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植物組織培養 13 (3)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsEstablishment of a rice protoplast culture and application of an asymmetric protoplast fusion technique to hybrid rice breeding Anthocyanin production of cultured Euphorbia millii cells Plant regeneration from suspension cultures of onion (Allium cepa L.) Transformation of phalaenopsis by particle bombardment イチゴの茎頂培養由来の幼植物の生長におよぼすランナー採取日の影響 Callus proliferation from protoplasts isolated from cell suspension cultures of Alnus firma Sieb. Change of maximal cellular productivity of arbutin by biotransformation depending on the culture stage of Catharanthus roseus cells カルスの細粒化によるイネ再分化培養の効率化 Cryopreservation approach for the germplasm conservation of the tropical forest tree species : Cedrela odorata L., Guazuma crinita Mart., and Jacaranda mimosaefolia D. Don. Starvation treatment increases transient expression frequency of a foreign gene introduced into Eustoma grandiflorum root tissues by particle bombardment サトイモ塊茎からのカルス形成と個体再生及びin vitroクローン増殖 ニホンスモモ(Prunus salicina Lindl.)のin vitro発根に及ぼすアミノ酸の影響 大型培養槽によるイネ幼植物体再分化培養について タバコ培養細胞BY-2の凍結保存 Plant regeneration from loquat (Eriobotria japonica L.) callus Histological observations on the formation of meristematic colonies derived from lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) protoplasts In situ hybridization to cellular RNA using 35S-labeled cRNA probes
植物組織培養 13 (2)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsThe mechanism of shikonin biosynthesis in Lithospermum cell cultures Explant-nurse culture of protoplasts and plant regeneration in the radish ニホンスイセンの茎頂組織からの苗条原基誘導 挿木発根困難な日本原産野生種クマガワブドウ(Vitis kiusiana Momiyama)の茎頂培養による個体再生 In vitro propagation of bulblets and elimination of viruses by bulb-scale cultures of Hippeastrum hybridum bulbs ヒガンバナ科およびユリ科球根花卉のりん葉切片からの子球形成とウイルスの無毒化 Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Hibiscus syriacus and regeneration of transgenic plants オモト(Rohdea japonica Roth)の花穂切片からの植物体再生 In vitro propagation of plumed thistle (Cirsium japonicum DC. cv. Teraoka) by vertical shoot-split method Effects of various factors (hormone combinations, genotypes and antibiotics) on shoot regeneration from cotyledon explants in Brassica rapa L. タマネギにおける根端組織由来カルスからの植物体再分化 Callus induction and plant regeneration from petal explants of rose (Rosa hybrida) Improved production of essential oils by two-phase culture of Mentha piperita cells キュウリへの外来遺伝子導入 Micrografting of secondary somatic embryos and seedling tissues of winter oilseed rape, Brassica napus ssp. oleifera Studies on the medicinal plant resources of the Himalayas (1) in vitro regeneration and alkaloid contents of Ephedra gerardiana Wall. Topsin MR stimulates the in vitro growth in some orchids Multiplication and translocation of tobacco mosaic virus microinjected into callus cells of TMV-resistant line CMT-IR03 selected from tobacco tissue culture Polyacetylenes in tissue cultures of Campanula glomerata Establishment of hairy root cultures of chilli pepper (Capsicum frutescens) Genomic DNA blot analysis using nonradioisotope probes
植物組織培養 13 (1)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents植物の培養細胞・組織の超低温保存 Efficient in vitro mass-propagation of shiode (Smilax oldhami Miq.) through liquid culture ギョウジャニンニクの芽生えおよび未熟胚からのカルス誘導と植物体再生 High frequency plant regeneration from leaf calli in sweet potato cv. Chugoku 25 ビーズガラス化法(Encapsulation-Vitrification法)によるユリ培養茎頂の超低温保存 Protoplast culture conditions for increasing cell division in Betula platyphylla var. japonica Somatic embryogenesis from the etiolated petiole of cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum Mill.) Plant regeneration from cell suspension cultures of Betula platyphylla var. japonica Polypeptide profiles from somatic and zygotic embryos of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) Comparison of somaclonal variation between two regeneration methods in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Actinidia属の子房切片培養による未熟種子からの植物体誘導 Rosmarinic acid and related phenolics in adventitious root cultures of Ocimum basilicum L. Caffeic acid esters in tissue cultures of Heliotropium pervianum Stimulating effect of phenolic compounds on adventitious bud induction in stem segments and seedlings of Torenia イネにおけるアグロバクテリウムを用いた形質転換植物の作成法 Anthocyanins in Lobelia chinensis hairy roots Resistance expression in self-pollinated progenies of tomato regenerants derived from fusaric acid-resistant calli against fungal wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Construction of PCR-based CAPS markers for rapid genome mapping
