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JALT postconference publication 2022
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsRecruiting for Japanese EMI programs : insights from online job posts Score differences between the paper-based and online TOEIC L&R Junior high school teachers’ perspectives on integrating computers in lessons Interdepartmental collaborative lesson research (CLR) in a Japanese university Native-speakerism in higher education through the eyes of non-Japanese NNESTs. Reflections on international school practicums by pre-service teachers Teacher-student contact moments in classrooms in Japanese secondary schools Second language motivational self system of advanced JFL learners Reappraisal of the L2 experiences after return to Japan Phonetics applied : an acoustic analysis of Japanese L2 English Introducing collaborative learning logs in a first-year university classroom Self-determination theory : research and practice for language educators Reflection-in-action : insights from high school writing classes Creating motivating homework for young learners through Khan Academy Kids Clarifying classroom responsibilities in elementary English education SDGs project-based learning through the use of technology for young learners Analysis of model conversations in junior high school textbooks Corpus analysis of Reddit conversations related to the 2020 Olympic Games An analysis of pragmatic markers presented in ELT textbooks A critical review of tasks published by JALT’s TBLT SIG A production-enhanced PPP approach for teaching conversation strategies L2 writing anxiety of Japanese high school learners Japanese teachers’ attitudes towards classroom-based assessment Drama for foreigners’ Japanese learning and integration : theatre vs video Blended synchronous learning : integrating remote and face-to-face learners Team-based learning for developing academic skills through collaboration Readings from students, demos from teachers : LiLT SIG forum A podcast format for expanding knowledge through engaging with expertise Evaluating mobile-assisted extensive reading in EFL coursework The potential of machine translation to provide texts for extensive reading Teacher perspectives of machine translation in the EFL writing classroom
JALT postconference publication 2021
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEncouraging language development in young learners through craft activities The efficacy of a person-to-person tutoring program in a university context Learners’ opportunities to practice speech acts in English language teaching textbooks Reflections on student-led lessons as part of project-based language learning Japanese students’ reflections and perceptions on video screen capture feedback Developing third-age learners’ communicative competence using communicative language teaching Cultivating autonomous learning with a language learning strategy database Self-assessment through reflection Foreign language enjoyment and anxiety in the communicative classroom Rethinking the notion of language learning : engagement with English Impact of assistant language teachers on English education in Shizuoka Occupational power and NS–NNS/novice–expert relationships in preservice team teaching English teacher motivation and students’ perspectives in Japanese secondary schools Student writings with DeepL : teacher evaluations and implications for teaching A CAF perspective on L2 development through writing practice : an exploratory study Vocabulary gains in a Japanese university extensive reading program Looking back, thinking forward : literature in language teaching forum 二つの理論を活用したサマリーライティングの指導 Developing strategies for the effective creation and sharing of notes Creating high quality audio for listening materials Student reflections on the effectiveness of shadowing and listening practice Aural recognition of English-based loanwords by Japanese learners A textbook analysis : with focus on foreign language activities A close examination of vocabulary in Japanese EFL textbooks Using technology to assess interactive skills in a speaking test An online application for exploratory and explanatory data analysis Benefits of SEL in a foreign language and exam preparation class JHS online-communication experience : enhancing willingness to communicate Effects of perceived race on comprehensibility, intelligibility, and accentedness ratings Reflections and new perspectives : the 2021 GALE SIG forum report Metaphorical vocabulary in English as a medium of instruction courses Merits and drawbacks of synchronous and asynchronous L2 German instruction Using transcription and conversation analysis for a learner of Japanese
JALT postconference publication 2020
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsGraphical data analysis Distributed creativity : language learning and the craft approach to creativity Problems redesigning university EFL curricula : a case study Gender, language, and community : GALE SIG forum Special education policy and EFL in Japan Self-disclosure through self-compassion : a window on the mind of teachers Teacher development through podcast engagement Voluntary peer observation Qualitative study of EMI teachers’ required competencies and support needs The impact of foreign language learning on foreign language teaching Analyzing Japanese university English teachers’ self-efficacy to teach online Stories about ourselves : a collaborative, international materials and teacher development project Phonology-based instruction for pre-literacy Japanese elementary students Speaking English with preschoolers : using language to further children’s development Sources of speaking EFL self-efficacy of Japanese university students Students’ experiences of emergency remote teaching Motivational change after curricular revision : intersections with out-of-class time use Rural Japanese students’ sentiments regarding Japanese teachers of English Social anxiety in