
International symposuim on security affairs

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International Symposium on Security Affairs 17th symposium New trends in peacekeeping : in search for a new direction
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Table of ContentsForeword Contents Acronyms and abbreviations Keynote speech. United nation-building Part 1 Changes in peacekeeping and international order. Peace operations in Africa : patterns, problems, and prospects Part 1 Changes in peacekeeping and international order. UN peacekeeping : the 21st century challenges Part 2 National/regional policies and perspectives. Balancing expectations with assets : a German perspective on UN peacekeeping Part 2 National/regional policies and perspectives. After Afghanistan : a British military return to peacekeeping? Part 2 National/regional policies and perspectives. A changing environment for peacekeeping in Africa : South African perspectives Part 2 National/regional policies and perspectives. Evolving attitudes to peacekeeping in ASEAN Part 2 National/regional policies and perspectives. Peacekeeping trends and national responses : a Japanese perspective Contributors Program of NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs 2014
International Symposium on Security Affairs 16th symposium Prospects of multilateral cooperation in the Asia Pacific : to overcome the gap of security outlooks
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Table of ContentsPreface Contents Part 1 Security outlooks of ASEAN, Australia, and China. Chapter 1 Indonesia's dynamic equilibrium and ASEAN centrality Part 1 Security outlooks of ASEAN, Australia, and China. Chapter 2 Asia's security and the prospects of multilateralism : Australian perspectives Part 1 Security outlooks of ASEAN, Australia, and China. Chapter 3 New security challenges for China in East Asia Part 2 Security outlooks of India, Japan, ROK, Russia, and US. Chapter 4 India's security outlook and views on multilateral cooperation : the emerging Asia-Pacific theater Part 2 Security outlooks of India, Japan, ROK, Russia, and US. Chapter 5 Japan's perspective on the security environment in the Asia Pacific and its approach toward multilateral cooperation : contradictory or consistent? Part 2 Security outlooks of India, Japan, ROK, Russia, and US. Chapter 6 Multilateral security cooperation in Northeast Asia : relevance, limitations, and possibilities Part 2 Security outlooks of India, Japan, ROK, Russia, and US. Chapter 7 Russia and the rise of Asia Part 2 Security outlooks of India, Japan, ROK, Russia, and US. Chapter 8 Prospects of multilateral cooperation in the Asia Pacific : to overcome the gap of security outlooks Contributors Program of NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs 2013
International Symposium on Security Affairs 15th symposium Strategic management of military capabilities : seeking ways to foster military innovation
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Table of ContentsPreface Contents Introduction. Strategic management of defense capabilities Keynote address. Chapter 1 Dynamic organizational capabilities : distributed leadership and fractal organization Part 1 Preparing for future environments : organizational, institutional and human processes. Chapter 2 Force capabilities and innovation Part 1 Preparing for future environments : organizational, institutional and human processes. Chapter 3 Operational net assessment : or, preparing to lose the next war Part 1 Preparing for future environments : organizational, institutional and human processes. Chapter 4 Innovation in defense capabilities and organizational knowledge creation Part 2 Creation of military innovation : strategy, technology and institution. Chapter 5 National strategy in the early 21st century : innovating for uncertainty Part 2 Creation of military innovation : strategy, technology and institution. Chapter 6 Reinventing military innovation Part 2 Creation of military innovation : strategy, technology and institution. Chapter 7 Innovation in Self-Defense Force (military) organization Part 3 Various measures of the countries : tackling an uncertain future. Chapter 8 ROK MND initiatives for use of civilian resources Part 3 Various measures of the countries : tackling an uncertain future. Chapter 9 Military capability management for Australia in the 21st century Part 3 Various measures of the countries : tackling an uncertain future. Chapter 10 From self-sufficiency to solidarity : the transformation of Sweden's defence and security policies Part 3 Various measures of the countries : tackling an uncertain future. Chapter 11 Strategic management for military capabilities : seeking ways to innovate military capabilities : Indian initiatives Part 3 Various measures of the countries : tackling an uncertain future. Chapter 12 Building dynamic defense Policy implications. Strategic management of military capabilities Contributors Program of NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs 2012
International Symposium on Security Affairs 14th symposium The role of the military in disaster relief operations
