategy Section 2 : Progress and future policies in each region Section 3 : Measures to support companies Section 4 : Strengthening sector-specific strategies Section 5 : Section 5 : Improving the regulatory and institutional environment Chapter 3 : Promoting inward direct investment
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Table of ContentsContents, introduction and explanatory notes Part Ⅰ: Changes in Japan's external account and global economic trends. Chapter 1: Change in Japan's external account. Section 1: Trends in external balance Section 2: International comparison of the current account balance structure Chapter 2: Mega trends affecting the global business environment. Section 1: Classification of emerging economies Section 2: Present and future of emerging economies Section 3: Increasing infrastructure demand Section 4: Sophistication of consumption Section 5: Shift to services economy Section 6: Considerations for sustainability Part Ⅱ: Strengthening Japan's competitiveness by taking advantage of its robustness. Chapter 1: Analysis : Japan's competitive advantage in cross-border activities. Section1: Competitiveness in exports Section2: Competitiveness in attracting people and enterprises Section3: Competitiveness of Japanese multinationals Chapter 2: Towards stronger business environment and improved managerial capability. Section1: Changing business models and policies that support change Section2: Distinctive policies of countries and regional which enhance innovation Section3: Toward improved global management Part Ⅲ: International economic policy. Table of contents Chapter 1: Worldwide expansion of economic partnership networks and the creation of the multilateral trading system. Section1: Strengthening links to the global economy via economic partnerships (EPA/FTA) Section 2: Investment-related treaties Section 3: Tax conventions Section 4: Initiatives to support the formation of global rules Section 5: Initiatives to create new rules Chapter 2: The emerging countries strategy. Section 1: The three types of emerging market Section 2: Progress and future policies in each region Section 3: Measures to support companies Chapter 3: Promoting inward direct investment. Section 1: Significance and current status of inward direct investment Section 2: Initiatives to expand foreign direct investment in Japan Section 3: Investment incentives References List of figures and tables
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