Japanese learners : implications for English education Near peers impacting local Thai tutors’ intercultural communication competence development Supporting learning during short-term study abroad : evaluating a pedagogical intervention L2 vocabulary knowledge across modes of production : a pilot study Critical corpus analysis of ALTs’ online discourse Gairaigo : Japanese EFL learners’ hidden vocabulary Practical steps to support and empower diversity in the classroom Study buddy teams : first-year cooperative learning inspired by Hevruta Active participation in a sci-tech community : collaborative peer review Teacher perceptions and practices in an English conversation lounge Raising cultural awareness in EFL classes Enhancing phrasal verb learning : a quasi-experimental study of different approaches Free conversation : a legitimate use of class time? Teachers as self-directed learning guides A task-based approach to creating English presentations in extracurricular settings Developing intercultural connections and language competence with board games Engagement, task evaluation, and vocabulary acquisition through extensive listening Pragmatic roles of visuals in ELT textbooks Materials development frameworks and the challenges of developing learning materials An analysis of gender representations in an English language textbook Junior high school textbooks : an in-depth analysis Teaching reading skills in "surround sound" Extensive reading with authentic materials Students’ views on ICT for English learning during the pandemic Board games versus smartphone applications : gaming media in EFL contexts COVID-19 pandemic-influenced changes to Japanese university student digital identity Remote peer review : readiness, efficacy, and challenges Creating and maintaining group cohesion in online university classes Researching using YouTube as a method for required English assignments Raising student consciousness about machine translation Correlations between IELTS and TOEIC scores The CEFR-J hierarchy and its relationship with TOEIC listening and reading
JALT postconference publication 2019
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsConstructing identity through practice : preservice teachers’ narratives of practicum Do Black Lives Matter in Japan? : teaching race in EFL Reflections and insights from experiences doing quantitative research ALT, JTE, and team teaching : aligning collective efficacy Podcasting : spaces for connection and development Issues of representation in Japanese junior high school English textbooks Japanese junior high school English textbook input and wh-question formulation English coursebook adoption processes for junior high schools in Japan Empowering teenage English language learners through creative projects Variety, volatility, intensity : understanding key characteristics of individual learner differences Improving accessibility : developing learner agency Measuring resistance and engagement : the linguaculture motivation profiler A closer look at language learning strategies Senpai : learner responses to a near-peer role modeling intervention Bridging pedagogical gaps with learner agency University students’ perceptions of the key elements of cooperative learning Tracking and influencing learning motivation Apathy, agency, and sociocultural mediation in a university English course Learner motivation from a teacher perspective Rethinking global jinzai policy: exploring university students’ attitudes Keeping the aged engaged : a quantitative study of lifelong learning Validating the language mindsets inventory The impact of instruction in English on learning anxiety Post-encounter motivation during study abroad Anxiety, self-efficacy, and the role of study abroad Intercultural impact from a short-term study-abroad program in Thailand Ideas for designing and implementing portfolios for short-term study abroad ESP for ceramic artists : exploring the demonstrative artist talk genre An exploration of recursive conversations and learner performance Present perfect : effects of learning environment Tell and let know : a corpus-based study Do EFL textbooks in Japan cause lexical priming? Loanwords and pragmatic competence Vocabulary usage in second language presentations Reflective practice on movie scene performances : exploring our teacher efficacy Exercises to boost self-esteem and self-realization Phonemic awareness : a core phonological skill in learning English Promoting student intercultural communicative competence in the Japanese context Making a lecture course student centered : steps and issues Student action logging creates teacher efficacy Learner agency through language portfolios Discussion leadership in the EFL classroom Using tasks to teach communication strategies Developing learning strategies through a multimodal vocabulary project Passion project journaling in the EFL classroom Creating and implementing communicative tasks according to VanPatten’s principles Engaging the world from the English classroom Peer mentoring and development of student agency Using concept maps to facilitate EAP speaking Effects of explicit instruction on text structure in process writing Critical thinking and debiasing : experimentation in an academic writing course Reading circles with Sherlock Holmes graded readers Error analysis : a methodological exploration and application Reading and writing activities on Instagram An exploratory study : how vocabulary instruction influences writing fluency EFL reading in context Three most troubling factors in English writing Building vocabulary and agency with an online app Using quizlet to enhance learner agency and self-efficacy in EFL Learner use of photo-editing software in classes Incorporating an external online test into a university language program Teachers’ beliefs about classroom-based assessment TOEIC listening and reading test and overall English ability What do entrance examinations say about EFL outcomes at universities?