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Table of ContentsForeword Contents NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs 2011 : November 9, 2011 Contributors The role of Self-Defense Forces (SDF) in responding to the Great East Japan Earthquake The role of European military's in international disaster relief : NATO and EU capabilities and capacities The role of the military in international disaster relief activities An Australian Defence Force perspective of the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief response to the 11 March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, and nuclear crisis Cooperation in IDRA in the Asia-Pacific region The military's role in disaster relief operations : a Japanese perspective
International Symposium on Security Affairs 13th symposium Deterrence and dialogue : the Korean Peninsula after the Cheonan incident
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Table of ContentsForeword Contents NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs 2010 : December 2, 2010 Contributors South Korea's military reform in the aftermath of the Cheonan incident Prospect for the North Korean nuclear issue Interpreting North Korea's military strategy Korean Peninsula policy of the Obama administration : focus on security issues China's foreign policy and Northeast Asian security : its domestic sources and evolution Russia's Korean Peninsula policy North Korea and Japan's national security against a backdrop of changing US strategy toward China Revamping the ROK-U.S. alliance : guidelines and strategies for the early 21st century
International symposium on security affairs Eleventh symposium The role of the military in peacebuilding a new approach to conflict resolution in the twenty-first century
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Table of ContentsThe highs and the lows : peacekeeping and peace-building from a British perspective The role of the military in peace-building : a Japanese perspective Stabilization operations in the era of "new wars" : addressing the myths of stabilization Stability operation and alliance management : the German view The role of the self defense forces in peace building : changes in policy and the arguments that informed them Peacebuilding operations : Australian perspectives on regional tasks Civilian surge : key to complex operations The role of the military in peace-building Contributors NIDS international symposium on security affairs Foreword Contents
International Symposium on Security Affairs 12th symposium Major power's nuclear policies and international order in the 21st century
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Table of ContentsContents Foreword NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs : November 18, 2009 Contributors Keynote : nuclear weapons and international order. The role of nuclear weapons in the 21st century Keynote : nuclear weapons and international order. Agenda for Japan-US strategic consultations Part Ⅰ Nuclear policies of the United States and Russia. The Obama administration's nuclear policy and implications for East Asian security Part Ⅰ Nuclear policies of the United States and Russia. Russia's nuclear policy Part Ⅱ Nuclear policies of China and India. China's nuclear policy and international order in the 21st century Part Ⅱ Nuclear policies of China and India. India's nuclear policy Part Ⅲ Nuclear policies of France and the UK. The "forward leaning" nuclear state : the UK and nuclear weapons in an era of strategic uncertainties Part Ⅲ Nuclear policies of France and the UK. Nuclear deterrence and disarmament : the view from Paris
International symposium on security affairs Tenth symposium North Korea's nuclear issues : Toward peace and security in Northeast Asia
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Table of ContentsNorth Korea's nuclear weapons : the ultimate tool for unification? Addressing diplomatic and military dimension of North Korea's nuclear issue U.S.-DPRK negotiations : from failed diplomacy to engagement The Consistency of U.S. policy toward DPRK denuclearization Russia and North Korea: From "Socialist Solidarity" to Quasi-alliance The North Korean nuclear dilemma and six party talks : a South Korean perspective Dismantling North Korea of its nuclear capability : When it is happening? Contributors NIDS international symposium on security affairs Preface Contents
International symposium on security affairs Ninth symposium China's rise and its limitations : China at the crossroads
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Table of ContentsWhat does it take for China to be a "responsible stakeholder"? China's search for military power: internal control, peripheral denial and limited force projection How much military capability does china want to develop? How much will it succeed?: the dragon at sea Domestic political determinants of China's external behavior China's economy today and the challenges it faces in shifting to capitalism Summaries List of Participants Program Preface Table of contents
International symposium on security affairs Eighth symposium Military transformation in the 21st century : challenge for new security environment
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Table of ContentsParticipants Program Adapting to new threats and to the so-called RMA How do allies deal with US military transformation The realignment of the USFK in the military transformation and South Korea's defense reform 2020 New problems, new answers? The revolution in military affairs in an era of changing security concerns Transformation lessons from the U.S. armed forces experiences Preface Table of contents

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