
Bulletin of glaciological research

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Bulletin of glaciological research 28
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Table of ContentsCurl mechanism of a curling stone on ice pebbles
Bulletin of glaciological research 27
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Table of ContentsMeasurements of peroxide concentrations in precipitation and dew water in Toyama, Japan Development of a hot water drilling system for subglacial and englacial measurements Resolution of environmental variation by detailed analysis of YM85 shallow ice core in Antarctica A snow algal community on the surface and in an ice core of Rikha-Samba Glacier in western Nepali Himalayas
Bulletin of glaciological research 26
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Table of ContentsWater balance and mass balance in a mountainous river basin, Northern Japan Alps Chemical dynamics of snowpack in the Northern Japan Alps during snowmelt season Chemical Characteristics of Snowpack due to Differences in Snowfall Type in Japan Alps Simulation of cryovolcanism on Saturn's moon Enceladus with the Green-Naghdi theory of thermoelasticity Miaoergou Glaciers in the Kalik Mountains, western China : report of a reconnaissance for future ice core drilling and biological study Hot water drilling and glaciological observations at the terminal part of Rhonegletscher, Switzerland in 2007
Bulletin of glaciological research 25
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Table of ContentsThe alteration in the pollen concentration peak in a melting snow cover Mass balance studies of the Dokriani Glacier from 1992 to 2000, Garhwal Himalaya, India Surface temperature estimation from Landsat ETM+ Data for a part of the Baspa Basin, NW Himalaya, India Application of ground-penetrating radar and high-density electrical sounding for the study of seasonally frozen ground
Bulletin of glaciological research 24
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Table of ContentsInterannual variation of summertime precipitation over the Qilian Mountains in Northwest China Spatial distribution of thermal properties on debris-covered glaciers in the Himalayas derived from ASTER data Deposition analysis of non sea-salt sulfate and nitrate along to the northwest winter monsoon in Hokuriku district by a snow boring core and bulk samples Topographical survey of end moraine and dead ice area at Imja Glacial Lake in 2001 and 2002 Long-range transportation of contaminants from the Asian Continent to the Northern Japan Alps, recorded in snow cover on Mt. Nishi-Hodaka-Dake Recent glacier advances at Glaciar Exploradores, Hielo Patagónico Norte, Chile Glacier variations of Hielo Patagónico Norte, Chile, for 1944/45-2004/05 Meteorological observations during 2002-2004 in Lunana region, Bhutan Himalayas The glaciological expedition to Mount Ichinsky, Kamchatka, Russia Surfacewater-groundwater interaction in the Heihe River basin, Northwestern China Glaciological and geomorphological studies at Glaciar Exploradores, Hielo Patagónico Norte, and Glaciar Perito Moreno, Hielo Patagónico Sur, South America, during 2003-2005 (GRPP03-05) Dynamic observations focused on dry avalanche and occurrence conditions of large-scale dry slab surface avalanche
Bulletin of glaciological research 23
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Table of ContentsRelationship between seasonal trends in stream water chemistry and forest type in a snowy temperate region of northwestern Honshu, Japan Threshold wind velocity for snow drifting as a function of terminal fall velocity of snow particles Meteorological observation at July 1st Glacier in northwest China from 2002 to 2005 Hydrological observations at July 1st Glacier in northwest China from 2002 to 2004 Differences in cardio-respiratory responses to snow shoveling and shovel performance between elderly males and females Glacier shrinkages and climate conditions around Jichu Dramo Glacier in the Bhutan Himalayas from 1998 to 2003 Topographical survey of July 1st Glacier in Qilian Mountains, China Distribution of permafrost on the west slope of Mt. Ichinsky, Kamchatka, Russia Study of the internal structure of the Kuranosuke snow patch in central Japan using ground penetrating radar survey Preliminary observations of sub-surface and shallow ice core at July 1st Glacier, China in 2002-2004 Water levels and temperatures in moulins, and other hydrological observations at Bashkara Glacier in Caucasus, Russia, in September 2005
Bulletin of glaciological research 22