JALT postconference publication 2018
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsGender concerns in Japan's Skype eikaiwa industry Evaluating Littlejohn's (2011) 3-level coursebook analysis framework English-medium instruction and the expanding role of language educators Preparing team-taught lessons through a model of ICC development Foreign working women and child-rearing Teacher motivation and practice in the language learning classroom Role identities of Japanese teachers of English at Japanese universities Diversity through interaction : an interview forum Diversity and motivation in a small school : positioning self-access learning Preservice teachers' narratives of practicum Instructional communication : a course design case Intercultural awareness training : contrast culture method for language educators Using the study abroad experience to augment preservice teachers' practicum E-learning and young learners : a flipped classroom approach Teachers' attitudes to team teaching in Japanese elementary schools Taking small steps into elementary school reading Inclusion in preschools and elementary schools in Japan University students want more interactive lectures Collaborative support for students with disabilities Exploring the effects of recursive conversations on L2 learner beliefs Japanese university students' study habits Learners' beliefs about language learning : a factorial investigation JTE and NEST MOI beliefs in support of learner emotions General and academic wordlists in English-medium instruction programs Interactions in L2 : some features of Japanese learner talk Changes in diversity and inclusion in textbook images over time Investigating teachers' perceptions of fluency English aspect : L1 transfer and explicit instruction Teachers' practices and beliefs about grammar teaching Facebook as a tool for learning L2 German Critical literacy in beginner-level Japanese language classrooms Promoting gender diversity in the classroom through drag Formulaic sequence acquisition in academic writing : examining different interventions Teaching requesting to EFL learners : a conversation analysis-informed approach Teaching strategies for incorporating diversity Planning and making the transition to a flipped classroom Knowing the future : predictive processing in the ELT classroom Vocabulary acquisition through flowcharts Designing principled academic discussion tasks The case for teaching morphosyntax and principles for doing so 多言語多読の意義と可能性 : 多読実践報告を通じて A student-generated list of freewriting topics Focus on field in an advanced reading classroom Improvement in the quality of students' writings : six case studies Teacher and student perspectives on written feedback Importance of evaluative reading for the development of critical thinking The effectiveness of content-based instruction on beginners' writing skills Augmented/virtual reality promises for ELT practitioners Task-based methods and iPad materials for active learning Making videos as assessment tasks in Japanese senior high school
JALT postconference publication 2017
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsReflecting on teacher roles using visual methods "Creativity" in Japanese education policy Global educators, local connections Attitudes towards research among college educators Collaborative deconstruction of native-speakerism Japanese students' attitudes towards using SNSs for learning German Second language identity development of short-term study abroad students Teaching to engage : deriving practical conclusions from longitudinal data Syllabus design and foreign language anxiety Japanese EFL student perception of gender representation Assessing motivation and instruction for languages at Japanese JHSs Encountering religion on university study abroad Parallel native-speakerisms? Eikaiwa learner perceptions of teachers of Japanese Learning opportunities among expert-novice pairs in the L2 classroom Workplace English usage in Japan : pregraduation expectations to postgraduate experiences Talking to think in small group and whole-class discussion Personal stories in popular TED talks Typefaces in ELT textbooks : what typeface style is most common? Using a disjunctive marker to teach English in English Vocabulary in junior high school textbooks and exams Language teaching through English textbooks in Japan and Korea An integrated university language curriculum Creating TV commercials in an EFL classroom Incentivizing participation in the classroom Self-generated questions for critical thinking Positive psychology : from the classroom to the world Critical thinking and discussions in a Japanese university EFL setting Promoting interest in English : creating relevant and meaningful connections The development and effects of a university English immersion camp Performance-assisted learning : enabling students to thrive and jive Student-produced podcasts for pronunciation development Student voices guiding class content in a PBL English classroom Flipping the 4-3-2 activity NESTs, JTEs, students, and time : differences in MOI attitudes English-medium instruction in Japanese universities : history and perspectives Moving toward CLIL for early childhood educators in a university English tourism support in small Japanese towns A CLIL approach to promoting autonomy Effect of written feedback language on motivation High performance ER in a Japanese university : yes, they can! Impact of writing models on accuracy, complexity, and overall performance Exploring online and extensive reading in an oral English course Flipping the classroom with Google Forms and online video lessons Integrating QR codes into ELT materials Exploring the effects of blogs on EAP students' journal writing Improving feedback on academic writing : combining wikis and screencasts Assessing intercultural understanding through a speaking test Balancing real-time vs. postperformance feedback for EFL presentation classes