植物組織培養 12 (3)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents植物における外来遺伝子発現システムの構築を考えたプロモーター解析 : 植物分子育種や植物代謝工学の発展に向けて Plant regeneration from root tissue and establishment of root culture of Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) ニンニク(Allium sativum L.)カルスからの効率的植物体再生条件 Enhancement of seed germination and protocorm formation in Calanthe discolor (orchidaceae) by NaOCl and polyphenol absorbent treatments Conservation of gene-resources in epiphytic Vanda pumila (Orchidaceae) by tissue-cultured shoot primordia Effects of gamma-ray irradiation on cultured anthers of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) : radiosensitivity and morphological variants appearing in the haploid plants Plant regeneration from leaf disks and stem segments of sweet potato using only NAA as supplementary growth regulator キク科植物培養細胞による新規紅色色素キノベオンAの生産 Growth and essential oil production in shoot culture and regenerates of Anthemis nobilis L. Histological identification of somatic embryogenesis from excised root tissues of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) Comparison of seedling production among several embryo-rescue techniques in Lilium formosanum Wallace Phytohormonal and genotypic factors affecting shoot regeneration from cotyledonary explant of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) スモモ、ウメおよびアンズにおける二相培養法(double-phase culture)によるシュート増殖の改善 細片濾紙を支持材とした培地の効果
植物組織培養 12 (2)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCytological features of the egg cell protoplasts isolated from gametophytes of fern, Struthiopteris niponica (Kunze) Nakai Effect of abscisic acid on shoot regeneration from rice (Oryza sativa L.) callus A cybrid plant produced by electrofusion between Citrus unshiu (satsuma mandarin) and C. sinensis (sweet orange) Mass isolation of pollen protoplasts in Brassica crops and wild allies In vitro propagation from axillary buds of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Symbiotic seed germination and development of Goodyera schlechtendaliana in vitro リンゴ台木マルバカイドウにおける胚珠培養を利用した効率的な実生育成 Transformation of tobacco cultured cell by particle bombardment : expression of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene in transgenic tobacco cells In vitro plant regeneration from leaf and petiole explants of Hibiscus syriacus L. Protoplasts of Marchantia polymorpha are stabilized by low concentrations of cellulase in the medium during the early stage of culture Clonal propagation of 20-Hydroxyecdysone producing plant, Pfaffia iresinoides サトウキビにおけるカルスの液体振とう培養と植物体再生 Selection of 'Koshu' grape callus resistant to culture filtrate of the pathogenic fungus, Glomerella cingulata Culture of red beet hairy roots in a column-type reactor associated with pigment release Non-requirement of vernalization for flowering in Ri-transformed chicory is transmissible to untransformed scions by grafting Influence of day-length on flowering of Ri-transformed Cichorium intybus L. plants 植物組織培養のゲル化剤選択のために 培養槽における壁面増殖を抑制する一方法
植物組織培養 12 (1)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsExpressed sequence tags of cDNA libraries in higher plants Production of polysaccharides by plant cell culture and their applications to cosmetics Rapid in vitro micropropagation of two different cultivars of Phaseolus calcaratus RBL-1 and RBH-35 A new one-step anther culture method which allows short duration of culture for regeneration of rice plant through somatic embryogenesis Interactive effects between cytokinin and ethephon on shoot formation in rhizome cultures of Cymbidium kanran Makino Induction of multiple shoots by shoot apex culture in Magnolia obovata Thunb. フリージア培養小植物体からの球茎形成 Cistanche属植物の組織培養研究 : Ⅰ. Cistanche tubulosa Wight. 種子からのカルスの誘導とシュートの分化 Hinokitiol production in suspension cells of Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai Makino Plant regeneration from protoplasts in Dianthus : comparison of cultural behavior of different donor tissues セリ科植物のプロトプラストの低密度培養における条件培地および保護培養の効果 N2レーザーマイクロビームによる植物細胞への直接遺伝子導入 Liquid culture and short induction period enhanced somatic embryogenesis in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Direct induction of adventitious buds in Torenia seedlings Formation of adventitious shoots and plant regeneration by culture of cotyledon segment in Astragalus sinicus (Chinese milk vetch) Callus formation and plant regeneration from petiole-derived calli of Angelica sinensis The effects of preservation temperatures and periods on hairy roots inducing ability of Agrobacterium rhizogenes イトヒメハギ(Polygala tenuifolia)の多芽体誘導による大量増殖