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Table of ContentsA large amount of biogenic surface dust (cryoconite) on a glacier in the Qilian Mountains, China Assessment of glacier shrinkage from the maximum in the Little Ice Age in the Suntar-Khayata Range, North-East Siberia Analogous simulation of the annual runoff of Heihe River (China, Qilianshan) Slope lapse rates of temperature in Din Gad (Dokriani Glacier) catchment, Garhwal Himalaya, India Characterisation of liquid water content and snow density in a cross-country race ski track Measurements of peroxide concentrations in precipitation in Toyama and in the snow pit at Murododaira, near the summit of Mt. Tateyama Effect of winter warming on the stream water acidification Effect of clouds and free water on snow albedo Determination of amino acids in ice samples Numerical simulation of glacial-valley cross-section evolution Concentrations, deposition rates and source variations of n-alkanes in Sofiyskiy Glacier, Russian Altai Mountains Snow pit studies and radio-echo soundings on Mt. McKinley 2004 Debris-mantle formation of Wrputu Glacier, the Tianshan Mountains, China Overview of Glaciological Research Project in Patagonia 2003 A 34-year-long record of mass balance and geometric changes of the Djankuat Glacier, Caucasus
Bulletin of glaciological research 21
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Table of ContentsStability of drifting snow-type perennial snow patches Evaporation and percolation effect on melting at debris-covered Lirung Glacier, Nepal Himalayas, 1996 Meteorological characteristics in upstream regions of the Qira River, Kunlun Mountains, China An estimate of spatial ratios for preferential water flow in a melting snowpack Glaciological observations on July 1st glacier in Qilian Mountains of west China during summer 2002 Morphostratigraphy of moraines in the Lago Tranquilo area, Chilean Patagonia Recent thickening trend of Glacier Perito Moreno, southern Patagonia Variation and lake expansion of Chubda Glacier, Bhutan Himalayas, during the last 35 years Glaciological observations on the plateau of Belukha Glacier in the Altai Mountains, Russia from 2001 to 2003 Stratigraphy and ice grains of a 25.3m ice core from Sofiyskiy Glacier, Russian Altai Mountains, in 2001 Shallow ice-core drilling at Mount Wrangell, Alaska Outline of 2002 : research activities on glaciers and glacier lakes in Lunana region, Bhutan Himalayas Water surface waves induced by calving events at Perito Moreno Glacier, southern Patagonia
Bulletin of glaciological research 20
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Table of ContentsEvaluation of glacierized area of mountainous river basin in transition Positive degree-day factors for ice ablation on four glaciers in the Nepalese Himalayas and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Chemical property of snow meltwater in a snowy temperate area Effect of cryoconite and snow algal communities on surface albedo on maritime glaciers in south Alaska Glacier distribution in the Himalayas and glacier shrinkage from 1963 to 1993 in the Bhutan Himalayas Influence of surface debris on summer ablation in Unteraar- and Lauteraargletscher, Switzerland Field-performance tests of a portable low-frequency ice-penetrating radar and a ground-penetrating radar at Athabasca Glacier, Canadian Rockies Ice core drilling at King Col, Mount Logan 2002 An overview of the Japanese glaciological studies on Mt. Logan, Yukon Territory, Canada in 2002
Bulletin of glaciological research 19
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Table of ContentsMeteorological observations at high altitude in the Khumbu Valley, Nepal Himalayas, 1994-1999 The morphology and the growth rate of ice crystals growing in aqueous sucrose solution Stratigraphical structure analysis of the NGRIP shallow ice core using laser tomograph technique Meteorological observation and chemical compositions of precipitation during the winter and spring season in 1997/98 at Siorapaluk, northwestern Greenland Post-depositional modification of magnesium in the S25 core, near the coast in East Antarctica Some shrinking features in the uppermost ablation area of the Khumbu Glacier, east Nepal, 1995-1999 Surface lowering over the ablation area of Lirung Glacier, Nepal Himalayas Heat transfer in the seasonal active layer of Gorshkov Ice Cap on the summit of Ushkovsky Volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula Outline of Japan-Russia joint Glaciological Research on Sofiyskiy Glacier, Russian Altai Mountains in 2000 and 2001 Crystal fabrics of basal ice near Hamna Icefall, East Antarctica Surface albedo and characteristics of cryoconite (biogenic surface dust) on an Alaska glacier, Gulkana Glacier in the Alaska Range Runoff and chemical characteristics of meltwater draining from Koryto Glacier, Kamchatka Peninsula, in 1996 and 1997 Ice avalanche activities at Soler Glacier, northern Patagonia, in the summer of 1998 Field study of the Pole Markova glacier system, Kronotsky peninsula, Kamchatka, Russia in 2000 On the intensity of ice melting in supraglacial and englacial channels Reconnaissance on the No. 31 Glacier in the Suntar-Khayata Range, Sakha Republic, Russian Federation Application of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for determination of sodium in ice

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