JALT postconference publication 2016
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsLearner native-speakerism at the eikaiwa gakkou What we gain from ELT professional presentations Online English study : perceptions of language ownership in Japan Collaborative teacher observations : a case study Teacher diaries : aid to introspection and support for novice teachers Teachers learning from teachers Professional identity among limited-term contract university EFL teachers in Japan The vicious triangle : CLT, native speakers, and "English-only" classrooms Teacher demotivation in a national eikaiwa chain in Japan Professional development in an online learning setting through collaborative dialogue CELTA : part-time or intensive? making the right choice Sharing experiences with quantitative research Usage issues and sourcing images for teacher-made materials Edcamp and innovation in professional development for ALTs Moving towards better quantitative data analysis in FLL research 2015 JALT membership survey : trends, issues, and solutions Introducing the family reading project Practicalities of team teaching : recent research and experience in Japan Writing original speeches : ideals vs. realities Exploring motivational profiles in public elementary school English classes Speaking education in Japanese high schools : teacher and student views Back-to-the-future essays aid study abroad gains Second language learners' speech perception Changing orientations to English during English-medium study abroad in Thailand Student-reported creativity and language output : assessing hypotheses Fukushima and beyond : teaching trauma survivors Learner views on learner autonomy : what teachers can do Use(s) of the L1 in L2 German collaborative tasks Discourse markers in the classroom Paper or electronic dictionaries : a comparison In school vs. at school : corpora and confidence Grammar instruction : teaching English aspect to Japanese learners of English A critical look at culture in EFL textbooks in Japan Transforming courses through presentation skills Gearing up for the Olympics in English classes Transforming classes through group dynamics : from theory to practice Transforming foreign language classes with movies Project-based learning for global communicative competence Pecha kucha : transforming student presentations Transformation through speech, drama, & debate Using pop culture to teach HIV/AIDS awareness EMI, CLIL, & CBI : differing approaches and goals Rating English-medium instruction degree programs at Japanese universities The development of a coordinated "foundation" university CLIL course Combining cross-cultural understanding and academic writing Impact of explicit teaching of reading strategies Ten-minute writing practice for Japanese high school students Investigating the cognitive processes of translation writing tasks Procedures for a first-step quantitative study : exploring written fluency Teaching academic writing in content-based classes The anatomy of an extensive reading syllabus Difficulties and strategies in argumentative writing : a qualitative analysis Transforming negative attitudes to graded readers Increasing feedback for students with personalized reports and Google Forms The use of Band as a transformative tool for homework Extensive listening using student-generated podcasts Transforming vocabulary learning with Quizlet TOEIC speaking test : a correlational study and test takers' reactions Evaluating a high school discussion test
JALT postconference publication 2015
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsLifelong learning : designing an English education programme for Japan How international are Japanese universities? Improving a university English program : issues from one case study Like that? : The problem with coursebook vocabulary Action research in teacher training programs : what do teachers learn? Inverted curriculum for ELT teacher development Creativity east and west : preconceptions and misunderstandings Reflecting critical thinking : global perspectives Linguistics instruction for Japanese junior high school students The effects of communicative language teaching on young beginner learners Barriers to effective team teaching with ALTs Pedagogical teacher training for ALTs in Japanese public schools Introducing freewriting to a Japanese high school English class Process writing and its relevance to Japanese high school students 小学校英語にCBI/CLILを : メリットとコツ Learner-centered cultural understandings Commerce high school students' interests in and attitudes towards English Writing outside the box : creativity in the EFL classroom Exploring mature, highly proficient L2 learners' reading motivations and attitudes EFL learners' stories : ideal L2 self and their learning experiences Using Q methodology to investigate L2 possible selves Raising awareness of language learners with color vision disabilities EFL student L1 preference changes : proficiency and time The effects of English learning on mental illness