植物組織培養 11 (3)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contentsタバコ遺伝的腫瘍の腫瘍形成に関わる遺伝子の検索 ハリエンジュの子葉・胚軸からの植物体再生 An efficient procedure for plant regeneration from long-term-cultured callus tissue of hybrid poplar (Populus sieboldii Miq. X Populus grandidentata Michx.) Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation and regeneration of Vinca minor L. Oilseed rape transformation by electroporation : effects of nurse culture on transformation Optimization of gene delivery conditions in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana by bombardment-mediated transformation Differences in glucosylation of exogenous hydroquinone by two morphologically different lines of Catharanthus roseus cells Growth and monoterpene production in shoot culture and regenerates of Mentha arvensis アールスメロンの純系および雑種系統の種子由来カルスにおける不定胚形成効率の比較 Heat stress induction of carrot somatic embryogenesis Isolation and culture of protoplasts from callus of four cultivars of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Carbon source in strawberry plantlets at an early stage
植物組織培養 11 (2)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents細胞融合雑種植物における染色体解析 組織培養によるバイカカラマツの大量増殖に関する研究 : (第1報)小葉,茎切片と葉柄からのカルス形成条件および茎切片由来カルスからの植物体再生 組織培養によるバイカカラマツの大量増殖に関する研究 : (第2報)不定芽と不定胚による増殖および培養由来個体の栽培特性 Precursor feeding experiments with elicitation in suspension cultures of Eschscholtzia californica A study of somaclonal variation for rice improvement induced by three kinds of anther-derived cell culture techniques Cryopreservation of shoot tips of kiwifruit seedlings by the alginate encapsulation-dehydration technique Cultivation of Sesamum indicum L. callus cells at 35℃ ペパーミントのプロトプラスト培養における4-PUの効果 A 17 kDa-polypeptide associated with polyamine-promoted growth of cultured carrot cells Inhibition of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) activation by triterpenes in Sesamum indicum L. callus Plantlet regeneration in root segment culture of Cymbidium Kenny ‘Wine Color’ Formation of multiple shoots and regenerated plantlets by culture of pseudobulb segment in nobile type Dendrobium
植物組織培養 11 (1)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contentsブドウの細胞培養と代謝産物生産への応用 Growth characteristics and morphogenesis of the liverwort Marchantia paleacea suspension cells Plant regeneration in in vitro culture of leaf, stem and petiole segments of Actinidia polygama Miq. Agrobacterium tumefaciensによるイチゴ形質転換体の作出 Selective regeneration of plants from diploid and tetraploid cells in adventitious shoot cultures of melon (Cucumis melo L.) Volatile components in protoplasts isolated from the marine brown alga Dictyopteris prolifera (Dictyotales) Studies on the mechanisms of pollen embryogenesis : Ⅷ. the role of Na2 EDTA in pollen-plant formation of Nicotiana tabacum L. Callus systems to assay herbicidal peroxidation : effects of peroxidizing herbicides on habituated tobacco, Nicotiana glutinosa, green cell cultures Localization of intracellular free calcium ions during adventitious bud initiation in Torenia stem segments Effects of NH4+ and total nitrogen content in culture medium on shoot regeneration from calli in saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Relationship between cell coagulation in a suspension culture and cell division in a static culture for grape protoplasts Selection of bacterial wilt-resistant lines from regenerated tobacco plants ニンニクのソマクローナル変異 トルコギキョウの組織培養による大量繁殖
植物組織培養 10 (3)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsBiotransformation of foreign substrates by plant cell cultures : for the synthesis of chiral alcohols Tropane alkaloid production in hairy roots of hyoscyamus niger transformed with Agrobacterium rhizogenes セロリ懸濁細胞培養における窒素源流加の効果 Adventitious shoot induction and plant regeneration from cotyledons of mature seed in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.) Effects of medium surface level control on the mass propagation of potato tubers using a jar fermentor culture technique 高温条件下での胚珠培養による多胚性カンキツの雑種獲得 Resting period and the field performance of potato tubers propagated in a jar fermentor Efficient callus induction and plant regeneration in Sesamum species Plant regeneration from protoplasts derived from callus of Phalaenopsis Transient expression of the β-glucuronidase gene in shoot primordia of Haplopappus gracilis by use of a pneumatic particle gun Triterpenoid constituents of tissue cultures and regenerated organs of Taraxacum officinale タカネビランジ(Silene keiskei var. akaisialpina)の大量増殖 Formation of oil bodies in cultured shoot primordia of Matricaria chamomilla バラ葉外植片からのカルス誘導と個体再生系の確立 トレニア節間培養における花芽形成に及ぼす糖の影響 ポプラ懸濁培養細胞のペクチナーゼ添加によるトリテルペンの生成 高速液体クロマトグラフィーによるククモピン、ミキモピンの分析 Subtractive hybridization

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Plant tissue culture letters
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