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Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine

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Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine
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13 Records

Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine (13)
National Diet Library
Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine (12)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEditorial The harm of being brought into existence : a critical examination of David Benatar’s anti-natalist argument Problems of the constitution account in revealing the beginning of human life and its end The roles of an ethical review committee as perceived by lay members Awareness of interdependence through the Gaia Education Program as the sustainability movement’s potential contribution to bioethics Use of robotic media as persuasive technology and its ethical implications in care settings An analysis of the socio-cultural context of child abandonment and baby hatches in Japan and Poland
Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine (11)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEditorial The psychotherapeutic encounter : understanding and empathy for a cancer patient fearing death, from the perspective of the phenomenology of intersubjectivity and “Gestaltkreis” (circle of form/ formative cycle) described by Viktor von Weizsäcker Significance of the narrative in spiritual care Life and hiddenness : investigation of biological acts from Weizsäcker’s Gestaltkreis theory The physiology of pneuma and the relationship between Aristotle and Greek medicine Ethical concerns relating to child abandonment and baby hatches : the case of Poland
Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine (10)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEditorial Ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of the emerging use of communication robots in care settings Legislation toward allowing all donor-conceived offspring the right to know their origin : the cases of Japan and Victoria, Australia Withholding/withdrawing treatment to neonates born with impairment : best interest, medical futility, and distributive justice Is brain death the end of life? : on the right to freely choose the legal criterion for declaring the end of life Moral reflections on how to improve end-of-life decisions facing patients and care-givers in Japan : confusions and dilemmas of dying with dignity Healthcare mediation in Japan : current state, issues, and future prospects The present state of regulations concerning surrogacy in Thailand
Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine (9)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEditorial Medical ethics in multicultural societies Physicians and the end of life in the Netherlands Developmental totipotency as a normative criterion for defining the moral status of the human embryo A discussion of the baby hatch from the viewpoint of a child’s right to a knowledge of his/her parentage : perspectives from the German debate How can we justify physicians’ role as a value-provider? Privacy issues in the Japanese program to prevent lifestyle related diseases and the changing perception of privacy in Japan An animalist’s critique of Jeff McMahan’s Embodied Mind Account of Identity Paul Ricoeur and the integration of clinical methods : better understanding of the illness experience by a more thorough explanation of the disease
Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine (8)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEditorial Current status and challenges of clinical ethics committees and clinical ethics consultation in Japan Reconsidering "health" from the perspective of "system" : health as desire and way of life for people of advanced age Ethical implications of moral enhancement Uncertain risk, public health, and ethics : considering the ethical framework for HIV prevention strategy In pursuit of an ethical principle for low-dose radiation exposure after 3.11
Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine (7)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEditorial The tenacity of delusion and existential feelings Wit and Japanese professionals : a case study in adapting a Western educational resource for use in a non-Western cultural context A study of contemporary brain death controversies : the boundary between neurological facts and metaphysical foundations The deconstruction of medicine : metamorphosis of Chinese traditional medicine in Japan and the birth of morphologic pathology in the Edo period, which led to contemporary Japanese manual therapeutics Neuroscience and epistemological dualism : on Habermas’ thoughts Objections to blood transfusion by Jehovah's Witnesses in Japan and a reconsideration of self-determination in healthcare
Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine (6)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEditorial : Foundations of medical ethics A method to solve ethical dilemmas in medicine Use of brain-machine interfaces as prosthetic devices : an ethical analysis The disclosure of medical records to patients : the Japanese experience On the possibility of explanatory pluralism in neuroethics Self-knowledge and ethics of suicide : a narratological study Considering the central ideas of the ethics of care in n. noddings’ caring : a feminine approach to ethics & moral education
Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine (5)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEditorial : getting along with advanced technologies possibly out of control Neuroethics, bioethics, and health Clinical ethics education and a report on an intensive course in clinical ethics, "clinical ethics a to z" Denial of death in contemporary Japanese : from a traditional view of life and death and unrealistic expectations of modern medicine Cultural bias in the medical-ethical discussion of health care proxy : what difficulties do gays and lesbians confront in Japan? Cognitive enhancement, its merits and demerits Integrative medicine and dimensional anthropology Why should we limit radical cognitive enhancement? Uncertain risks and consensus building : the HIV crisis as a case study
Journal of philosophy and ethics in health care and medicine (4)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEditorial : Modesty and considerateness as virtues of the Japanese Reconsidering the value of caring in nursing practice Nursing ethics education based on case studies in Japan : a critical review Legal and systemic issues regarding the role of nurse-midwives for sound maternity healthcare in Japan Baby post in Japan and related issues Problems concerning the concept of mental illness and mental disease Disgust and moral censure

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国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > 電子書籍・電子雑誌 > 学術機関 > 学協会
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