Learners' choice : exploring pragmatic subjectivity through video Dreams of my mother : investigating bilingual development and linguistic identity Peer mentoring : an NPRM-driven online group The effect of teacher verbal feedback on postgraduate student participation Small talk : Sociopragmatic discord in the business English classroom I think so too : assessments and agreements Reconsidering IRF sequences : a focus on team-teaching classrooms How a global model can positively influence English language teachers Writer visibility in TESOL research articles by Japanese writers Survey of English pronunciation teaching : college teachers' practices and attitudes L2 German students' perceptions regarding the effectiveness of collaborative tasks The reflective learning journal in the classroom Perspectives on note taking in EFL listening Image schema-based instruction in English grammar Curtailing or sustaining "off-task" interaction : a conversation analytic study Using pictures and themes to teach collocations Increasing university students' willingness to communicate via skills training Study logs for self-regulated vocabulary learning Achieving quality peer interaction in EAP programs Making pragmatics and grammar work hand in hand Discussions without argument in English classrooms Embracing failure : the missteps to success Making a reading passage just that in an EMP lesson Reading for speed and breadth : TR and ER EFL learners' problem solving while writing : a think-aloud protocol study Making the change from essay writing to blogging Developing syntactic complexity in L2 writing Planning activities and freewriting Using Wikipedia to make English academic writing meaningful for undergraduates English-medium instruction in Japan : discussing implications for language teaching CLIL in Japan : university teachers' viewpoints Teaching content through the medium of English : faculty perspectives Global learning through international collaboration Community outreach and autonomous learning Digital sojourn : empowering learners through English as a lingua franca Effects of adding clickers to think-pair-share for learning English grammar English-Japanese email exchange project The efficacy of student self-assessments for academic speeches Presentation peer assessment : friendship matters? TOEIC Speaking test and willingness to communicate Self-assessment of intercultural communicative competence Student-created vocabulary tests
JALT conference proceedings 2014
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsGlobal education and classroom teaching : from CBI to EMI University EFL misaligned expectations : overcoming learning disjuncture University teaching in the internationalized era Critical thinking and EFL at university : towards a trans-disciplinary classroom Demystifying current trends in language education Integrating a functional approach with Japanese junior high school teaching practices Learner development across borders : reports from the LD SIG forum Proactive professional development : a connected educator Collaborative approaches to outreach JALT forum : reimagining contemporary EFL curricula An understanding of why ESL teachers teach Communicative competence in high school? really? Investigating phonological changes following English speech contest participation in Japan In-service training for teaching English in elementary schools in Japan Classroom interaction in elementary eikaiwa classes Video conferencing for intercultural education Curriculum development for English classes in the fifth grade of elementary school Extensive reading start-up in junior and senior high school German or Japanese? Japanese German students evaluate their teachers' language An examination of student preferences for pre-discussion planning Student perspectives on a short-term study abroad experience 日本人成人学習者の英語学習過程 Freshman international students' English study at a Japanese university Learner reflections on listening strategies to foster learner development 大学生の自己効力感と学習行動 Implementing speaking fluency activities 「学習意欲に乏しい大学生の協同学習と音読に対する態度 Intelligibility among Japanese EFL learners : the need for pronunciation practice Student and teacher (mis)matching L1 preferences over time An NPRM approach to study abroad-related motivation and anxiety Disney princesses and the diachronic change of culturally gendered language 「は」と「が」の用法理解の実態と構文別指導の効果 The conditional relevance of native speaker pronunciation in ELF situations Reported speech : a central skill of conversation Quantification of MAKE collocations in high school English course textbooks Direction of translation from English to Japanese Chase or pursue : a corpus-based study English as a lingua franca : towards changing practices Teaching literature in translation in the EFL classroom Black swan theory and PBL in Japanese universities Learning about PBL from foreign students Screen English : a practical movie course guide A study on note taking in EFL listening instruction A systematic approach to making textbook supplements Creating supplementary readings : JTE and ALT roles Intercultural communication : filling the gaps Teaching intercultural competence : more than just culture How critical thinking is taught in high school English textbooks Gratitude project : writing, reading, and reporting Extensive reading, listening, and shadowing with graded reader CDs No more zzz's : audience engagement during oral presentations From theory to practice : reading EAP