
White paper on traffic safety in JapanAbridged edition

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White paper on traffic safety in Japan : outline 2021
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsWhite paper on traffic safety in Japan : outline 1/3 White paper on traffic safety in Japan : outline 2/3 White paper on traffic safety in Japan : outline 3/3
White paper on traffic safety in Japan : outline 2020
Available onlineNational Diet Library
White paper on traffic safety in Japan : outline 2019
Available onlineNational Diet Library
White paper on traffic safety in Japan : abridged edition 2018
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCover Table of contents Special feature : efforts made for traffic safety leveraging advanced technologies Ⅰ FY 2017 situation of traffic accidents and current situation of measures for traffic safety : title 1 land transport Title 2 maritime transport Title 3 Air Transport Ⅱ FY 2018 plans of measures regarding traffic safety : part 1 measures regarding the safety of land transport Part 2 measures regarding maritime transport safety Part 3 measures regarding air transport safety Topics
White paper on traffic safety in Japan 2017 Abridged edition
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsTable of contents (PDF:33KB) Feature article "prevention of traffic accidents involving elderly people" introduction (pdf:138kb) Ⅰ Current state of elderly people (pdf:881kb) Ⅱ Efforts towards prevention of traffic accidents involving elderly people (pdf:956kb) Ⅲ Promotion of further measures for prevention of traffic accidents involving elderly people (pdf:110kb) Ⅰ Current status of traffic safety measures and situation of traffic accidents of fiscal year 2016. Title 1. Land transport. Part 1. Road transport (pdf:1,483kb) Part 2. Railway transport (PDF:145KB) Title 2. Maritime transport (PDF:253KB) Title 3. Air transport (PDF:190KB) Ⅱ Plan for traffic safety measures in 2017. Part 1. Measures regarding the safety of land transport (pdf:157kb) Part 2. Measures regarding maritime transport safety (pdf:120kb) Part 3. Measures regarding air transport safety (pdf:121kb) Ensuring traffic safety of school roads (pdf:111kb) Revision of the national curriculum standard for kindergarten, child-care guidelines of the day care center and the course of study and guideline of day care for integrated centre for early childhood education and care related to traffic safety (pdf:44kb) Holding the traffic safety forum (pdf:94kb) Efforts for traffic volunteer activity (pdf:143kb) Ordinances regarding traffic safety measures enacted in 2016 in the prefectures (and government-designated cities) (pdf:58kb) Measures taken after the Karuizawa ski bus accident (pdf:583kb) Advanced technology (vehicle) (pdf:1,444kb) Measures against cell phone use, etc. while driving (including measures against "using "smartphone" while driving") (pdf:120kb) Status of implementation of the training for cyclists (pdf:73kb) Holding a "symposium on the support of the children who lost their families in the traffic accident" (pdf:83kb) Measures to prevent fall accidents from the station platform : outline of interim report "investigation commission for safety improvement on station platform" (December, 2016) (pdf:169kb) Safety measures for small vessels (pdf:572kb) Further action taken for disseminating the "Ship's Tsunami evacuation manual" (pdf:35kb) Improvement in wave forecast chart : new information on rough sea area where a large wave such as pyramidal waves may easily occur (pdf:351kb) The first anniversary of amended Civil Aeronautical Act enforcement related to the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and the study of system in the future (pdf:219kb)
White paper on traffic safety in Japan 2016 Abridged edition
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsTable of contents Feature article Ⅰ Outline of present situation. Title 1. Land transport Title 2. Maritime transport Title 3. Air transport Ⅱ Outline of the plan. Part 1. Measures regarding the safety of land transport Part 2. Measures regarding maritime transport safety Part 3. Measures regarding air transport safety Topics
White paper on traffic safety in Japan 2015 Abridged edition
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsTable of contents Ⅰ Outline of present situation. Title 1. Land transport. Part 1. Road transport. Chapter 1. Road traffic accident trends 1/3 Chapter 1. Road traffic accident trends 2/3 Chapter 1. Road traffic accident trends 3/3 Chapter 2. Overview of current road traffic safety measures Part 2. Railway transport Title 2. Maritime transport Title 3. Air transport Ⅱ Outline of the plan. Part 1. Measures regarding the safety of land transport Part 2. Measures regarding maritime transport safety Part 3. Measures regarding air transport safety Introduction of circular intersections (roundabouts) /Traffic safety measures for the elderly Safe use of bicycles Initiatives in traffic volunteer activities Response to a high-speed bus accident on the Hokuriku Expressway /Traffic measures in heavy snow Commencement of preventative and safety performance assessment /Status of application after enforcement of the act on punishment for acts of driving causing death on injury Holding of the symposium on the "support of children who lost their families in traffic accidents" Campaign for zero platform accidents /Visualization of navigation warnings Operation of the voluntary information contributory to enhancement of safety system (abbreviation: VOICES)
White paper on traffic safety in Japan 2014 Abridged edition
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsTable of contents Ⅰ Outline of present situation. Title 1. Land transport Title 2. Maritime transport Title 3. Air transport Ⅱ Outline of the plan. Part 1. Measures regarding the safety of land transport Part 2. Measures regarding maritime transport safety Part 3. Measures regarding air transport safety Development of laws on measures concerning drivers : partial amendment of Road Traffic Act and enactment of the law on the punishment of causing casualties to people by riding on a bicycle In respect of the "round-table conference on crackdowns and speed regulation contributing to the prevention of traffic accidents" and the proposal Securing traffic safety in school roads Situation of enlightenment activities on traffic safety in disaster-affected areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake Traffic safety measures for the elderly Holding of the symposium on the "support of children who lost their families in traffic accidents" Efforts to secure traffic safety making use of highly sophisticated information communication technology Development and promotion of platform screen doors at railway stations The third traffic vision : initiatives for the safety of vessel traffic In respect of the response to the battery trouble with the Boeing 787
White paper on traffic safety in Japan 2013
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsTable of contents Ⅰ Outline of present situation. Title 1 Land transport. Part 1 Road transport. Chapter 1 Road traffic accident trends Part 1 Road transport. Chapter 2 Overview of current road traffic safety measures Topics 1/3 Topics 2/3 Topics 3/3 Part 2 Railway transport Title 2 Maritime transport Title 3 Air transport Ⅱ Outline of the plan. Part 1 Measures regarding the safety of land transport Part 2 Measures regarding maritime transport safety Part 3 Measures regarding air transport safety
White paper on traffic safety in Japan 2012
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsTable of contents 1. Outline of present situation : Title1 Land transport : Part1 Road transport : Chapter1 Road traffic accident trends Chapter2 Overview of current road traffic safety measures Part2 Railway transport Title2 Maritime transport Title3 Air transport 2. Outline of the plan : Title1 Measures regarding the safety of land transport Title2 Measures regarding maritime transport safety Title3 Measures regarding air transport safety

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