literature using critical theory Literature in language teaching SIG forum : literature across borders Measuring the effects of reading fluency practice and extensive reading on L2 reading fluency Between the lines : teaching inference to students who don't read Creating a literary quote and picture task Pedagogical implications of effective corrective feedback on L2 writing An instructional approach to persuasive writing Shadowing the masters : a revision activity for narrative writing Good writing from a student's perspective Online speech-to-text for speech training : the perspective of learners of English Mixing ancient and modern : dictation and internet media combinations Exploiting movies effectively Five Japanese students' self-directed learning with ICT : an exploratory study Collaborative stop motion projects for academic writing TOEIC survey : speaking vs. listening and reading Using genre to evaluate spoken English Assessing L2 pragmatic development : Pragmatics SIG Forum Student assessment preferences in an ER program How teacher : raters assess learners' pronunciation Validating a high school test of English conversation Self-, peer, and teacher assessments of student presentation videos
JALT conference proceedings 2013
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsDeveloping Likert-scale questionnaires The growth of English medium instruction in Japan Implementing research beyond your classroom : lessons learned Issues related to the internationalizing of Japanese universities Modelling the generation and maintenance of classroom rapport LD SIG forum : transitions in the lives of learners and teachers Orientation for ELF teachers : lessons learned Self-reflections through the looking glass : perspectives of instructors and trainers Can-do self-evaluation by English camp participants Enhancing global learning with web-based content Flipped student-activity videoing for expansive learning at home MEXT-approved EFL textbooks and the new Course of Study Oyako eigo : an English program for parents and children School-wide collaborative action research for curriculum development Teaching English literacy cooperatively to bilingual children via videoconferencing Vocabulary recall in young learners : an action research project Complexity and fluency indicators of “good” speakers Disfluency : an opposite or an absence? English and Japanese vocative use in a multiethnic community in Japan Language acquisition of mixed roots individuals in Japan Learner autonomy in university English classes Perception of prosodic cues by Japanese EFL learners Older adult FL learning : instructors’ beliefs and some recommendations Student willingness to use social networks Teachers and students : at L1 odds in the EFL class Triggering factors of learners’ attention shifts in L2 oral production Unheard voices : students’ experiences and perspectives on a tertiary English course Willingness to communicate and group cohesion Accept, admit, and recognise in use : a pedagogical corpus study Frequent adjective + noun collocations for intermediate English language learners Metaphors, culture, and the classroom Analyzing EFL literature circle discourse : scaffolding with five story elements Business English as a lingua franca : repair, preference, and turn taking Effects of self-evaluation on oral presentations in reading classes Encouraging learner creativity at all proficiency levels with CLT Explicit pronunciation instruction : teaching suprasegmentals to Japanese learners of English Exploiting memories to inspire learning Extensive listening : using authentic materials How Russian teachers of English perceive learners’ native tongue Investigating student group discussion participation Is there a place for instructed gesture in EFL? Issues related to teaching oral presentations in Japanese universities Knowing culture through music Researching out-of-class activities for group work Speech Acts : piloting a pragmatics course in the Japanese context Starring roles : learner autonomy in drama activities Using adapted Frayer model as graphic organizer for graph vocabulary Using language teaching history to advocate task-based teaching Creative writing in ELT : extremely short stories Experiences of Japanese writing instruction : beliefs about rhetorical organization Fundamentals of creative writing for Japanese university students A review of process-oriented writing research 中国語母語話者の日本語の文章理解における認知的負荷 教室内での修正フィードバック German teachers’ choice of classroom language 一般化タスク活動の意義と実践の提案 : 中級から上級へ 日本文学の扱いに対する日本語教師の認識の考察 The Special Program visa and assistant Japanese programs in Tasmania Book floods : the benefits of electronic book readers in L2 acquisition A content-specific task-based language program for online business English instruction Data-driven learning and EAP materials development : a corpus-based action research project Effective use of tablet computers in EFL pedagogy Engaging students with a mobile-friendly interactive space Learning vocabulary with digital flashcards Online vocabulary recycling : an institutional trial Potential for MOOCs in foreign language teaching Teaching English through video gaming Adding I don’t know to the Vocabulary Size Test 中国企業におけるBJTビジネス日本語能力テストの評価 : 体験テストを使用して Genre features of the listening texts in the TOEIC Interlocutor proficiency in paired speaking tests Student perceptions and performance on TOEFL iBT independent writing tasks

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